KRI 59 Karena Kasih-Nya
It Was Love
E. C. Heidelberg
1=F 4/4
Versi Version 1
M'ngapa Yesus turun dari surga,
masuk dunia g'lap penuh cela;
berdoa, bergumul dalam taman,
cawan pahit pun dit'rima-Nya?
M'ngapa Yesus menderita, didera,
dan mahkota duri pun dipakai-Nya?
M'ngapa Yesus mati bagi saya?
Kasih-Nya, ya kar'na kasih-Nya.
M'ngapa Yesus mau pegang tanganku,
bila ku di jalan tersesat?
M'ngapa Yesus b'riku kekuatan
bila jiwaku mulai penat?
M'ngapa Yesus mau menanggung dosaku,
b'riku damai serta sukacita-Nya?
M'ngapa Dia mau melindungiku?
Kasih-Nya, ya kar'na kasih-Nya.
Versi Version 2
Why did Jesus give up heaven's glory
For this world of sin and misery?
Why did Jesus suffer in the garden,
Drain the bitter cup of agony?
Why did Jesus stand in Pilate's judgement hall,
Wear that cruel crown of thorns so patiently?
Why did Jesus give His life to save me?
It was love, God's wondrous love for me!
Why does Jesus lift me when I stumble
Take my hand whene'er I go astray?
Give the strength I need for each tomorrow,
Grace to face the trials of the day?
Why does Jesus share the load I cannot bear,
Fill my soul with peace and joy beyond degree?
And why does He watch o'er me and keep me?
It was love, God's wondrous love for me!

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