KRI 114 B'rilah Terang
Send The Light
Charles H. Gabriel
1=As 4/4
Versi Version 1
Berkumandang suara dari seberang,
"B'rilah t'rang, b'rilah t'rang."
Banyak jiwa dalam dosa mengerang,
b'rilah t'rang, b'rilah t'rang.
B'rilah t'rang, pelita Injili
menyentak yang terlelap.
B'rilah t'rang, pelita Injili
menyentak yang terlelap.
Kita t'lah dengar jeritan dari jauh,
"B'rilah t'rang, b'rilah t'rang."
Bantuanmu b'rikan janganlah jemu,
b'rilah t'rang, b'rilah t'rang.
Jangan kita tinggal diam mendengar,
b'rilah t'rang, b'rilah t'rang.
Injil Tuhan haruslah kita sebar,
b'rilah t'rang, b'rilah t'rang.
Jangan lelah dalam karya kasih-Nya,
b'rilah t'rang, b'rilah t'rang.
Berbuah seg'ra dan menangkan jiwa,
b'rilah t'rang, b'rilah t'rang.
Versi Version 2
There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless wave,
"Send the light! Send the light!"
There are souls to rescue, there are souls to save,
send the light, send the light!
Send the light, the blessed Gospel light,
Let it shine from shore to shore!
Send the light, and let its radiant beams
light the world forevermore!
We have heard the Macedonian call today,
"Send the light! Send the light!"
And a golden off'ring at the cross we lay,
send the light, send the light!
Let us pray that grace may everywhere abound,
send the light, send the light!
And a Christlike spirit everywhere be found,
send the light, send the light!
Let us not grow weary in the work of love,
send the light, send the light!
Let us gather jewels for a crown above,
send the light, send the light!

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