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ADV (Himnario Adventista)
AG (Aradhana Geethamulu)
AYM (Anointed Youth Missioners)
BE (Buku Ende)
BN (Buku Nyanyian HKBP)
ELI1 (ELI ABOLOJO (Christian Songs, Igala))
ELI2 (ELI KEKE (Short Songs, Igala))
EN (English Hymns)
GB (Gita Bakti)
GBL (Gita Bakti Edisi Lama)
HC (Держись Христа)
JB (Jiwaku Bersukacita: Pujian Sekolah Minggu)
KJ (Kidung Jemaat)
KLIK (Kumpulan Lagu Ibadah Kreatif dan KKR)
KPJ (Kidung Pasamuan Jawi)
KPKA (Kidung Pasamuan Kristen Anyar)
KPKL (Kidung Pasamuan Kristen Lawas)
KPPK (Kidung Puji-Pujian Kristen)
KPRI (Kidung Persekutuan Reformed Injili 2004)
KRI (Kidung Reformed Injili 2017 (Tidak resmi))
LS (Lagu Sion Edisi Lengkap)
LSDAH (ເພັງສມີເສມ (Eternal Songs))
MNR1 (Mazmur & Nyanyian Rohani Buku 1 (Mazmur))
MNR2 (Mazmur & Nyanyian Rohani Buku 2 (Nyanyian Rohani))
MSDAH (ဧဝံဂေလိဓမ္မသီချင်း (Myanmar Gospel Hymnal))
NKB (Nyanyikanlah Kidung Baru)
NKI (Nyanyian Kemenangan Iman)
NNBT (Nyanyikanlah Nyanyian Baru bagi Tuhan)
NP (Nyanyian Pujian)
NR (Nafiri Rohani)
NRM (Nyanyian Rohani Methodist)
PKJ (Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat)
PKS (Pwuhken Koul Sarawi)
PPK (Puji-pujian Kristen)
PPPR (Puji-pujian Pemuda/Remaja)
RRZ (Runyankole Rukiga, Zaburi)
SP (Песнь Хвалы)
SPSS (Śpiewajmy Panu wyd. dziesiąte)
SR (Песнь Возрождения)
SR3300 (Песнь Возрождения 3300 / Song of Revival 3300)
SS (Духовни Песни)
SY (Песни Юности. Том 1 (Songs of Youth, Tome 1))
TSDAH (Worship Songs Hymnal (เพลงสรรเสริญ))
YJ (Юность-Иисусу)
YSMS (Тебе пою, о мой Спаситель)
1 Creator of the Earth and Sky
2 Eternal God, Mover Unmoved
3 God, That Madest Earth and Heaven
4 Many and Great, O God
5 Father, Whose Creating Hand
6 Hear Us, Thou That Broodest
7 O Lord, Be with Us When We Sail
8 Blest Creator of the Light
9 God of the Morning, at Whose Voice
10 God, Our Father, Made the Daylight
11 Let There Be Light, Lord God of Hosts
12 O Blest Creator of the Light
13 O Trinity of Blessed Light
14 Thou, Whose Almighty Word
15 Thou Framer of the Light and Dark
16 Evening and Morning
17 This Day the First of Days Was Made
18 Earth’s Mighty Maker, Whose Command
19 O Boundless Wisdom, God Most High
20 O God, the Joy of Heav’n Above
21 Thou Spakest, Lord, and into One
22 The Beautiful Bright Sunshine
23 Another Year Is Dawning
24 New Wonders of Thy Mighty Hand
25 Creator of the Stars of Night
26 The Maker of the Sun and Moon
27 Most Holy Lord and God of Heaven
28 Almighty God, Who from the Flood
29 The Fish in Wave, the Bird on Wing
30 Maker of Man, Who from Thy Throne
31 Today, O Lord, a Holier Work
33 On Man, in His Own Image Made
34 All Things Bright and Beautiful
35 Oh How Fair That Morning Broke
36 Six Days of Labor Now Are Past
37 Again Returns the Day of Holy Rest
38 Hail! Sacred Day of Earthly Rest
39 Resting from His Work Today
40 Welcome, Day of Sweet Repose
41 Welcome, Sweet Day of Rest
42 Arise, All Souls, Arise
43 The Lord at First Had Adam Made
44 O Breath of Life
45 Christians, Come, in Sweetest Measures
46 Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem
47 When Adam Fell
48 O Let Me Walk with Thee
49 The Hour-Glass
50 Sinner, Come to Jesus
51 Time, with an Unwearied Hand
52 The Upper Window
53 Out of the Ark
54 Welcome for Me
55 Bountiful Harvest
56 God the Father! Whose Creation
57 Praise to God, Your Praises Bring
59 They’ll Soon Be O’er
60 Father Eternal, Ruler of Creation
61 O God, Thy Soldiers’ Crown and Guard
62 Count Me
63 Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
65 Whate’er My God Ordains Is Right
66 Haste, Traveler, Haste!
67 Open Mine Eyes (Crosby)
68 Though Troubles Assail Us
69 The Saints Should Never Be Dismayed
70 Welcome, One and All
71 In All My Lord’s Appointed Ways
72 Poor Esau Repented Too Late
73 Nearer, My God, to Thee
74 We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder
75 I Want Jesus to Walk with Me
76 Blest Hour, When Mortal Man Retires
78 Lo, God Is Here!
79 O Word of God Above
80 Only Begotten, Word of God Eternal
81 O God of Bethel, by Whose Hand
82 Holy Father, in Thy Mercy
83 Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown
84 I Would Not Be Denied
85 Lord, I Cannot Let Thee Go
86 My God, I Know, I Feel Thee Mine
87 Shepherd Divine, Our Wants Relieve
88 My Soul Once Had Its Plenteous Years
89 When I Have Finished My Pilgrimage Here
90 I Am a Poor Wayfaring Stranger
91 A Pilgrim Through This Lonely World
92 Lift Every Voice and Sing
93 I’m Abiding in Canaan Land
94 O the Way Is Long and Weary
95 Awake, My Tongue, Thy Tribute Bring
96 Jesus, the Truth and Power Divine
97 Lord, Speak to Me
98 When Israel Was in Egypt’s Land
99 I Will Pass Over You
100 When I See the Blood
101 Trust in the Promise
102 Captain of Israel’s Host
103 Forward! Be Our Watchword
104 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
105 Steadily Marching On
106 When Israel, of the Lord Beloved
107 When Israel Out of Bondage Came
108 Onward, Soldiers
109 None Is Like God
110 O to Be Like Thee!
111 O Who Like Thee, So Calm, So Bright
112 O God, Beneath Thy Guiding Hand
113 To Thee, O God, Whose Guiding Hand
114 Praise the Lord Through Every Nation
115 Joy in Sorrow
116 The Dawn of God’s Dear Sabbath
117 What Various Hindrances We Meet
118 Being His
119 Great God, the Nations of the Earth
120 Lord of the Lands
121 The Lord of Might from Sinai’s Brow
122 Not to the Terrors of the Lord
123 Another Six Days’ Work Is Done
124 Hail, Happy Morning
125 Safely Through Another Week
126 Welcome, Delightful Morn
127 With Joy We Hail the Sacred Day
128 That Man a Godly Life Might Live
129 Don’t Forget the Sabbath
130 In God’s Most Holy Presence
131 Sabbath Day
132 Beautiful Sabbath
133 Blest Day of God, Most Calm, Most Bright
134 Come, Let Us All with One Accord
135 Dear Sabbath Home
136 Hail, Happy Morning
137 Hail, Thou Bright and Sacred Morn
138 Hail to the Sabbath Day
139 O Day of Rest and Gladness
140 This Is the Day of Light
141 To Thee, O Lord, Our Hearts We Raise
142 God Himself Is with Us
143 God Is in His Temple
144 God Reveals His Presence
145 Approach, My Soul, the Mercy Seat
146 Before Thy Mercy Seat, O Lord
147 From Every Stormy Wind
148 Jehovah, God, Who Dwelt of Old
149 Lord, I Approach Thy Mercy Seat
150 Now Let Our Cheerful Eyes Survey
151 In Thy Holy Place
152 I’ll Live for Him
153 Savior, While My Heart Is Tender
154 Who Is on the Lord’s Side?
155 Who Will Follow Jesus?
156 Who’s on the Lord’s Side?
157 As Now Thy Children Lowly Kneel
158 By Faith We Find the Place Above
159 He Hideth My Soul
160 Great God! To Me the Sight Afford
161 Welcome, Welcome, Day of Rest
162 O Thou Who Camest from Above
163 A Charge to Keep I Have
164 Savior, to Thy Mercy Seat
165 A Song and a Carol for Christmastide
166 I Have Found a Precious Resting Place
167 Take Time to Be Holy
168 A Beautiful Life
169 Is There a Heart O’erbound by Sorrow?
170 Teach Us, O Lord, True Brotherhood
171 My Life, Dear Lord, I Give to Thee
172 Holy Sabbath
173 Lord, This Day Thy Children Meet
174 Opening Hymn
175 Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow
176 Awake! Awake!
177 Our Land for Christ
178 Someone Must Tell the Glad Story
179 Wake the Song of Jubilee
180 Jehovah, God the Father, Bless
181 The Lord Bless You and Keep You
182 ’Twill Not Be Long
183 Be Thou My Vision
184 Far, Far on the Other Side
185 We Are Well Able
186 Our Best
187 Another Look at the Cross
188 I’ve a Message from the Lord
189 Jesus, Lord of Our Salvation
190 Goodly Were Thy Tents, O Israel
191 Come, and Christ the Lord Be Praising
192 What Star Is This, with Beams So Bright?
193 When Marshaled on the Nightly Plain
194 Loyalty to Christ
195 Is Thy Heart Athirst to Know?
196 Loyalty to Christ
197 None Else but Thee, Forevermore
198 None But Christ
199 Little Lamb, Who Made Thee?
200 Father, Lead Thy Little Children
201 To Canaan’s Land I’m on My Way
202 My Lord, I Do Not Ask to Stand
203 Bring in the Children
204 When Quiet in My House I Sit
205 O My God, I Fear Thee!
206 Jesus, in Sickness and in Pain
207 Swell the Anthem, Raise the Song
208 His Mighty Hand
209 Endeavor Hymn
210 Precious Blessings
211 Over Jordan (Graham)
212 God Bless Our Native Land
213 O Brother Man
214 Bless Thou the Gifts Our Hands Have Brought
215 I Bring Thee All
216 Hark! Hark, My Soul! (Allon)
217 Glorious Is Thy Name, O Lord!
218 O God, Great Father, Lord, and King!
219 Weary of Wandering from My God
220 Our God, to Whom We Turn
221 O Lord of Life
222 Let the Sunshine In
223 Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
224 Angel Voices, Ever Singing
225 Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
226 Afflicted Saint, to Christ Draw Near
227 Come Close to the Savior
228 Day by Day
229 Just for Today (Rexford)
230 Trusting in Thee
231 Wait, My Soul, upon the Lord
232 Eternal God, We Look to Thee
233 Held in His Mighty Arms
234 I’ve Found a Refuge
235 Lean on His Arms
236 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
237 My Heart’s Dear Home
238 Rise, Ye Children of Salvation
239 We Come unto Our Fathers’ God
240 The Fire Is Burning
241 There Is a Land of Pure Delight
242 Now Let Our Mourning Hearts Revive
243 God of Grace and God of Glory
244 Look Up! Ye Weary Ones
245 Deep River
246 Disposer Supreme, and Judge of the Earth
247 Rest over Jordan
248 Anniversary Hymn
249 Choose Ye Today
250 Happy the Home When God Is There
251 Once to Every Man and Nation
252 Believing Fathers Oft Have Told
253 Singing I Go
254 I’ll Be a Sunbeam
255 Jesus, Let All Thy Lovers Shine
256 We’ll Outshine the Sun
257 The Sword of the Lord
258 The Lion That on Sampson Roared
259 Bless Us Children Now
260 Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee
261 When Hannah, Pressed with Grief
262 Lord, in the Morning Thou Shalt Hear
263 Sweetly the Holy Hymn
264 Come, Every Pious Heart
265 The Grave Itself a Garden Is
266 How Precious, Lord, Thy Sacred Word
267 My Precious Bible
268 Precious Words
269 There’s a Picture Fair and Bright
270 I Hear Thy Voice
271 Hushed Was the Evening Hymn
272 Master, Speak! Thy Servant Heareth
273 O Master, When Thou Callest
274 The Quiet Hour
275 Speak, O Lord, Thy Servant Heareth
276 Speak to My Soul
277 Talk with Us, Lord
278 A Shout in the Camp
279 Turn Back, O Man
280 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
281 The Lord Hath Helped Me Hitherto
282 By Whom Was David Taught
283 The Lord Be With Us
284 In the Midst of Earthly Life
285 Blest, Blest Forever
286 Father of Love and Power
287 Savior, Breathe an Evening Blessing
288 How David, When by Sin Deceived
289 Ready
290 Again the Lord of Light and Life
291 Lighten the Darkness
292 Come, and Let Us Sweetly Join
293 And Dost Thou Say
294 Give Me, O Lord, Right Views of Thee
295 Dear God, Our Father
296 The Cedar of Lebanon
297 Hail Thee, Festival Day
298 O Thou, Who Gav’st Thy Servant Grace
299 Holy Spirit, Hear Us (Parker)
300 O God of Hosts, with Thy Strong Hand
301 God Be in My Head
302 Now God Be with Us
303 We Love the Venerable House
304 By the Poor Widow’s Oil and Meal
305 Is Thy Cruse of Comfort Wasting?
306 Elijah’s God Still Lives
307 How the Fire Fell
308 Sweeping This Way
309 Beyond, Beyond That Boundless Sea
310 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
311 Hark! There Comes a Whisper
312 God Is Still on the Throne
313 God of the Prophets, Bless the Prophets’ Sons
314 Bring Your Vessels, Not a Few
315 Safely, Safely, Gathered In
316 Jerusalem
317 O for That Tenderness of Heart
318 Heavenly Father, Bless Me Now
319 Jesus, Who Bought Us with His Blood
320 Lord, Source of All Blessing
321 The Answering Time Will Come
322 He Will Answer Every Prayer
323 Coming Up the Road
324 Give Thanks to God the Lord
325 More About Jesus
326 Not Only When Ascends the Song
328 When the Great Sun Sinks to His Rest
329 Sing Out Your Gladsome Carols
330 O Thou in Whose Presence
331 Blessed Redeemer (Crosby)
332 God Is So Good
333 Be Strong!
334 Courage, Brother, Do Not Stumble
335 March On, O Soul, with Strength
336 In the Morning I Will Raise
337 Let Songs of Praise Arise
338 The Service of the King
339 Lord, in the Fullness of My Might
340 The Consecration Hour Is Nigh
341 Lord, in the Strength of Grace
342 Honor and Glory, Power and Salvation
343 Lord, We Come and Offer Praise
344 Now Let All Loudly Sing Praise
345 Lord of All Power and Might
346 And Now This Holy Day
347 For All the Blessing of the Year
349 Praise the Savior, Ye Who Know Him
350 We Thank You, Lord
351 Lord Jesus, Blessed Giver
352 We Give Thee but Thine Own
353 The God of Abraham Praise
354 O Grant Us Light
355 Father, Let Me Dedicate
356 When the Weary, Seeking Rest
357 God of Pity, God of Grace
358 Now to Heaven Our Prayer Ascending
359 Heavenly Father, We Beseech Thee
360 O Lord, Our God, Almighty King
361 Be with Us, Gracious Lord, Today
362 The Old Ship of Zion
363 We Rest on Thee
364 O Happy Day, That Fixed My Choice
365 God of Our Fathers
366 God of Our Fathers, Known of Old
367 God of Our Fathers, the Strength of Our People
368 Lord of Power, Lord of Might
369 Our Fathers’ God, to Thee We Raise
370 Onward, Christian Soldiers
371 With Happy Voices Ringing
372 Little Brown Church in the Vale
373 Thou Gracious Power
374 Book of Books
375 Shouting His Praise
376 Lift the Strain of High Thanksgiving
377 Strengthen for Service, Lord
378 O Jerusalem the Blissful
379 The Fathers Built This City
380 Watched by the World’s Malignant Eye
381 Now Blessing, Honor, Glory, Praise
382 Stand Up and Bless the Lord
383 The Lord Our God Alone Is Strong
384 Joy Is a Fruit That Will Not Grow
385 Honor and Glory, Thanksgiving and Praise
386 O Day of Light and Gladness
387 Come, Humble Sinner
388 Blessed Be the Name (Clark)
389 When Morning Gilds the Skies
390 I Would Not Live Alway
391 What Am I, O Thou Glorious God!
392 The White Coffin
393 Sing, My Soul, to God Who Made Thee
394 He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
395 I Will
396 And Now, My Soul, Another Year
397 Great God, I Own Thy Sentence Just
398 He Lives! The Great Redeemer Lives!
399 I Call the World’s Redeemer Mine
400 I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Medley)
401 I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Wesley)
402 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
403 God Answers Prayer
404 He Knows (Brainard)
405 Hail Father, Whose Creating Call
406 O Thou, in All Thy Might So Far
407 Lord, Behold Us with Thy Blessing
408 God of Might, God of Right
409 Almighty Spirit, Now Behold
410 Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning
411 The Perfect World, by Adam Trod
412 Sound over All Waters
413 Stars of the Morning
414 I Bow My Forehead to the Dust
415 Prostrate, Dear Jesus, at Thy Feet
416 Blest Is the Man Who Shuns the Place
417 Happy the Man Whose Cautious Feet
418 The Man Is Ever Bless’d
419 That Man Is Blest Who, Fearing God
420 Blest Is He Who Loves God’s Precepts
421 He Knows It All
422 O Wherefore Do the Nations Rage?
423 Wherefore Do the Nations Rage
424 Why Did the Gentiles Tumults Raise?
425 Why Did the Jews Proclaim Their Rage?
426 With Restless and Ungoverned Rage
427 God Send Us Men
428 Why Did the Nations Join to Slay
429 Maker and Sov’reign Lord
430 My God, How Many Are My Fears
431 O Lord, How Are My Foes Increased
432 O Lord, How Many They
433 O Lord, How Many Are My Foes
434 Great Source of Unexhausted Good
435 Thy Blessing, O Lord
436 My Prayer
437 My Righteous God, Who Oft of Old
438 O God of Grace and Righteousness
439 When Our Heads Are Bowed with Woe
440 Lord, Thou Wilt Hear Me When I Pray
441 On the Good and Faithful
442 Since All the Downward Tracts of Time
443 Trust (Pethrus)
444 What Shall We Offer Our Good Lord?
445 Holy Spirit, Source of Gladness
446 Through the Day Thy Love Has Spared Us
447 While Sinks Our Land to Realms of Night
448 Hear My Words, O Gracious Lord
449 O Jehovah, Hear My Words
450 ’Tis Jesus
451 Another Day Begun!
452 As the Sun Doth Daily Rise
453 Father, We Thank Thee
454 I with Thee Would Begin
455 My Opening Eyes with Rapture See
456 Now That the Daylight Fills the Sky
457 O Father, Hear My Morning Prayer
458 We Praise Thee, Lord, with Earliest Morning Ray
459 You That Have Spent the Silent Night
460 Jesus, Still Lead On
461 Lead Me, Savior
462 This Is Thy Will, I Know
463 Be Joyful in God
464 Come Ye That Love the Savior’s Name
465 Jesus, I Love Thy Charming Name
466 Jesus, Thy Name I Love
467 O for a Shout of Joy
468 O Let the Heart Beat High with Bliss
469 Lord, I Can Suffer Thy Rebukes
470 Lord, Rebuke Me Not in Anger
471 Have Mercy, Lord on Me
472 Heal Me, O My Savior
473 When My Love to God Grows Weak
474 Now Let Us All Arise and Sing
475 Return to Bless My Waiting Eyes
476 Receive, O Lord, in Heaven Above
477 Jehovah, My God, on Thy Help I Depend
478 My Trust Is in My Heavenly Friend
479 Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!
481 Almighty Ruler of the Skies
482 Lord, Our Lord, Thy Glorious Name
483 O Lord, Our Heav’nly King
484 O Lord, Our Lord
485 Hosanna! Be the Children’s Song
486 O Thou, to Whom All Creatures Bow
487 Lord, What Was Man?
488 Go Forth to Life, O Child of Earth
489 O Lord Most High
490 Whole-hearted Thanksgiving to Thee I Will Bring
491 With My Whole Heart I’ll Raise My Song
492 Come, Let Our Souls Adore the Lord
493 O Light, from Age to Age the Same
494 God Our Refuge
495 He’ll Walk with Me All the Way
496 Around the Throne of God a Band
497 The Lord in Zion Reigneth
498 Through the Night Thy Angels Kept
499 When the Great Judge
500 O Why So Far Removed?
501 Wherefore Is It That Thou, O Lord?
502 Why Dost Thou Stand Afar
503 Why Doth the Lord Stand Off So Far?
504 Why Standest Thou Afar, O Lord?
505 O God, the Help of All Thy Saints
506 Around the Savior’s Lofty Throne
507 Christ the Lord Is King
508 The Lord Is King! (Conder)
509 The Lord Is King! (Crosby)
510 The Lord Is King! (Terry)
511 Make Christ King
512 Flee as a Bird
513 In God Will I Trust
514 Like a Bird to Thee
515 My Refuge Is the God of Love
516 My Trust Is in the Lord
517 Speed for Thy Life
518 The Voice of Free Grace Cries
519 High on His Everlasting Throne
520 Lord Jehovah, in Thy Temple
521 Redemption Ground
522 Help, Lord, for Those Who Love Thee Fail
523 Lord, if Thou Dost Not Soon Appear
524 O Lord, Be Thou My Helper True
525 O Lord, Look Down from Heaven
526 How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me?
527 How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me, Lord?
528 How Long Wilt Thou Conceal Thy Face?
529 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
530 On Our Way Rejoicing
531 Fools in Their Heart Believe and Say
532 The God Who Sits Enthroned on High
533 Lord of All Worlds
534 The Mouth of Fools Doth God Confess
535 Lord, Who Shall Come to Thee
536 Who, O Lord, with Thee Abiding
537 Who Shall Ascend Thy Heav’nly Place?
538 Who Shall Inhabit in Thy Hill?
539 Why Doth the Lord Stand Off So Far?
540 God, Keep Me Safe
541 O God, Preserve Me
542 Preserve Me, Lord
543 To Thee, O Lord, I Fly
544 Ye Men of Israel, Hear
545 All Will Be Well
546 My God, I Am Thine
547 Only God Can Bring Us Gladness
548 Oh to Be Over Yonder
549 How Fast Their Guilt and Sorrows Rise
550 God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage
551 I Set the Lord Before My Face
552 Lord, Be Thy Word My Rule
553 When God Is Nigh
554 When in the Night I Meditate
555 All the Day
556 All Things in Jesus
557 The Bright Forever
558 Eternal Source of Joys Divine
559 Father, in Thy Mysterious Presence Kneeling
560 He Set the Joy-Bells Ringing
561 I Am Happy in Him
562 How Tedious and Tasteless
563 Lord, We Thank Thee for the Pleasure
564 O Lord of Life, and Love, and Power
565 The Ships Glide in at the Harbor’s Mouth
566 What Joy There Is
567 When the Day of Toil Is Done
568 You May Have the Joy-Bells
569 Lord, Hear the Right
570 Sweet Savior, in Thy Pitying Grace
571 All Praise to Him Who Dwells in Bliss
572 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night
573 The Day Is Slowly Wending
574 He Will Hide Me
575 In His Keeping
576 Keep Me Wholly Thine
577 Keep Thou Me
578 A Love Song
579 The Sun Declines
580 There Is a Safe and Secret Place
581 Thou Tender, Gracious Father
582 Under His Wings
583 Again, as Evening’s Shadow Falls
584 Arise, My Gracious God
585 Lord, I Am Thine
586 My Savior First of All
587 Some Sweet Morn (Simpson)
588 I Love the Lord, His Strength Is Mine
589 I Never Will Cease to Love Him
590 O God, My Strength and Fortitude
591 Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower (Wesley)
592 Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower (Winkworth)
593 Thee Will I Love, O Lord, My Strength
594 We Love Thee, Lord, and We Adore
595 Come, Great Deliverer, Come
596 Rock of Ages
597 Christ Is Born! Tell Forth His Fame!
598 The Lord Descended from Above
599 From Homes of Quiet Peace
600 In Life’s Earnest Morning
601 O Strength and Stay
602 Lord, Thou Hast Seen My Soul Sincere
603 Thou That Dost Save Through Pain
604 O God, Before Thy Sun’s Bright Beams
605 Softly Now the Light of Day
606 Just Are Thy Ways
607 Since with My God with Perfect Heart
608 To Thine Almighty Arm We Owe
609 I Will Ever Sing Thy Praises
610 All Nature’s Works His Praise Declare
611 All Things Praise Thee
612 Angels Holy, High and Lowly
613 Behold, the Lofty Sky
614 The Duteous Day Now Closeth
615 Father, How Wide Thy Glories Shine
616 For the Deep Love That Kept Us
617 God Is the Name My Soul Adores
618 The God of Nature and of Grace
619 Great God, the Heav’ns’ Well Ordered Frame
620 Heaven and Earth, and Sea and Air
621 The Heavens Declare Thy Glory (Watts)
622 The Heavens Declare Thy Glory (Birks)
623 The Heav’ns Resoundeth
624 How Marvelous God’s Greatness
625 Hymn to a Gracious Sovereign
626 In Righteous Glory Reigning
627 Nature with Open Volume Stands
628 O God, I Thank Thee for Each Sight
629 The Sky Can Still Remember
630 The Spacious Firmament on High
631 There Is a Book That All May Read
632 There Seems a Voice in Every Gale
633 To God, the Universal King
634 Once More, My Soul, the Rising Day
635 I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art
636 Jehovah’s Perfect Law
637 O Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace
638 Thy Word, O Lord, Like Gentle Dews
639 I Love the Volumes of Thy Word
640 The Law of God Is Good and Wise
641 Now Woods and Wolds Are Sleeping
642 An Evening Prayer
643 Christ Is the World’s Redeemer
644 Glorious God, Accept a Heart
645 My Dear Redeemer and My Lord
646 Dread Jehovah, God of Nations
647 Now May the God of Power and Grace
648 Carry the Standard Bravely
649 The Royal Banners Forward Go
650 Father, Hear Thy Children’s Call
651 God the Father, God the Son
652 David Rejoiced in God His Strength
653 Now the King in Thy Strength Shall Be Joyful
654 A Year of Precious Blessings
655 He Sang in the Old Church Choir
656 My God, My God, I Cry to Thee
657 Now Let Our Mournful Songs Record
658 O God, My God, Wherefore Dost Thou
659 Why Has My God My Soul Forsook?
660 O God, Above the Drifting Years
661 ’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
662 O Lord, Our Father, Shall We Be Confounded?
663 O’erwhelmed in Depths of Woe
664 Now from the Roaring Lion’s Rage
665 Amid the Thronging Worshippers
666 All Ye That Fear God’s Holy Name
667 The Ends of All the Earth Shall Hear
668 Now Before Thee, Lord, We Gather
669 O Master of the Waking World
670 God of Our Fathers, unto Thee
671 He Leadeth Me
672 He Leads Us On
673 The God of Love My Shepherd Is
674 I Shall Not Want
675 I Wandered Sore Distressed
676 The King of Love My Shepherd Is
677 The Lord Is My Shepherd
678 The Lord My Pasture Shall Prepare
679 The Lord My Shepherd Holds Me
680 The Lord My Shepherd Is
681 The Lord’s My Shepherd
682 My Shepherd Fills My Every Need
683 My Shepherd Is the Lamb
684 My Shepherd Is the Living Lord
685 My Shepherd Is the Lord My God
686 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
687 Safe in the Shepherd’s Care
688 Savior! I Follow On
689 Thou Art My Shepherd
690 Why Should We Start, and Fear to Die?
691 Ye Little Flock Whom Jesus Feeds
692 To Thy Pastures Fair and Large
693 Stand by Me
694 There’s a Light in the Valley
695 Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
696 Light in the Valley
697 O Thou Whose Bounty Fills My Cup
698 I Shall Dwell Forever There
699 The Earth and the Fullness with Which It Is Stored
700 The Earth Belongs to the Lord (Peterson)
701 The Earth Belongs unto the Lord
702 The Earth with All Her Fullness Owns
703 The Earth, with All That Dwell Therein
704 This Spacious Earth Is All the Lord’s
705 Christ of the Upward Way
706 A Day, A Day of Glory!
708 Lift Up Your Heads, Eternal Gates!
709 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates
710 Ye Gates, Lift Your Heads
711 Hail Him the King of Glory
712 Jesus, King of Glory
713 Ye Gates, Lift Your Heads on High
714 King of Glory, King of Peace
715 The King of Glory Standeth
716 The Lord and King of All Things
717 I Lift My Soul to God
718 Lord, I Lift My Soul to Thee
719 Trusting Jesus (Crosby)
720 Grace and Truth Shall Mark the Way
721 Keep Me Thine
722 Lord, to Me Thy Ways Make Known
723 Our Sunday School
724 Look upon Us, Blessed Lord
725 O Teach Me What It Meaneth
726 O Thou God of My Salvation
727 Thou Wilt Remember Me
728 My Sins, My Sins, My Savior
729 Where Shall the Man Be Found?
730 Mine Eyes and My Desire
731 Before Thy Throne, O God, We Kneel
732 Be Thou My Judge, O Righteous Lord
733 Judge Me, O Lord, and Prove My Ways
734 Keep Telling It
735 We Love the Place, O God
736 God Is My Strong Salvation
737 Jehovah Is My Light
738 The Lord Is My Light
739 The Lord of Glory Is My Light
740 Lord of My Life!
741 Lord of Our Life, and God of Our Salvation
742 My Light and My Salvation
743 God Help Our Country to Be Strong
744 The Patriot’s Prayer
745 Surrounded by a Host of Foes
746 O That I Could for Ever Dwell
747 Anywhere with Jesus
748 Hide Me
749 I Will Sing My Maker’s Praises
750 Sing Always
751 O Lord, Give Ear unto My Voice
752 O Lord, Give Heed unto Our Plea
753 Lord, We Come Before Thee Now
754 Soon as I Heard My Father Say
755 To Jesus I Will Go
756 The Good Old Way
757 My God, My Father, Make Me Strong
758 O Lord, to Thee I Cry
759 God of Our Strength, Enthroned Above
760 A Song of Praise
761 The Story Never Old
762 When Wilt Thou Save the People?
763 Ascribe to the Lord Our God
764 Now unto Jehovah, Ye Sons of the Mighty
765 Down at the Cross
766 Glory to the Father Give
767 Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness
768 Abode of Peace
769 Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing (Fawcett)
770 When This Song of Praise Shall Cease
771 Wonderful Peace (Cornell)
772 O Lord, by Thee Delivered
773 O, Lord, My God
774 Carol, Carol, Christians
775 From All Thy Saints in Warfare
776 We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer, Creator
777 I Will Extol Thee, Lord on High
778 Lift Your Glad Voices in Triumph on High
779 After the Midnight
780 After the Mist and Shadow
781 The Blasts of Chill December
782 Father, to Thee We Look in All Our Sorrow
783 Gleams of the Golden Morning
784 Hark! Hark, My Soul! (Faber)
785 If Your Heart Keeps Right
786 Joy Dawned Again on Easter Day
787 Joy Dispels Our Sorrow
788 Light After Darkness
789 Meet in the Morning
790 O Child of God
791 Our Highest Joys Succeed Our Griefs
792 Resurrection Morn So Fair
793 Smile and Sing
794 Slowly, Slowly Darkening
795 Firm Was My Health
796 Our Father, unto Thee
797 In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust
798 My Heart Rejoices in Thy Name
799 Jesus, High in Glory
800 I Do Not Ask, O Lord
801 Jesus, Merciful and Mild
802 Into Thine Hand, O God of Truth
803 My Spirit on Thy Care
804 O God of Truth
805 O God of Truth, O Lord of Might
806 Sweet Is Thy Mercy, Lord
807 Father, I Know That All My Life
808 My Times Are in Thy Hand
809 Who Knows How Near My End May Be?
810 How Great the Goodness Kept in Store
811 Indulgent Lord, Thy Goodness Reigns
812 In the Secret of His Presence
813 Because I Love Jesus
814 O God, Thou Faithful God
815 Dare to Be Brave
816 Blest Is the Man, Forever Blest
817 How Blest Is He Whose Trespass
818 O Blessed Souls Are They
819 Happy the Man to Whom His God
820 While I Keep Silence, and Conceal
821 I Know God’s Promise is True
822 Dark is the Night
823 Hide Thou Me
824 Thou Art My Hiding Place, O Lord
825 Father in Heaven, Who Lovest All
826 Precious Promise
827 The Mercy of God Is an Ocean Divine
828 Rejoice, Ye Righteous, in the Lord
829 Ye Holy Souls, in God Rejoice
830 Ye Righteous, in the Lord Rejoice
831 Great God, the World is Full of Thee
832 Blest Is the Nation Where the Lord
833 O God, Hear Thou the Nation’s Prayer
834 O Happy Nation
835 O Lord, Our God, Thy Mighty Hand
836 We’ll Give Our Hearts to Jesus
837 Lord, Thy Mercy Now Entreating
838 We Hope in Thee, O God!
839 At All Times Praise the Lord
840 I’ll Bless the Lord from Day to Day
841 The Lord I Will at All Times Bless
842 My Song Shall Be of Jesus
843 My Song Shall Bless the Lord of All
844 Sing Praise to Jesus
845 We Give Immortal Praise
846 Bring Many Names
847 O Magnify the Lord with Me (Laufer)
848 Through All the Changing Scenes of Life
849 Give to the Winds Thy Fears
850 Thy Way and All Thy Sorrows
851 How You Will Love Him!
852 Come, Children, Learn to Fear to the Lord
853 Tried and True
854 Ye Children Come, Give Ear to Me
855 Come Near Me
856 Lord, When We Bend Before Thy Throne
857 With Broken Heart and Contrite Sigh
858 I Asked the Lord That I Might Grow
859 What Is the Thing of Greatest Price?
860 Be Thou My Helper in the Strife
861 My Soul Before Thee Prostrate Lies
862 Sweetest Joy the Soul Can Know
863 The Fast, as Taught by Holy Lore
864 How Long Must We Wait?
865 The Trespass of the Wicked Man
866 While Men Grow Bold in Wicked Ways
867 Thy Mercy and Thy Truth, O Lord
868 Thy Mercy, Lord, Is in the Heav’ns
869 High in the Heavens, Eternal God
870 Brood O’er Us with Thy Sheltering Wing
871 After the Life-Paths
872 Come to the Fountain
873 Morn of Morns, and Day of Days
874 Thou Art, O God, the Life and Light
875 Fret Not Thyself
876 Why Should I Vex My Soul?
877 Put Thou Thy Trust in God
878 O Lord, I Will Delight in Thee
879 Commit Thou All Thy Griefs
880 Commit Whatever Grieves Thee
881 Wait, and Murmur Not
882 Jehovah Is Our Strength
883 A Little That the Righteous Hold
884 The Good Man’s Steps Are Led Aright
885 The Steps of Those Whom He Approves
886 Amidst Thy Wrath Remember Love
887 In Thy Wrath and Hot Displeasure
888 Alas, My God, My Sins Are Great
889 O the Darkness, O the Sorrow
890 Help Me, O Lord
891 With Firm Resolve I Held My Peace
892 Almighty Maker of My Frame
893 Teach Me the Measure of My Days
894 Another Year Completed
895 Sweeter Sounds Than Music Knows
896 Thou Only Sovereign of My Heart
897 The Year Is Gone, Beyond Recall
898 By Thy Birth and by Thy Tears
899 Hear Me, O Father
900 O My Savior, Hear Me
901 Savior, When in Dust to Thee
902 Standin’ in the Need of Prayer
903 Day After Day I Sought the Lord
904 I Waited for the Lord Most High
905 I Waited for the Lord My God
906 Firm on the Rock I Stand
907 He Brought Me Out
908 He Took My Feet from the Miry Clay
909 He Keeps Me Singing
910 Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus
911 It Is Truly Wonderful
912 Lord, as Thou Wilt
913 Before Thy People, I Confess
914 Thy Tender Mercies, O My Lord
915 How Blest the Man Who Thoughtfully
916 Prayer Is the Key
917 Before Thee, God, Who Knowest All
918 As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams
919 As Pants the Hart for Streams
920 As Thirsts the Hart for Water Brooks
921 As Pants the Hart for Streams
922 Sweet Place
923 Hark to the Bells
924 Sing We Merry Christmas
925 The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended
926 God of My Life, Through All Its Days
927 God of My Life, to Thee I Call
928 My Lord, My Life, My Love
929 Slowly Sinks the Setting Sun
930 Judge Me, God of My Salvation
931 Judge Me, O God, and Plead My Cause
932 Give Light, O Lord
933 Lead Me Higher
934 Search Light
935 Send Down Thy Truth, O God
936 Send Forth, O God, Thy Light and Truth
937 Send the Gospel Light
938 Send the Light
939 Awake, My Soul! To Sound His Praise
940 O God, We Have Heard
941 O Lord, Our Fathers Oft Have Told
942 Our Nation, God, Its Heart to Thee Upraiseth
943 Praise to Our God, Whose Bounteous Hand
944 O God, My Heavenly King
945 Thou Art the Mighty King of Kings
946 If We Have Forgotten the Name of Our God
947 Great Mover of All Hearts
948 God, Who Omniscient Art
949 A Goodly Theme Is Mine
950 I’ll Speak the Honors of My King
951 My Heart Doth Overflow
952 My Heart Is Full of Christ
953 Now Be My Heart Inspired to Sing
954 Ivory Palaces
955 O Royal Bride, Give Heed
956 There Is Coming on a Great Day of Rejoicing
957 God Is a Stronghold and a Tower
958 God Is Our Refuge and Defense
959 God Is Our Refuge and Our Strength
960 God Is the Refuge of His Saints
961 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
962 Mourn for the Thousands Slain
963 O God of Love, O King of Peace
964 Be Still, My Soul
965 Evensong Is Hushed in Silence
966 The Lord Is in His Holy Place
967 All Nations, Clap Your Hands
968 Clap Your Hands, Ye People All
969 Hark! the Sounds of Singing
970 O for a Shout of Sacred Joy
971 Rejoice, Ye People, Homage Give
972 A Shout of Mighty Triumph
973 Lo, God to Heav’n Ascendeth
974 He’s My King
975 O Sing His Praise
976 Savior, Blessed Savior
977 Sing We the King
978 Mighty God, While Angels Bless Thee
979 O God of Earth and Altar
980 O King Most High of Earth and Sky
981 If You Will Only Let God Guide You
982 O Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus
983 O’er the Trackless Ocean Guided
984 Within Thy Temple’s Sacred Courts
985 Great Is the Lord Our God
986 O How the Thought of God Attracts
987 Within Thy Temple, Lord
988 Be Thou My Guardian and My Guide
989 Father of Love
990 From God Shall Naught Divide Me
991 God Makes a Path
992 God of Compassion, in Mercy Befriend Us
993 The Guiding Hand
994 Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide
995 I Little See
996 Jesus Leads
997 Lead Me Gently Home, Father
998 Lead Us, Heavenly Father (Edmeston)
999 Lead Us On
1000 Life’s Railway
1001 Life’s Railway to Heaven
1002 Lord and Savior, True and Kind
1003 To Thine Eternal Arms, O God
1004 Hear This, All Ye People, Hear
1005 Why Should I Fear in Evil Days
1006 No More, Dear Savior, Will I Boast
1007 Dust to Dust, the Mortal Dies
1008 Hark! from the Tombs a Doleful Sound
1009 The Lord Our God Is Clothed with Might
1010 The Mighty God, Jehovah, Speaks
1011 The Mighty God, the Lord
1012 The Lord, the Sovereign
1013 When Saints Gather Round Thee
1014 All Things Are Thine
1015 God of the Earth, the Sky, the Sea!
1016 This Is My Father’s World
1017 The World for God
1018 Thus Speaks the Lord to Wicked Men
1019 God, Be Merciful to Me
1020 Show Pity, Lord, O Lord, Forgive
1021 In Evil Long I Took Delight
1022 Come, Let Us to the Lord Our God
1023 Fountain of Purity
1024 The Lord Will Happiness Divine
1025 The Old-Fashioned Way
1026 Whiter Than Snow
1027 A Clean Heart
1028 Gracious God, My Heart Renew
1029 How Helpless Guilty Nature Lies
1030 More Like the Master
1031 O God, the God That Saveth Me
1032 O Thou That Hear’st When Sinners Cry
1033 Purer Yet and Purer
1034 Pure Within
1035 Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, Alone
1036 With Hearts Renewed
1037 O Hope of Every Contrite Heart
1038 How Good Is the God We Adore
1039 O Mighty Man, Why Wilt Thou Boast?
1040 Fools in Their Heart Have Said
1041 Are All the Foes of Sion Fools?
1042 In Vain the Powers of Darkness Try
1043 The Foes of Zion Quake for Fright
1044 O That the Lord’s Salvation
1045 O Save Me by Thy Name
1046 Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer
1047 Hear Us, Heav’nly Father
1048 Jesus, Savior, We Implore Thee
1049 Jehovah, to my Prayer Give Ear
1050 O God, Give Thou Ear to My Plea
1051 On Joyful Wings
1052 The Wings of a Dove
1053 On God Alone My Soul Relies
1054 Cast Thy Burden on the Lord
1055 I Will Tell It to Jesus My Lord
1056 Lay It Down
1057 Leave It There
1058 Lord, What a Change Within Us
1059 Jesus, I Will Trust Thee
1060 Lord Jesus, Thou Dost Keep Thy Child
1061 O Thou Whose Justice Reigns on High
1062 What Time I Am Afraid
1063 Who Trusts in God, a Strong Abode
1064 For This New Year
1065 My God, in Whom Are All the Springs
1066 O God, Be Merciful to Me (1)
1067 Spirit of Mercy, Truth, and Love
1068 Be Thou Exalted
1069 Be Thou, O God, Exalted High
1070 My Heart Is Fixed, O God (Wesley)
1071 Sing, Ye Ransomed Nations, Sing
1072 In Boundless Mercy
1073 Do Ye, O Men, Speak Righteousness
1074 Protect and Save Me, O My God
1075 I Am Hated, Lord
1076 God of Love and God of Power
1077 Lord, While Afar Our Brothers Fight
1078 O Thou Who Turnest into Morning
1079 O God, Thou Hast Cast Off Thy Saints
1080 O God, Thou Hast Rejected Us
1081 The Banner of the Cross
1082 The Christian Flag
1083 Hold Up the Banner
1084 Keep Your Colors Flying
1085 Now Be the Gospel Banner
1086 Holy Father, Hear My Cry
1087 O God, Regard My Humble Plea
1088 Lead Me to the Rock
1090 Blessed Master, I Have Promised
1091 The Laborer’s Noon-Day Hymn
1092 God of Grace, O Let Thy Light
1093 My Soul in Silence Waits for God
1094 My Soul with Expectation
1095 Wait, O My Soul, Thy Maker’s Will
1096 Blessed Lord, in Thee Is Refuge
1097 Blessed Rock
1098 Trust the Eternal
1099 Early, My God, Without Delay
1100 Hand in Hand
1101 I Hunger and I Thirst
1102 My God! Permit My Tongue
1103 O God, My God, My All Thou Art!
1104 O God, Thou Art My God Alone
1105 O Lord, My God, Most Earnestly
1106 O Saints of Old, Not Yours Alone
1107 Thou Art My God, O God of Grace
1108 When Mother Love Makes All Things Bright
1109 While Thee I Seek, Protecting Power
1110 O God, Thy Power Is Wonderful
1111 Savior, More Than Life
1112 Great God, Indulge My Humble Claim
1113 Jesus Satisfies
1114 Father, the Watches of the Night Are O’er
1115 Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me
1116 Now, on Land and Sea Descending
1117 In the Shadow of His Wings
1118 Hear, Lord, the Voice of My Complaint
1119 Unmoved by Fear, My Praise Is Due
1120 Before Thee, Lord, a People Waits
1121 For Thee, O God, Our Constant Praise
1122 Praise for Thee, Lord, in Zion Waits
1123 Praise Waits for Thee in Zion
1124 God of Love, That Hearest Prayer
1125 Great King of Nations, Hear Our Prayer
1126 Almighty Father, Hear Our Cry
1127 Father, Who Art Alone
1128 The God of Our Salvation Hears
1129 Thy Might Sets Fast the Mountains
1130 The Morning Walks upon the Earth
1131 Fountain of Mercies, God of Love
1132 Break, Newborn Year
1133 Eternal Source of Every Joy
1134 Our Festive Song
1135 Hills of the North, Rejoice
1136 All Lands, to God in Joyful Sounds
1137 Joyfully Sing
1138 O All Ye Peoples, Bless Our God
1139 Come, All Ye People, Bless Our God
1140 And Truly It Is a Most Glorious Thing
1141 Earth, with All Thy Thousand Voices
1142 Let All the World in Every Corner Sing
1143 Lord God, We Worship Thee
1144 Sing to the Great Jehovah’s Praise
1145 Great God! Beneath Whose Piercing Eye
1146 Gracious Father, Guard Thy Children
1147 Come, Ye That Fear the Lord
1148 I Love to Tell the Story
1149 Tell the Sweet Story of Love
1150 God from on High Hath Heard
1151 My God, Is Any Hour So Sweet
1152 Father, Bless Our School Today
1153 God of Mercy, God of Grace
1154 Lord, Bless and Pity Us
1155 May God Bestow on Us His Grace
1156 O God, to Us Show Mercy
1157 Savior of the Nations, Come
1158 Send Thy Blessing
1159 Father, We Praise Thee
1160 O Magnify the Lord with Me (Morris)
1161 Praise to God, Immortal Praise
1162 We Praise Thee, O God
1163 The Kingdom of Song
1164 Sing Away the Shadows
1165 O Father, Who Didst All Things Make
1166 Let God Arise, and by His Might
1167 Let God Arise in All His Might
1168 Let God Arise to Lead Forth Those
1169 Lord, Thy Church Hath Seen Thee Rise
1170 Alleluia, Song of Gladness
1171 God Saved His People from Distress
1172 Lift Up to God the Voice of Praise
1173 White as the Wings of a Dove
1174 Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
1175 The Happy Morn Is Come
1176 Make Me a Captive, Lord
1177 Most Glorious Lord of Life
1178 My Lord and I
1179 O Christ, Thou Hast Ascended
1180 O Lord, Thou Hast Ascended
1181 Our Lord Is Risen from the Dead
1182 See, the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph
1183 When Christ Arose
1184 My God, My King, Thy Praise I Sing
1185 Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing (Buckoll)
1186 With One Consent, Let All the Earth
1187 God Speaks to Us in Bird and Song
1188 O God, of All the Strength and Power
1189 Save Me, O God
1190 Save Me, O God, the Swelling Floods
1191 O God, Our Words Cannot Express
1192 To Bless the Earth, God Sendeth
1193 In Full Assurance of Thy Grace
1194 Where the Wrecks Wash In
1195 O God, Who Metest in Thy Hand
1196 Thy Lovingkindness, Lord, Is Good and Free
1197 The Broken Heart
1198 Though I Am Poor and Sorrowful
1199 O Lord, All Glorious, Life of Life
1200 Raise the Song
1201 All Creatures of Our God and King
1202 Praise Him
1203 Make Haste, O My God, to Deliver
1204 In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust
1205 My Savior, My Almighty Friend
1206 Eternal Father, Strong to Save
1207 Strong, Righteous Man of Galilee
1208 Thou Art My Rock
1209 All My Hope on God Is Founded
1210 Almighty Father of Mankind
1211 God of Our Youth, to Whom We Yield
1212 My Hope, My All
1213 I Will Go in the Strength of the Lord
1214 Fill Thou My Life
1215 Just a Word for Jesus
1216 From Days of Early Youth, O God
1217 O Gracious God, Forsake Me Not
1218 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
1219 Since I Have Been Redeemed
1220 Sing, My Soul!
1221 Great God, Whose Universal Sway
1222 Hail to the Lord’s Anointed
1223 O God, to Thine Anointed King
1224 The Clouds of Judgment Gather
1225 Judge Eternal, Throned in Splendor
1226 All the World for Jesus (Davis)
1227 Bright as the Sun’s Meridian Blaze
1228 Christ Shall Be King
1229 Christ Shall Have Dominion
1230 His Wide Dominion Shall Extend
1231 Jesus, Immortal King, Arise
1232 Jesus Shall Reign
1233 Jesus, the Conqueror, Reigns
1234 Jesus, Thou Everlasting King
1235 Soon May the Last Glad Song Arise
1236 Let the Christ That Is Living Reign over All
1237 We’ll Girdle the Globe
1238 Every Day Will I Bless Thee
1239 Again Thy Glorious Sun Doth Rise
1240 Now Blessed Be the Lord Our God
1241 Heavenly Father, Sovereign Lord
1242 Lord of the Harvest! It Is Right and Meet
1243 To Our Redeemer’s Glorious Name
1244 O God, How Good Thou Art
1245 God Loveth the Righteous
1246 Hold Thou My Hand
1247 Hold Thou My Hands!
1248 In Doubt and Temptation
1249 O Take My Hand, Dear Father
1250 Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me?
1251 Jesus, Thou Art Mine Forever
1252 In Sin I Once Had Wandered
1253 Jesus, Master, Whose I Am
1254 Lord of Earth, Thy Forming Hand
1255 None Other Lamb
1256 O Fly to Him
1257 Only in Thee
1258 To Whom Can I Go?
1259 Wait on the Lord
1260 Whom Have I in Heaven?
1261 My God, My Portion, and My Love
1262 Jesus, We Are Far Away
1263 Delay Not, O Sinner, Draw Near
1264 Ye Neighbors and Friends of Jesus
1265 O Wherefore Hast Thou Cast Us Off
1266 Great God of Abraham!
1267 O God, Thou Art Our King of Old
1268 The Waves of Salvation
1269 The Summer Days Are Come Again
1270 Great God of Nations, Now to Thee
1271 To Thee, O God, We Render Thanks
1272 God Is Known Among His People
1273 Blessed City, Heavenly Salem
1274 Happy Town of Salem
1275 Rise, Crowned with Light
1276 To God I Cried with Mournful Voice
1277 In Time of Tribulation
1278 To God Will I Direct My Prayer
1279 I Thought upon the Days of Old
1280 My Song in the Night
1281 O God, Most Holy Are Thy Ways
1282 Steal Away to Jesus
1283 Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds
1284 My People, Give Ear
1285 O Come, My People, to My Law
1286 Very Bread, Good Shepherd, Tend Us
1287 Days and Moments Quickly Flying
1288 In Thy Heritage the Heathen
1289 Remember Not, O God
1290 God of Our Salvation! Hear Us
1291 Jesu, Lord of Life and Glory
1292 We Lift Our Hearts in Thanks Today
1293 Faithful Shepherd, Feed Me
1294 O Thou Who the Shepherd of Israel Art
1295 Great Shepherd Who Leadest Thy People in Love
1296 Away! Away!
1297 Look Down upon Us, God of Grace
1298 O Heavenly King, Look Down from Above
1299 O Lord of Life, Thy Quickening Voice
1301 Now to God, Our Strength and Savior
1302 O God, Our Strength, to Thee Our Song
1303 Give Me the Enlarged Desire
1304 Fed upon the Finest of the Wheat
1305 Honey in the Rock
1306 Among th’Assemblies of the Great
1307 There Where the Judges Gather
1308 Where’er His Creatures Gather
1309 O Lord Our God, Arise!
1310 O God, Our Maker, Throned on High
1311 O God, No Longer Hold Thy Peace
1312 How Dear to Me, O Lord of Hosts
1313 How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Fair
1314 How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place
1315 Lord of the Worlds Above
1316 O God of Hosts, the Mighty Lord
1317 O Lord of Hosts, How Lovely
1318 The King’s Business
1319 Inspirer and Hearer of Prayer
1320 Lord God of Hosts in Mercy
1321 O Lord of Hosts, to Thee I Cry
1322 How Lovely Are Thy Tents, O Lord
1323 How Lovely, How Divinely Sweet
1324 My Soul, How Lovely Is the Place
1325 Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above
1326 Eternal Sun of Righteousness
1327 Jesus, Sun and Shield Art Thou
1328 Sun of My Soul
1329 Trust and Obey
1330 Lord, Thou Hast Greatly Blessed Our Land
1332 For a Worldwide Revival
1333 God, Renew Us By Your Spirit!
1334 O for That Flame of Living Fire
1335 Send a Wave of Salvation Today
1336 Revive the Hearts of All
1337 Revive Us Again
1339 From Ocean unto Ocean
1340 Salvation Is Forever Nigh
1341 Bow Down Thine Ear, O Lord and Hear
1342 O Savior, I Have Naught to Plead
1343 Lord of Creation, Bow Thine Ear
1344 To My Humble Supplication
1345 How Oft, Alas!
1346 Wilt Thou Forgive?
1347 Among the Princes, Earthly Gods
1348 By All Whom Thou Hast Made
1349 Is There Something I Can Do?
1350 Shine Forth, O Sun of Boundless Love
1351 Teach Me, My God and King
1352 Teach Me, O Lord
1353 Teach Me, O Lord, Thy Holy Way
1354 Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord
1355 Arise, My Soul! My Joyful Powers
1356 Zion, Founded on the Mountains
1357 Zion, on the Holy Hills
1359 Lord, the God of My Salvation
1360 Father, I Stretch My Hands to Thee
1361 Shall Man, O God of Light and Life
1362 I Will Sing the Wondrous Story
1363 Immortal Love, Forever Full
1364 My Song Forever Shall Record
1365 Shall Hymns of Grateful Love
1366 Sing Once More of Jesus
1367 When All Thy Mercies, O My God
1368 Great God of Wonders
1369 The Praises of Thy Wonders
1370 With Reverence Let the Saints Appear
1371 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts
1372 Almighty God, Thy Lofty Throne
1373 Trembling Before Thine Awful Throne
1374 Ring, Happy Bells of Easter Time
1375 O Savior, Lord, to Thee We Pray
1376 In Vision to His Saints God Spake
1377 My God, My Father, Blissful Name!
1378 O Blessed Be the Lord
1379 Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwelling Place
1380 Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwelling Place (Gill)
1381 Lord, Through All the Generations
1382 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past
1383 Ere Mountains Reared Their Forms Sublime
1384 Have Mercy on Us, God Most High
1385 Through Every Age, Eternal God
1386 Thou Glorious God, Before Whose Face
1387 And Am I Only Born to Die?
1388 And Let This Feeble Body Fail
1389 All Men Living Are but Mortal
1390 And Is This Life Prolonged to Me?
1391 Eternity! Eternity!
1392 Thou Who Roll’st the Year Around
1393 The Man Who Once Has Found Abode
1394 My God in Whom I Trust
1395 Now Let Us Come Before Him
1396 O That I Knew the Secret Place
1397 Still Will We Trust
1398 In Grief and Fear, to Thee, O Lord
1399 They Have Gone to the Land
1400 As the Bird Flies Home
1401 The Day Is Past and Over
1402 Lord, When We Have Not Any Light
1403 Now Rest Beneath Night’s Shadow
1404 Now That the Daylight Dies Away
1405 Now the Day Is Over
1406 Softly the Silent Night
1407 St. Patrick’s Breastplate
1408 The Shadows of the Evening Hours
1409 To Thee Before the Close of Day
1410 Before the Ending of the Day
1411 The Day Is Past and Gone
1412 Holy Father, Bless Us
1413 In Mercy, Lord, Remember Me
1414 Stars of Evening, Softly Gleaming
1415 This Night, O Lord, We Bless Thee
1416 Because Thy Trust Is God Alone
1417 Ye Sons of Men, a Feeble Race
1418 All Praise Be to God
1419 Around the Throne of God a Band
1420 Call Jehovah Thy Salvation
1421 Christ, the Fair Glory of the Holy Angels
1422 Jesus, Brightness of the Father
1423 Lord, I Would Own Thy Tender Care
1424 Now All the Woods Are Sleeping
1425 Onward, Christian, Though the Region
1426 Softly Sighs the Breath of Evening
1427 How Good It Is to Thank the Lord
1428 It Is Good to Sing Thy Praises
1429 Sweet Is the Work, O Lord
1430 O Lord My God! How Great Art Thou!
1431 Sweeter as the Years Go By
1432 God, the Lord, a King Remaineth
1433 Jehovah Reigns—He Dwells in Light
1434 Jehovah Sits Enthroned
1435 The Lord Jehovah Reigns
1436 The Lord Almighty Reigns
1437 Holiness Becomes Thy House
1438 O Lord, Thou Judge
1439 Thou Lovely Source of True Delight
1440 The Thought of God
1441 Sweetly Resting
1442 When Thickly Beat the Storms of Life
1443 Come, Christians, Join to Sing
1444 Come, Let Us Tune Our Loftiest Song
1445 Come, Sound His Praise Abroad
1446 Now with Joyful Exultation
1447 O Come and Sing to God, the Lord
1448 O Come Before the Lord
1449 O Come, Loud Anthems Let Us Sing
1450 Praise the Rock of Our Salvation
1451 Sing to the Lord Jehovah’s Name
1452 Sing to the Lord, the Rock of Our Salvation
1453 Great God, We Give Thee Praise
1454 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
1455 Not Alone for Mighty Empire
1456 Once More We Come Before Our God
1457 Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
1458 O Maker of the Mighty Deep
1459 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
1460 Father, in Whom We Live
1461 We Now Have Met to Worship Thee
1462 Hush, My Soul, What Voice Is Pleading?
1463 I Have Heard Thy Voice, Lord Jesus
1464 No Voice But Thine
1465 Today the Savior Calls
1466 The Glory of the Spring How Sweet!
1467 Let All the Earth Their Voices Raise
1468 O Sing a New Song to the Lord
1469 Sing to the Lord, Sing His Praise
1470 Sing to the Lord, Ye Distant Lands
1471 Sing unto God
1472 We Bless the Name of Christ, the Lord
1473 Ye Heavenly Choir
1474 O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness
1475 Raise the Psalm: Let Earth Adoring
1476 Tell It Out (Havergal)
1477 Hark, My Soul, How Everything
1478 Come in, Thou Blessed, Honored Lord
1479 Jehovah Reigns, Let Earth Be Glad
1480 O God, Thou High and Lofty One
1481 Hail, Gladdening Light
1482 The God of Holiness and Love
1483 Come, Let Us Sing Before the Lord
1484 Come, Let Us Sing unto the Lord
1485 Sing a New Song to Jehovah
1486 Songs Anew of Honor Framing
1487 Unto God Our Savior
1488 With Glory Clad, with Strength Arrayed
1489 Above the Clear Blue Sky
1490 Above Yon Clear Blue Sky
1491 God the Lord Is King
1492 Jehovah Reigns in Majesty
1493 Gathered Here in That Great Presence
1494 Now, When the Dusky Shades of Night
1495 O Thou, Whom All Thy Saints Adore
1496 All People That on Earth Do Dwell
1497 Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne
1498 Ye Lands, to the Lord Make a Jubilant Noise
1499 Jehovah, Let Me Now Adore Thee
1500 My Gracious Lord, I Own Thy Right
1501 Now I Resolve with All My Heart
1502 O Sing to Me of Heav’n
1503 Tell It Out with Gladness
1504 Father, Whate’er of Earthly Bliss
1505 Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty
1506 Of Mercy and of Justice
1507 To God the Anthem Raising
1508 Lord, Hear My Prayer
1509 Let Me Lean on Thee
1510 Lord, to Our Humble Prayers Attend
1511 My Father, Hear My Prayer
1512 Lonely Voices Crying in the City
1513 Eternal God, How They’re Increased
1514 A Few More Years Shall Roll
1515 Hark! How Time’s Wide Sounding Bell
1516 My Days Are Swiftly Gliding By
1517 My Span of Life Will Soon Be Done
1518 Twilight Is Falling
1519 The Sunset Gate
1520 When on My Day of Life
1521 While with Ceaseless Course the Sun
1522 Thou, O Lord, Art God Alone
1523 Let Sion and Her Sons Rejoice
1524 The Lord Has Heard and Answered Prayer
1525 Thou, Whose Unmeasured Temple Stands
1526 Bless, O My Soul! the Living God
1527 Come, O My Soul, in Sacred Lays
1528 Holy and Reverend Is the Name
1529 My Soul, Now Praise Thy Maker
1530 O Bless the Lord, My Soul (Montgomery)
1531 O Bless the Lord, My Soul (Watts)
1532 O Hallelujah, Praise His Holy Name
1533 O My Soul, Bless God the Father
1534 O My Soul, Bless Thou Jehovah
1535 O Thou My Soul, Bless God the Lord
1536 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
1537 Ere I Sleep, for Every Favor
1538 O Thou, My Soul, Forget No More
1539 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
1540 The Lord, How Wondrous Are His Ways
1541 Like as a Father
1542 The Tender Love a Father Has
1543 Mindful of Our Human Frailty
1544 Make Haste, O Man, to Live
1545 The Waits’ Song
1546 What Sweet of Life Endureth?
1547 In the Heavens the Lord Almighty
1548 Ye Servants of God
1549 Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned
1551 My Soul, Bless the Lord!
1552 O Worship the King
1553 Tell Out, My Soul
1554 The Seasons Are Fixed by Wisdom Divine
1555 Savior, to Thee We Raise Our Hymn
1556 O Lord, How Manifold the Works
1557 Thine, Lord, Is Wisdom, Thine Alone
1558 How Sweet and Silent Is the Place
1559 The Savior! O What Endless Charms
1560 O Praise the Lord, His Deeds Make Known
1561 I Am So Glad Salvation’s Free
1562 I Look to Thee in Every Need
1563 O Thou Whose Hand Hath Brought Us
1564 O Render Thanks to God Above
1565 Praise Our Creator
1566 Praise to Thee and Adoration
1567 Praise Ye the Lord, for He Is Good
1568 To God the Great, the Ever Blest
1569 O God, Thou Bottomless Abyss
1570 God of the Nations, Who from Dawn of Days
1571 O Lord, Our Father, Thanks to Thee
1572 O Praise the Lord, for He Is Good (107)
1573 Praise the Lord, for He Is Good
1574 Thank and Praise Jehovah’s Name
1575 Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It!
1576 Break Forth, O Joyful Heart
1577 Is It Not Wonderful?
1578 Satisfied
1579 Satisfied with Jesus
1580 Men Who Walk in Folly’s Way
1581 Rebels, Who Had Dared to Show
1582 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates of Brass
1583 Stand by the Bible
1584 Come with Rejoicing
1585 O That the Race of Men Would Raise
1586 They That Traffic on the Sea
1587 The Haven of Rest
1588 I Know Not if or Dark or Bright
1589 My Pilot Is Jesus
1590 One by One, We’re Passing Over
1591 Saved from the Wreck
1592 As Near the Wished for Port We Draw
1593 Springs and Streams No Longer Bless
1594 My Heart Is Fixed, O God (Psalter)
1595 My Steadfast Heart, O God
1596 O Come, My Soul, Bless Thou the Lord Thy Maker
1597 Singing Glory!
1598 Thou Hidden Love of God
1599 O God, Whom I Delight to Praise
1600 I Will Praise Him
1601 The Lord unto His Christ Has Said
1602 Unto My Lord Jehovah Said
1603 Thou Dear Redeemer, Dying Lamb
1604 Where High the Heavenly Temple Stands
1605 O Give the Lord Whole-Hearted Praise
1606 Praise Ye the Lord
1607 Lord of Our Life, God Whom We Fear
1608 How Blest the Man Who Fears the Lord
1609 That Man Is Blest Who Stands in Awe
1610 Hallelujah! Raise, O Raise
1611 Praise God, Ye Servants of the Lord
1612 Servants of God, in Joyful Lays
1613 Blessed Be the Name (Pickett)
1614 Praise the Lord, God’s Glories Show
1615 O Thou Who Dwell’st on High
1616 When Israel, Freed from Pharaoh’s Hand
1617 When Israel Out of Egypt Went
1618 For Thy Mercy and Thy Grace
1619 Give Him the Glory
1620 Not unto Us, O Lord of Heav’n
1621 The Lord Who Has Remembered Us
1622 I Love the Lord, for My Request
1623 I Love the Lord; He Heard My Cries
1624 I Love the Lord, He Heard My Voice
1625 O Gracious God, Whose Constant Care
1626 Saved, Saved
1627 Come, Soul, and Find Thy Rest
1628 What Shall I Render to My God (Watts)
1629 What Shall I Render to My God (Wesley)
1630 What Shall I Render to the Lord?
1631 What Shall I Render to the Lord?
1632 From All That Dwell Below the Skies
1633 O Praise the Lord! (Naylor)
1634 Praise Jehovah, All Ye Nations
1635 Ye Nations Round the Earth, Rejoice
1636 Give Thanks
1637 Give Thanks unto the Lord, Jehovah
1638 O Praise the Lord, for He Is Good (118)
1639 He Will Not Let Me Fall
1640 Oh, Sing with Exultation
1641 The Glorious Gates of Righteousness
1642 This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made
1643 Thine Honor Save, O Christ, Our Lord
1644 Crown His Head with Endless Blessing
1645 Jesus, Thy Name Has Power to Bless
1646 Blest Are the Undefiled in Heart
1647 O Let My Supplicating Cry
1648 O That the Lord Would Guide My Ways
1649 The Bible
1650 How Can I, Lord, Keep My Way Pure?
1651 How Shall the Young Direct Their Way?
1652 How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts
1653 Hide God’s Word in Your Heart
1654 Holy Bible, Book Divine
1655 Thy Word Have I Hid in My Heart (Sellers)
1656 A Glory Gilds the Sacred Page
1657 Upon the Gospel’s Sacred Page
1658 We Love the Good Old Bible
1659 Thy Servant, Blessed by Thee
1660 Open My Eyes, That I May See
1661 Thy Word Is Like a Garden, Lord
1662 My Grieving Soul Revive, O Lord
1663 How Wondrous and Great Thy Works
1664 Christ in His Word Draws Near
1665 Give Me the Bible
1666 The Voice of God’s Creation Found Me
1667 Carry Your Bible
1668 My Mother’s Bible (Morris)
1669 Father, Make Us Loving
1670 Lord, Not for Light in Darkness
1671 Let Everlasting Glories Crown
1672 Thy Promised Mercies Send to Me
1673 Fully Trusting
1674 I Do Not Know How
1675 O Lord, My Earnest Cry
1676 Lord, Thy Word to Me Remember
1677 Lord, Forever at Thy Side
1678 O Jesus, I Have Promised
1679 Thou Art My Portion, Lord
1680 To Thee, My Heart, Eternal King
1681 Good Thou Art, and Good Thou Dost
1682 Thou, Lord, Hast Dealt Well with Thy Servant
1683 O How I Love Thy Holy Word
1684 Begin, My Tongue, Some Heav’nly Theme
1685 Thou, Who Didst Make and Fashion Me
1686 My Soul for Thy Salvation Faints
1687 Forever Settled in the Heavens
1688 Peace, Doubting Heart!
1689 Thine Forever! God of Love
1690 Wholly Thine (Hawks)
1691 Most Perfect Is the Law of God
1692 I’ll Not Give Up the Bible
1693 O Word of God
1694 Something to Feast the Soul
1695 The Bible Is a Brilliant Lamp
1696 Cling to the Bible
1697 The Dear Old Bible
1698 How Precious Is the Book Divine
1699 Lamp of Our Feet
1700 Lead, Kindly Light
1701 More Light Shall Break
1702 This Is Jesus’ Precious Bible
1703 Thy Word, O Lord
1704 Thy Word Sheds Light upon My Path
1705 Word of God
1706 Your Word Is a Lamp for My Feet
1707 Lord, I Have Made Thy Word My Choice
1708 Hail, Sovereign Love
1709 O Thou Who Sealest Up the Past
1710 At Thy Feet, O Christ
1711 Ah, What Can I Do?
1712 Thy Wondrous Testimonies, Lord
1713 Holy Father, Thou Hast Given
1714 Lord Jesus, Think on Me
1715 O Lord, Thy Perfect Righteousness
1716 Lord, Open Thou My Heart
1717 O Love Divine, That Stooped to Share
1718 Regard My Grief and Rescue Me
1719 In Tenderness He Sought Me
1720 Blessed Be the Name (Clark)
1721 I Do Believe the Bible
1722 No Book Is Like the Bible
1723 Though Mighty Foes Assail Me, Lord
1724 The Highest Joy
1725 Deceit and Falsehood I Abhor
1726 Lord Jesus Christ, My Savior Blest
1727 How I Love Thy Law, O Lord
1728 Take Me, O My Father, Take Me
1729 We Have Not Known Thee as We Ought
1730 I Cried to God in My Distress
1731 Across the Sky the Shades of Night
1732 I to the Hills Will Lift My Eyes
1733 Mine Eyes Look Toward the Mountains
1734 To the Hills I Lift Mine Eyes (Psalter)
1735 Unto the Hills Around Do I Lift Up
1736 Jehovah, God, Thy Gracious Power
1737 There Is an Eye That Never Sleeps
1738 Keep Thou My Way
1739 For the Dear Ones Parted from Us
1740 Now, the Hour of Worship O’er
1741 Thine Eye Can See
1742 The Church in the Village
1743 Come with Happy Faces
1744 How Did My Heart Rejoice to Hear
1745 How Pleased and Blest Was I
1746 My Heart Was Glad to Hear the Welcome Sound
1747 O ’Twas a Joyful Sound to Hear
1748 To Thy Temple I Repair
1749 With Joy I Heard My Friends Exclaim
1750 Pray That Jerusalem May Have
1751 To Thee, O Lord, I Lift Mine Eyes
1752 With Joy We Lift Our Eyes
1753 God of All Grace, Thy Mercy Send
1754 Now Israel May Say
1755 If God Had Not Been on Our Side
1756 The Bird with the Broken Wing
1757 All Who, with Heart Confiding
1758 Such as in God the Lord Do Trust
1759 Zion Stands by Hills Surrounded
1760 When in His Might the Lord
1761 When Zion in Her Low Estate
1762 Singing All the Time
1763 Bringing in the Sheaves
1764 Far and Near
1765 He That Goeth Forth with Weeping
1766 Sow in the Morn Thy Seed
1767 Father of Men, in Whom Are One
1768 O Father, All Creating
1769 Unless the Lord the House Shall Build
1770 We Cannot Build Alone
1771 He Giveth His Beloved Sleep
1772 Joy and Light
1773 Of All the Thoughts of God
1774 Happy the Man Who Feareth God
1775 What Cheeering Words Are These!
1776 Balm in Secret Prayer
1777 Blest the Man That Fears Jehovah
1778 Through All the Years, May Israel Say
1779 From Deep Distress and Troubled Thoughts
1780 From Depths of Woe I Raise to Thee
1781 From Out the Depths I Cry, O Lord
1782 From the Depths Do I Invoke Thee
1783 From the Depths My Prayer Ascendeth
1784 Lord, from the Depths to Thee I Cried
1785 Jesus, I Come
1786 Out of the Deep I Call
1787 Out of the Deeps of Long Distress
1788 Out of the Depths to Thee I Cry
1789 When in the Hour of Utmost Need
1790 My Rest
1791 My Savior, on the Word of Truth
1792 Is There Ambition in My Heart?
1793 Not Haughty Is My Heart
1794 Quiet, Lord, My Froward Heart
1795 Gracious Lord, Remember David
1796 No Sleep Nor Slumber to His Eyes
1797 Arise, O Lord, Our God, Arise
1798 Come, Shout Aloud the Father’s Grace
1799 Lord, Pour Thy Spirit from on High
1800 King of Zion
1801 Behold, How Pleasant and How Good
1802 How Beautiful the Sight
1803 How Good and Pleasant Is the Sight
1804 How Sweet, How Heavenly Is the Sight
1805 O Lord, How Joyful ’Tis to See
1806 The Spirit Binds Us to Our Lord
1807 Night’s Shadows Falling
1808 Ye That Obey th’Immortal King
1809 Exalt the Lord, His Praise Proclaim
1810 O Praise Ye the Name of Jehovah
1811 Praise, Praise His Name
1812 Praise the Name of Jesus
1813 Praise Ye Jehovah (Reitz)
1814 Praise Ye the Lord, Exalt His Name
1815 Rejoice Today with One Accord
1816 House of Our God
1817 Tell the Blessed News
1818 Yes, God Is Good
1819 Give Thanks to God, for Good Is He
1820 Give to Our God Immortal Praise
1821 King of Kings
1822 Let Every Heart Rejoice and Sing
1823 Let Us with a Gladsome Mind
1824 Praise God for He Is Kind
1825 Praise, O Praise Our God and King
1826 O Praise Our Great and Gracious Lord
1827 Your Harps, Ye Trembling Saints
1828 Creator of the World, to Thee
1829 I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord
1830 Far from My Heavenly Home
1831 To Thy Temple Holy
1832 With Grateful Heart My Thanks I Bring
1833 Lord, All I Am Is Known to Thee
1834 Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me
1835 Thou Knowest, Lord (Hawkes)
1836 O Lord, My Inmost Heart and Thought
1837 With Thy Benediction
1838 Thou, Lord, by Strictest Search Hast Known
1839 Try Us, O God
1840 In All My Vast Concerns with Thee
1841 O Lord, Thy All Discerning Eyes
1842 Take the Wings of the Morning
1843 Thou Lord of Hosts
1844 Great God, We Sing Your Mighty Hand
1845 God Is Always Near Me
1846 O Thou to Whose All Searching Sight
1847 Peacefully Round Us the Shadows Are Falling
1848 O Lord, Life Is Sacred
1849 All That I Am I Owe to Thee
1850 My God, How Wonderful Thou Art
1851 Song of Life
1852 Still, Still with Thee
1853 When I Awake from Slumber
1854 Blest Jesus, When My Soaring Thoughts
1855 Do Not I Love Thee, O My Lord?
1856 Search Me, O God (Orr)
1857 Search Me, O God (Simpson)
1858 Search Me, O Lord
1859 Searcher of Hearts, from Mine Erase
1860 Lord, Thou Hast Searched and Seen Me Through
1861 Round Me Falls the Night
1862 Father, Lead Me Day by Day
1863 Deliver Me from Evil
1864 Lord, from the Ill and Froward Man
1865 O Kind Creator, Bow Thine Ear
1866 O Lord, Make Haste to Hear My Cry
1867 O Merciful Creator, Hear
1868 A Holy Air Is Breathing Round
1869 Lord, in Thy Sight, O Let My Prayer
1870 Precious Moments
1871 To God My Earnest Voice I Raise
1872 Hear and Answer Prayer
1873 Lord, Hear Me in Distress
1874 Unanswered Yet
1875 O Lord, Turn Not Thy Face from Me
1876 That Fearful Day
1877 When Morning Lights the Eastern Skies
1878 Hiding in Thee
1879 Lord, as to Thy Dear Cross We Flee
1880 O Lamb of God, Still Keep Me
1881 God Is Ever Good
1882 Sweet Will of God
1883 Within the Maddening Maze of Things
1884 O God, the Strength of Those Who War
1885 Now Praise We Great and Famous Men
1886 To Thee, Eternal Soul, Be Praise!
1887 Lord, While for All Mankind We Pray
1888 O People Blest, Whose Sons in Youth
1889 Before the Lord We Bow
1890 God My King, Thy Might Confessing
1891 I Will Extol Thee, O My God
1892 My God, My King, Thy Various Praise
1893 O Lord, Thou Art My God and King
1894 O Lord, Thou Art My God and King (2)
1895 Our Helper God, We Bless Thy Name
1896 Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name
1897 We Will Exalt You, Our God the King
1898 I Bless the Christ of God
1899 Glorious Majesty
1900 Sweet Is the Memory of Thy Grace
1901 The Greatness of His Mercy
1902 The Pilgrim’s Journey
1903 Make Him Known
1904 Ye Sons of Men, with Joy Record
1905 Lord, in Thy Name Thy Servants Plead
1906 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah (Psalter)
1907 I’ll Praise My Maker
1908 It Is Well with My Soul
1909 My Soul, Inspired with Sacred Love
1910 Praise Thou the Lord, O My Soul
1911 Praise Ye the Lord, My Heart Shall Join
1912 How Can I Keep from Singing?
1913 Praise Him, Praise Him
1914 O Maker of the Sea and Sky
1915 Let Tyrants Shake Their Iron Rods
1916 O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth
1917 O Sing Ye Hallelujah
1918 Praise Ye the Lord, for It Is Good
1919 Praise Ye the Lord, ’Tis Good to Raise
1920 With Songs and Honors Sounding Loud
1921 With Gladness We Worship
1922 Can You Count the Stars?
1923 Do You Know How Many Stars?
1924 Infinite God, to Thee We Raise
1925 O Sing to the Lord, Whose Bountiful Hand
1926 All Beautiful the March of Days
1927 ’Tis Winter Now, the Fallen Snow
1928 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah (Kirkpatrick)
1929 Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!
1930 Praise the Lord in Heavenly Places
1931 Praise the Lord of Heaven
1933 Praise to the Holiest in the Height
1934 Praise Ye, Praise Ye the Lord
1935 Praise Ye the Lord! Immortal Choir
1936 Praise Ye the Lord! On Every Height
1937 Meet and Right It Is to Sing
1938 O Thou to Whom Archangels Raise
1939 Let the Whole Creation Cry
1940 O Source Divine, and Life of All
1941 Men and Children Everywhere
1942 Young Men and Maidens, Raise
1943 Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord
1944 O Praise Ye the Lord
1945 Redeemed, Restored, Forgiven
1946 Sing to the Lord a Joyful Song
1947 Ye Who His Temple Throng
1948 All the Happy Children
1949 Praise Ye Jehovah (Taylor)
1950 When the King Shall Come (Crosby)
1951 All Ye That Love the Lord, Rejoice
1952 Saints of God! Lo, Jesu’s People
1953 There Is Glory in My Soul
1954 There Is a Happy Land
1955 O Lord, ’Tis Matter of High Praise
1956 A Gladsome Hymn of Praise We Sing
1957 Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
1958 In His Temple God Be Praised
1959 Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above
1960 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
1961 Sing Praise to the Lord!
1962 Infinite Excellence Is Thine
1963 Wake Every Tuneful String
1964 He Liveth Long Who Liveth Well
1965 Loyalty unto Christ
1966 Sailing into Port
1967 Trust in the Lord
1968 Lead Us, O Father
1969 Leader of Faithful Souls
1970 Fair Waved the Golden Corn
1971 Give of Your Best to the Master
1972 How Blest the Matron, Who, Endued
1973 Happy the Man That Finds the Grace
1974 O Happy Is the Man Who Hears
1975 Jesu, the World’s Redeeming Lord
1976 Though Lowly Here Our Lot
1977 No Compromise
1978 Memories of Mother
1979 How Shall I Meet Thee?
1980 O Lord, How Shall I Meet You?
1981 I Found My God in Early Years
1982 I Will Early Seek the Savior
1983 Little Friends of Jesus
1984 Since I Found My Savior
1985 ’Tis Not Far to Jesus
1986 We Pray Thee, Heavenly Father
1987 Ere God Had Built the Mountains
1988 Shall Wisdom Cry Aloud?
1989 Jesus, Hear Me
1990 Count Your Blessings
1991 I’ll Count My Blessings
1992 O Shepherd of the Sheep
1993 Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessing
1994 Thus Far the Lord Hath Led Me On
1995 Give Me a Passion for Souls
1996 Lead Me to Some Soul Today
1997 Lord, Give Us Souls
1998 Win the One Next to You
1999 Make Somebody Happy Today
2000 We All Can Do Good
2001 Hail, Holy Light! The World Rejoices
2002 Gather Round the Christmas Tree
2003 Object of All Our Knowledge Here
2004 Have Courage to Say No!
2005 Shall I, for Fear of Feeble Man
2006 Beneath the Cross of Jesus
2007 O Canada
2008 Faint Falls the Gentle Voice of Prayer
2009 O God, Who Didst Thy Will Unfold
2010 O Thou Who Hearest Every Heartfelt Prayer
2011 Life in the Loom
2012 Holy Father, God Almighty
2013 Happy Are They, They That Love God
2014 God Bless Our School Today
2015 Somebody Did a Golden Deed
2016 Jesu! Name All Names Above
2017 One Is Kind Above All Others
2018 One There Is, Above All Others
2019 Dew of Mercy
2020 Ye Heav’ns, Oh Haste your Dews to Shed
2021 We Are but Little Children Weak
2022 I Bind My Heart This Tide
2023 Weary Souls, That Wander Wide
2024 Meet Me There
2025 Almighty Lord, with One Accord
2026 The Mother’s Goodbye
2027 Lord of Life and King of Glory
2028 Give Me Thy Heart
2029 Building, Daily Building
2030 Return, O Wanderer, to Thy Home
2031 Thrice Happy Souls
2032 Remember Your Mother’s Prayer
2033 The Praises of That Saint We Sing
2034 Crossing the Bar
2035 Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King
2036 Work Is Sweet, for God Has Blest
2037 Life Is the Time to Serve the Lord
2038 Cast Thy Bread upon the Waters
2039 Summer Suns Are Glowing
2040 Sweet Is the Sunlight After Rain
2041 Ye Sons of Adam, Vain and Young
2042 Make Christ Your King
2043 Now in the Days of Youth
2044 Remember in Youth Thy Creator
2045 Saved by Grace
2046 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds
2047 Jesu, the Virgins’ Crown
2048 Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know
2049 And Now, O Father, Mindful of the Love
2050 In Memory of the Savior’s Love
2051 As the Bridegroom to His Chosen
2052 Down in the Valley
2053 Jesus, Rose of Sharon
2054 The Lily of the Valley
2055 Valley Lilies
2056 All over the World
2057 At Thy Feet, Our God and Father
2058 Go Forward, Christian Soldier
2059 His Banner over Us
2060 Jesus Spreads His Banner o’er Us
2061 O God, Whose Love Is Over All
2062 Surrounded by Unnumbered Foes
2063 His Voice, as the Sound of the Dulcimer Sweet
2064 There’s a Light upon the Mountains
2065 Come Away to the Skies
2066 O Voice of the Beloved
2067 When Spring Unlocks the Flowers
2068 Speak, I Pray Thee, Gentle Jesus!
2069 Sweeter Than All
2070 I Know He Is Mine
2071 I Lift My Heart to Thee (Mudie)
2072 O Lamb of God, Whose Love Divine
2073 ’Tis Night—But O the Joyful Morn
2074 We Are a Garden Walled Around
2075 O Holy Ghost, Thy People Bless
2076 The Wondering World Inquires to Know
2077 The Savior Comes, No Outward Pomp
2078 My Soul’s Best Friend, What Joy and Blessing
2079 O God of Loveliness
2080 Fairest Lord Jesus
2081 O Jesu, Thou the Beauty Art
2082 Who Is This Fair One in Distress?
2083 Fly, Ye Seasons
2084 From Foes That Would the Land Devour
2085 Rulers of Sodom! Hear the Voice
2086 Savior, Sprinkle Many Nations
2087 I Will Make the Darkness Light
2088 Jesus Paid It All
2089 Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet
2090 At the Foot of the Cross
2091 Our Thought of Thee Is Glad with Hope
2092 Behold! The Mountain of the Lord
2093 Suppliant, Lo!
2094 O God, Mine Inmost Soul Convert
2095 Savior, Whom Our Hearts Adore
2096 Thou Judge by Whom Each Empire Fell
2097 Marching On in the Light of God
2098 And Is the Time Approaching?
2099 Come, Pure Hearts
2100 We Have Heard
2101 ’Tis Thine Alone, Almighty Name
2102 Isaiah, Mighty Seer
2103 Before His Eye
2104 Bright the Vision That Delighted
2105 Day Is Dying in the West
2106 Eternal Wisdom, Thee We Praise
2107 Father All Holy
2108 Father and Friend! Thy Light, Thy Love
2110 For the Beauty of the Earth
2111 Great Giver of All Good
2112 The Harp at Nature’s Advent Strung
2113 Holy, Holy, Holy
2114 Holy, Holy, Lord (Wesley)
2115 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
2116 Jehovah, Thee We Praise
2117 O Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord (Eastburn)
2118 O Holy, Holy, Holy Lord (Conder)
2119 Round the Lord in Glory Seated
2120 See the Shining Dewdrops
2121 Thou Hast Been Our Guide This Day
2122 We Thank Thee, Lord, for This Fair Earth
2123 We Thank Thee, Lord, Thy Paths of Service Lead
2124 We Worship Thee, Almighty Lord
2125 When Comes the Golden Sunset
2126 O Lord of Hosts, All Heaven Possessing
2127 O Lord of Hosts, Almighty King
2128 Waiting for the Promise
2129 From the Depths of Sin and Failure
2130 Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling
2131 Here Am I, Send Me
2132 Lord of Life, Prophetic Spirit
2133 The Master Comes! He Calls for Thee
2134 May God Depend on You?
2135 The Old, Old Way
2136 Someone Shall Go
2137 Speak, My Lord
2138 The Victory May Depend on You
2139 The Voice of God Is Calling
2140 Who Will Volunteer?
2141 Shout, for the Blessed Jesus Reigns
2142 All Hail to Thee, Immanuel!
2143 And Art Thou Come with Us to Dwell?
2144 Behold, the Grace Appears!
2145 From Lands That See the Sun Arise
2146 Gracious Savior, Who Didst Honor
2147 The Great God of Heaven
2148 Immanuel, We Sing Thy Praise
2149 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
2150 Praise We the Lord This Day
2151 Precious Child, So Sweetly Sleeping
2152 Thee, O Immanuel, We Praise
2153 Thou Virgin-Born Incarnate Word
2154 A Virgin Did Come
2155 A Virgin Most Pure
2156 A Virgin Unspotted
2157 We Sing, Immanuel, Thy Praise
2158 Welcome God’s and Mary’s Son
2159 Memories of Galilee
2160 All Praise to Thee, Eternal Lord
2161 Carry the Light
2162 A Glorious Day Is Dawning
2163 Hail to the Brightness of Zion’s Glad Morning!
2164 A Light Came Out of Darkness
2165 Light of Those Whose Dreary Dwelling
2166 Nations That Long in Darkness Walked
2167 O Jesu Christ, All Praise to Thee
2168 O Thou Joyful, O Thou Wonderful
2169 O’er the Realms of Pagan Darkness
2170 O’er Those Gloomy Hills of Darkness
2171 Once My Way Was Dark and Dreary
2172 An Open Bible for the World
2173 The People That in Darkness Walked
2174 The Race That Long in Darkness Pined
2175 Shining Out of Darkness
2176 This Night a Wondrous Revelation
2177 A Thousand Years Have Come and Gone
2178 To Shepherds as They Watched by Night
2179 Veiled in Darkness Judah Lay
2180 The Angel’s Proclamation
2182 Bright and Joyful Is the Morn
2183 Christmas Day Joyous
2184 Father of Everlasting Grace
2185 For unto Us a Child Is Born
2186 Giver of Concord, Prince of Peace
2187 Good News from Heaven the Angels Bring
2188 He Has Come, the Christ of God
2190 He’s a Wonderful Savior to Me
2191 Hush, All Ye Sounds of War
2192 I Walk with the King
2193 It Is a Thing Most Wonderful
2194 Jesus! Wonderful Name!
2195 Join All Ye Joyful Nations
2196 The Lands That Long in Darkness Lay
2197 Messiah, Prince of Peace
2198 Name of Jesus, Softly Stealing
2199 The Name of Jesus
2200 The Newborn King Who Comes Today
2201 O Wonderful Savior
2202 Oh, Wondrous Name!
2203 Prince of Peace, Control My Will
2204 Rejoice Today
2205 Sing, O Sing, This Blessed Morn
2206 Sing Ye the Songs of Praise
2207 Sweet Peace, the Gift of God’s Love
2208 To Christ, the Prince of Peace
2209 To Us a Child of Hope Is Born
2210 Unto Us a Boy Is Born
2211 Unto Us a Child Is Born
2212 What a Wonderful Savior!
2213 Lord, to Thee Alone We Turn
2214 See How Great a Flame Aspires
2215 The Kingdom Is Coming
2216 O’er Land and Sea
2217 Roll On, Thou Mighty Ocean
2218 Brightly Gleams Our Banner
2219 Fling Out the Banner
2220 Lift High the Cross
2221 Let Our Gladness Have No End
2222 Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
2223 Come, Sing with Holy Gladness
2224 I Will Not Be Afraid
2225 Praise Ye Jehovah! (Campbell)
2226 Onward, Ye Pilgrims
2227 Great God! Attend while Zion Sings
2228 Keep the Banner Flying
2229 Who Is This, So Weak and Helpless?
2230 Out of Bondage
2231 With Weary Feet and Saddened Heart
2232 Lord God of Hosts, Whose Mighty Hand
2233 What a Savior!
2234 Lift Up Thine Eyes, O Watchman
2235 Watchman, Tell Me
2236 Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
2237 Watchmen on the Walls of Zion
2238 Behold, the Dawn!
2239 O Brothers, Lift Your Voices
2240 Mine, Still Mine
2242 A Shelter in the Time of Storm
2243 Beyond This Land of Parting
2244 Gentle Shepherd, Thou Hast Stilled
2245 Hail, Mighty Victor
2246 Long Hast Thou Wept and Sorrowed
2247 No Tears in Heaven
2248 O Thou Who Driest the Mourner’s Tear
2249 Sometime We’ll Understand
2250 Sweet Voices
2251 There’s No Disappointment in Heaven
2252 Thine Is the Glory
2253 We Praise Thee, Lord, for Hours of Bliss
2254 We’ll Never Say Goodbye
2255 When I Can Read My Title Clear
2256 When They Ring the Golden Bells
2257 How Honorable Is the Place
2258 It Is Mine
2259 Peace, Perfect Peace
2260 Peace, Troubled Soul
2261 Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care
2262 Mighty Rock, Whose Towering Form
2263 O God, the Rock of Ages
2264 Rock of Ages, Let Our Song
2265 Trusting Jesus, Wonderful Guide
2266 Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
2267 We Are Watching
2268 Jesus, Savior, Come to Me
2269 My Spirit Longs for Thee
2270 Awake, Awake! O Heart of Mine!
2271 Hallelujah, We Shall Rise
2272 Now to the Lord a Noble Song
2273 With Christ We Share a Mystic Grave
2274 See the Gloomy Gathering Cloud
2275 A Few More Marchings Weary
2276 Garnered Sheaves
2277 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
2278 Christ, of All My Hopes the Ground
2279 Great God, a Blessing from Your Throne
2280 My Savior Is Precious to Me
2281 O Lord of Hosts, Whose Glory Fills
2282 On This Stone Now Laid with Prayer
2283 Rejoice and Be Glad!
2284 O God of Love, Grant Us Your Peace
2285 I Bring My Sins to Thee
2286 How Far from Home?
2287 A Song of Heaven and Homeland
2288 Eternal Father, Thou Hast Said
2289 Holy Spirit, from on High
2290 The Shadow of the Rock
2291 The Sheltering Rock
2292 Under the Shadow of the Cross
2293 He Lives on High
2294 Every Morning the Red Sun
2295 I Shall See the King
2296 Behold, What Light Rolls Back the Sky?
2297 In a Manger Laid So Lowly
2298 I Walk the King’s Highway
2299 The King’s Highway
2300 Walking in the King’s Highway
2301 The God Who Made Both Heaven and Earth
2302 Bury Thy Sorrow
2303 Join, All Ye Ransomed Sons of Grace
2304 Joy and Triumph Everlasting
2305 O! Say, But I’m Glad
2306 O Songs of the Beautiful
2307 Trumpet of God, Sound High
2308 Wake the Song
2309 Awake, My Zeal; Awake, My Love
2310 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People
2311 Safe Home, Safe Home in Port!
2312 Draw Nigh to Thy Jerusalem
2313 Heralds of Christ
2314 Coming Today
2315 Prepare the Way, O Zion!
2316 Ye Sons of Men, Oh, Hearken
2317 Here, Lord, We Offer Thee
2318 The Voice Says, “Cry!”
2319 The Bible Stands
2320 The Old Book Stands
2321 Jerusalem, Lift Up Thy Voice
2322 Gracious Savior, Gentle Shepherd
2323 Happy Soul, That, Free from Harms
2324 He Feedeth His Flock
2325 I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb
2326 Near to the Heart of God
2327 Savior, Who Thy Flock Art Feeding
2328 Shepherd of Tender Youth
2329 Shepherd, Show Me How to Go
2330 Blest Be Our Everlasting Lord
2331 Have You Not Known, Have You Not Heard
2332 Awake, Our Souls; Away, Our Fears
2334 Never Mind, Go On!
2335 Rise in the Strength of God
2336 God Will Take Care of You (Crosby)
2337 Hear My Call
2338 Jesus All the Way
2340 Behold My Servant! See Him Rise
2341 Wake, Isles of the South!
2342 Thy Hand Upholdeth Me
2343 O Lead My Blindness by the Hand
2344 Through the Love of God Our Savior
2345 God’s Trumpet Wakes the Slumbering World
2346 My Maker and My King
2347 Come, Holy Ghost, in Love
2348 On All the Earth Thy Spirit Shower
2349 Rorate
2350 Great Former of This Various Frame
2351 There Is Life for a Look
2352 Safe in Jehovah’s Keeping
2353 Now Hail We Our Redeemer
2354 In the Hollow of His Hand
2355 Redeemer of Israel
2356 Zion Mourns in Fear and Anguish
2357 I Will Not Forget Thee
2358 Awake, My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve
2359 Come, My Soul, Thou Must Be Waking
2360 Sing Aloud with Gladness
2361 Arm of the Lord, Awake!
2362 Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake!
2363 Triumphant Zion! Lift Thy Head
2364 The Coming of His Feet
2365 How Beauteous on the Mountains
2366 How Lovely on the Mountain
2368 A Perfect Path of Purest Grace
2369 Shout the Tidings of Salvation
2370 Awake, Jerusalem, Awake!
2371 Daughter of Zion, from the Dust
2372 Jerusalem, Arise
2373 How Beauteous Are Their Feet
2374 On the Mountain’s Top Appearing
2376 Praise the Savior, All Ye Nations
2377 Send Thou, O Lord, to Every Place
2378 Thy God Reigneth!
2379 Salvation! O the Joyful Sound!
2380 How Few Receive with Cordial Faith
2381 I’ve Believed the True Report
2382 Zion’s King Shall Reign Victorious
2383 Ah, Holy Jesus
2384 Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus
2385 Hallelujah! What a Savior
2386 It Is Finished! Man of Sorrows
2387 The Lord Is Come!
2388 My Crucified Savior
2389 O Dearest Jesus
2390 What Grace, O Lord, and Beauty Shone
2391 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted
2392 When the Burden Bearer Came
2393 The Great Healer
2394 He Was Nailed to the Cross for Me
2395 Heal Us, Emmanuel
2396 How Beauteous Were the Marks Divine
2397 I Lay My Sins on Jesus
2398 Jesus, I Will Ponder Now
2399 More Marred Than Any Man’s
2400 My Sins Laid Open to the Rod
2401 Now, My Soul, Thy Voice Upraising
2402 O Christ, What Burdens Bowed Thy Head
2403 O Thou Through Suffering Perfect Made
2404 Take Me as I Am, O Savior
2405 Wounded for Me
2406 Wounded for Our Transgressions
2407 I Was a Wandering Sheep
2408 Like Sheep We Went Astray
2409 Our Sins, Our Sorrows
2410 Tell Out the Wonderful Story
2411 A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth
2412 Darkly Rose the Guilty Morning
2413 Ho, Every One That Is Thirsty!
2414 Ho! Every One That Thirsts, Draw Nigh
2415 Let Every Mortal Ear Attend
2417 Hear, and Live!
2418 The Heavenly Voice
2419 Where the Cross Is Leading
2420 My Son, Know Thou the Lord
2422 Will You Take Jesus Today?
2423 Sinners, the Voice of God Regard
2424 Yes, There Is Pardon for You
2425 The Two Views
2426 God of Eternity
2427 Where Will You Spend Eternity?
2429 Send Out the Sunlight
2430 In the Child Garden
2431 Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord
2432 Sweetly Dawns the Sabbath Morning
2433 Sound the Battle Cry
2434 There’s Peace and Rest in Paradise
2435 When Shades of Night Around Us Close
2436 All Ye Gentile Lands Awake!
2437 Behold, the Joyful Day Is Nigh
2438 Lift Up, Lift Up Thy Voice
2439 Rise, Glorious Conqueror
2440 Arise, O God, and Shine
2441 Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light
2442 Come, Ye Lofty
2443 Coming, Coming, Yes, They Are
2444 Lord, a Savior’s Love Displaying
2445 Rise, Thou Light of Gentile Nations
2446 Though Now the Nations Sit Beneath
2447 Together, Lord, We Come to Thee
2448 The Eastern Gate
2449 Beautiful Christmas
2450 O Zion, When Thy Savior Came
2451 Gates of Praise
2452 Hear What God the Lord Hath Spoken
2453 Eternal Light
2454 O Everlasting Light
2455 God of the Nations, Who Hast Led
2456 Hasten, Lord, the Glorious Time
2457 Hasten, Lord, Thy Coming
2458 O North with All Thy Vales of Green
2459 Hark, the Glad Sound!
2460 Awake, My Heart; Arise, My Tongue
2461 Beulah Land
2462 Dwelling in Beulah Land
2463 I Have Entered Beulah Land
2464 Is Not This the Land of Beulah?
2465 What if It Were Today?
2466 Let Zion’s Watchmen All Awake
2467 Round the Sacred City Gather
2468 Boundless Salvation
2469 Help Us, O Jesus, Thou Mighty Defender
2470 Joyful News to All Mankind
2471 Lo! the Lord, the Mighty Savior
2472 Mighty to Save (Thompson)
2473 Mighty to Save (Todd)
2474 O Jesus, Our King
2475 Oh, Bliss of the Purified
2476 Praise the Redeemer, Almighty to Save
2477 See Him in Raiment Rent
2478 Who Is This Man of Sorrows?
2479 Who Is This That Comes from Edom?
2480 Who Is This, with Garments Gory?
2481 I Lift My Banner, Saith the Lord
2482 Look from Thy Sphere of Endless Day
2483 Lord of Mercy and of Might
2484 Love Found a Way
2485 Now Begin the Heavn’ly Theme
2486 O God, Whose Presence Glows in All
2487 Plunged in a Gulf of Dark Despair
2488 Wonderful Love
2489 Wonderful Love That Found Us
2490 Almighty Father, Unoriginate
2491 Not for Our Sins Alone
2492 The Master’s Touch
2493 Have Thine Own Way, Lord
2494 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!
2495 I’ve Got Peace Like a River
2496 Like a River Glorious
2497 Like as a Mother Comforteth
2498 O Blessed Day of Motherhood!
2499 So Will I Comfort You
2500 The Radiant Morn Hath Passed Away
2501 Bugle Call
2502 As a Tree Beside the Water
2503 O How Happy Are They Who the Savior Obey
2504 Fain Would I, Lord of Grace
2505 O Beautiful for Spacious Skies
2506 Let Not the Wise Their Wisdom Boast
2507 Lord God of Hosts, Within Whose Hand
2508 Lead On, O King Eternal
2509 I Sing the Mighty Power of God
2510 I Plead Thy Love
2511 All Glory Be to God on High
2512 All Glory Be to Thee, Most High
2513 Glory Be to God on High (Wesley 1)
2514 Let the Joy Overflow
2515 Priceless Is Thy Treasure
2516 Cursed Is the One Who Trusts in Man
2517 Blest Is the Man
2518 The Healing Waters
2519 Ho! Ye That Thirst, Approach the Spring
2520 Behold the Servant of the Lord
2521 God’s Word Is Like a Flaming Sword
2522 The Birthday of a King
2523 My God! How Perfect Are Thy Ways!
2524 Battle Hymn of the Republic
2525 Close to Thee
2526 Closer to Thee (Taylor)
2527 Draw Me Closer, Lord, to Thee
2528 I Would Draw Nearer to Jesus
2529 O God, of Good the Unfathomed Sea
2530 O to Abide in Jesus
2531 Still with Thee, O My God
2532 Awake, My Soul, to Joyful Lays
2533 Come, Ye Disconsolate
2534 Father, Whose Everlasting Love
2535 Hark, My Soul, It Is the Lord!
2536 Jesu, Thy Mercies Are Untold
2537 Thy Ceaseless, Unexhausted Love
2538 Arise! Arise, with Joy Survey
2539 Marching to Zion
2540 Come, All Ye Sons of God
2541 The Garden of My Heart
2542 Jesus, Lord and Precious Savior
2543 The Hymn for Conquering Martyrs Raise
2544 Return, O Wanderer, Return
2545 Tell Mother I’ll Be There
2546 Come, Ye Children of the Lord
2547 There Is a Balm in Gilead
2548 Come, Let Us Join with Faithful Souls
2549 Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine
2550 All Ye That Pass By
2551 My Savior! I Behold Thy Life
2552 Our Cities Cry to You, O God
2553 Every Morning Mercies New
2554 God of Our Life
2556 Like Dews of the Morning
2557 New Every Morning Is the Love
2558 A Sovereign Protector I Have
2559 The Sun Is on the Land and Sea
2560 Sweet Is the Breath of Morning Air
2561 Thy Goodness, Lord, Our Souls Confess
2562 My Heart Is Resting, O My God
2563 Lift Up Your Hearts
2564 We Lift Our Hearts to Thee
2565 This My Plea
2566 Great God, How Infinite Art Thou!
2567 Awake, O Lord, As in the Time of Old!
2568 From Out the Cloud of Amber Light
2569 Tell Me the Old, Old Story
2570 Psalm of the Valley
2571 Come, O Thou All Victorious Lord
2572 Jesus, Thou All Redeeming Lord
2573 Blessed Savior, Who Hast Taught Me
2574 Get Right with God (McEwan)
2575 O Turn Ye, for Why Will You Die
2576 Sinners, Turn: Why Will You Die?
2577 Watchmen! Onward to Your Stations
2578 Would Jesus Have the Sinner Die?
2579 Yea, as I Live, Jehovah Saith
2580 Long upon the Mountains
2581 Even Me
2582 Father, Who on Man Dost Shower
2583 O, Father, Thou Who Givest All
2584 Oh, Revive Us by Thy Word
2585 Showers of Blessing
2586 Sing We the Glory of Our God
2587 There Shall Be Showers of Blessing
2588 Thy Bounties, Gracious Lord
2589 Is This the Kind Return?
2590 Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire
2591 Come, Holy Spirit, Calm My Mind
2592 Hear Us, O Savior!
2593 Holy, and True, and Righteous Lord
2594 The Lord Proclaims His Grace Abroad
2595 Now Sweeping Down the Years Untold
2596 O for a Glance of Heavenly Day
2597 Pour Thy Blessings, Lord, Like Showers
2598 Spirit of God, That Moved of Old
2599 Breathe on Me, Breath of God
2600 My God, Accept My Heart This Day
2601 Dare To Be a Daniel
2602 O Lord, We Praise Thee
2603 My God, I Thank Thee
2604 Look for the Way-Marks
2605 O God of God
2606 Supported by the Word
2607 He Is Able to Deliver Thee
2608 He’s Able and Willing
2609 Deliverance Will Come
2610 God Most High, We Praise You
2611 The Handwriting on the Wall
2612 Brave Daniel
2613 Do You See the Hebrew Captive Kneeling?
2614 Praise to the Living God!
2615 Ancient of Days
2616 O Son of Man
2617 O Son of Man, Our Hero Strong and Tender
2618 Now Is the Healing Time Decreed
2619 They That Be Wise
2620 We Shall Shine as the Stars
2621 Jesus Is Coming Again
2622 Numberless as the Sands
2623 Behold, the Heathen Waits to Know
2624 Our Guilt Do We Confess Today
2625 Long Have I Sat Beneath the Sound
2626 Kindly Spring Again Is Here
2627 Follow On
2628 God Made Me for Himself
2629 Here from the World We Turn
2630 Sowing with Song and Prayer
2631 Blest Be the Tie That Binds
2632 I’ve Found a Friend
2633 Keep Me Ever Close to Thee
2634 Father of Heaven
2635 There’s a Hill Lone and Grey
2636 Oh, It Is Hard to Work for God
2637 Break, Day of God, Oh Break
2638 The Day of the Lord Is at Hand
2639 Sound the Alarm!
2640 By Precepts Taught of Ages Past
2641 Good It Is to Keep the Fast
2642 Once More the Solemn Season Calls
2643 Rejoice, O Land, in God Thy Might
2644 Don’t Lose the Vision
2645 Holy Ghost, with Light Divine
2646 Joy! Because the Circling Year
2647 Winter Reigns o’er Many a Region
2648 Prepare to Meet Thy God
2649 Jonah
2650 Jonah and the Whale
2651 Power for Service
2652 God of the Strong, God of the Weak
2653 Higher Ground
2654 Earth Has Many a Noble City
2655 God’s Dear Son Without Beginning
2656 He Is Born
2657 How Great Our Joy
2658 I May Not Go Tonight to Bethlehem
2659 O Little Town of Bethlehem
2660 Once in Bethlehem of Judah
2661 To Us a Child of Royal Birth
2662 Wonderful Peace (Lillenas)
2663 One Cup of Healing Oil and Wine
2664 O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee
2665 How Cheering Is the Christian’s Hope
2666 Why Does Your Face, Ye Humble Souls
2667 Adore and Tremble, for Our God
2668 Great Ruler of All Nature’s Frame
2669 God Knows
2670 Thou Hidden Source of Calm Repose
2671 Lord, We Know That Thou Art Near Us
2672 Living by Faith
2673 God Is Working His Purpose Out
2674 The Earth Is Hushed in Silence
2675 Keep Silence, All Created Things
2676 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
2677 O Lord, Thy Work Revive
2678 Revive Thy Work, O Lord
2679 Lord, Thy Glory Fills the Heaven
2680 Rod of the Root of Jesse
2681 Sunshine in My Soul
2682 Though the Fig Tree Shall Not Blossom
2683 What Our Father Does Is Well
2684 The King Shall Come when Morning Dawns
2685 Day of Wrath, O Day of Mourning
2686 Day of Wrath, O Dreadful Day!
2687 As in the Days of Haggai
2688 Come, Thou Desire of All Thy Saints
2689 Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
2690 Desire of Every Nation
2691 How Swift the Torrent Rolls
2692 Awake, O Zion’s Daughter
2693 Tread Softly
2694 Arise, My Tenderest Thoughts, Arise
2695 God Eternal, Lord of All
2696 Ride On, Ride On in Majesty!
2697 Prisoners of Hope, Arise
2698 How Condescending and How Kind
2699 Wake, Harp of Zion
2700 Blessed Be the Fountain
2701 Calvary’s Stream Is Flowing
2702 The Cleansing Fountain
2703 Cleansing Wave
2704 Forever Here My Rest Shall Be
2705 Fountain of Grace
2706 Healing at the Fountain
2707 The Healing Fountain
2708 I See a Crimson Stream
2709 Sacred Fountain
2710 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood
2711 There’s a Fountain Free
2712 Alone
2713 Souls of Men, Why Will Ye Scatter
2714 Not a Thought of Earthly Things!
2715 Holy Father, Cheer Our Way
2716 Some Day (Tindley)
2717 Some Day, Somewhere
2718 We Journey Through a Vale of Tears
2719 O Day of God, Draw Nigh
2720 O Golden Day! So Long Desired
2721 Back to the Blessed Old Bible
2722 I Hear Ten Thousand Voices Singing
2723 My God, and Is Thy Table Spread
2724 The Great Forerunner of the Morn
2725 Open the Windows of Heaven
2726 God of the Changing Year
2727 I Hear the Words of Love
2728 Roll Out, O Song, to God!
2729 ’Twixt Gleams of Joy and Clouds of Doubt
2730 The Year Is Swiftly Waning
2731 Ask for the Showers of Blessing
2732 The King’s Treasures
2733 When He Cometh
2734 Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies
2735 From God the Father, Virgin-Born
2736 Hark! The Full-Voiced Choir Is Singing
2737 Now That the Sun Is Gleaming Bright
2738 The Roseate Hues of Early Dawn
2739 Sometimes a Light Surprises
2740 Joseph Dearest
2741 While the World Awaited
2742 I Know of a Name
2743 Eternal Depth of Love Divine
2744 God with Us
2745 God with Us! O Glorious Name!
2746 Slowly Fall the Snowflakes
2747 Triumph, Ye Heavens!
2748 Bright and Glorious Is the Sky
2749 Bright Was the Guiding Star That Led
2750 Come with the Wise Men
2751 From the Eastern Mountains
2752 I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve
2753 I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In
2754 The Magi Came from Lands Afar
2755 O’er the Hill and O’er the Vale
2756 Saw You Never, in the Twilight?
2757 Star in the East
2758 The Star of Bethlehem
2759 Story of the Wise Men
2760 There Came Three Kings
2761 They All Were Looking for a King
2762 We Three Kings
2763 When from the East the Wise Men Came
2764 When Wise Men Came Seeking
2765 The Wise Men Saw a Light Afar
2766 Beautiful Star (Hewitt)
2767 Christians, Lo, the Star Appeareth
2768 A King Might Miss the Guiding Star
2769 The Silver Star
2770 Star, Beautiful Star
2771 Whence Comes This Rush of Wings?
2772 Where Is the Holy Heav’n-Born Child?
2773 Shine Calm and Bright, Ye Moonbeams Light
2774 The Kings of the East are Riding
2775 Shine On
2776 Shine On, Bethlehem’s Star
2777 As with Gladness, Men of Old
2778 Gentle Savior, Day and Night
2779 Hail, Thou Source of Every Blessing
2780 O Chief of Cities, Bethlehem
2781 All Hail, Ye Little Martyr Flowers
2782 Children of Jerusalem
2783 Coventry Carol
2784 Glory to Thee, O Lord (Toke)
2785 In Paradise Reposing
2786 Little Children, Rise and Sing
2787 When Christ Was Born in Bethlehem (Housman)
2788 Have Ye Been to Nazareth?
2789 Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding
2790 Repent, the Kingdom Draweth Nigh
2791 A Voice by Jordan’s Shore
2792 Lo! from the Desert Homes
2793 Down to the Sacred Wave
2794 Come Holy Spirit, Dove Divine (Hickok)
2795 Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine (Judson)
2796 Holy Ghost, Come Down upon Thy Children
2797 The Son of Man from Jordan Rose
2798 Jesu, Our Lenten Fast of Thee
2799 Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days
2800 O Jesu Christ, from Thee Began
2801 O Lord of Life, Thy Kingdom Is at Hand
2802 Oh Realm of Light
2803 The Call of the Christ
2804 Full Surrender
2805 Jesus Calls Us
2806 Galilee, Bright Galilee
2807 Thou to Whom the Sick and Dying
2808 Blest Are the Humble Souls That See
2809 Blest Are the Poor
2810 Lord of Life, All Praise Excelling
2811 Blest Are the Pure in Heart
2812 Blest Are the Pure, Whose Hearts Are Clean
2813 Look for the Beautiful
2814 Purer in Heart, O God
2815 Little Sunbeams
2816 Ye Are the Light of the World
2817 Be a Ray of Sunshine
2818 Give Me, O Lord, a Heart of Grace
2819 God Make My Life a Little Light
2820 Happy Sunbeams
2821 If We Brightly Shine
2822 Let Your Light Shine Out (Crosby)
2823 Only a Beam of Sunshine
2824 Scatter Sunshine
2825 Send Out a Light
2826 Shine for Jesus
2827 Shine for Jesus Where You Are
2828 Shine in His Name
2829 There Are Lonely Hearts to Cherish
2830 Trim Thy Lamp
2831 When Love Shines In
2832 O Thou Who by a Star Didst Guide
2833 Alone with God
2834 He Will Meet You There
2835 ’Mid All the Traffic of the Ways
2836 Pray, Pray
2837 Pray When the Morn Is Breaking
2838 Secret Prayer
2839 The Simple, Earnest Prayer
2840 My Father Knows
2841 Somebody Knows
2842 Eternal Power, Whose High Abode
2843 Father in Heaven, Hear Us Today
2844 Father of All, To Thee
2845 Jesus, Kneel Beside Me
2846 The Lord’s Prayer
2847 All as God Wills
2848 His Way with Thee
2849 Lord of Light, Whose Name Outshineth
2850 May We Thy Precepts, Lord, Fulfill
2851 My God and Father! While I Stray
2852 My Jesus, as Thou Wilt
2853 Not in Dumb Resignation
2854 O Father, Thy Kingdom Is Come upon Earth
2855 O God, Whose Law from Age to Age
2856 O Shepherd of the Nameless Fold
2857 The Sun Is Sinking Fast
2858 Thy Will Be Done
2859 Be Present at Our Table, Lord
2860 O God, Thou Giver of All Good
2861 Let Something Good Be Said
2862 Think Gently of the Erring One
2863 How Happy Is the Pilgrim’s Lot
2864 Rise Up, O Men of God
2865 Dear Lord, on This Thy Servant’s Day
2866 Great and Fair Is She
2867 Lift Up Your Hearts to Things Above
2868 Lord, When I All Things Would Possess
2869 How Happy Are They
2870 Vain Are All Terrestrial Pleasures
2871 Do Not Worry
2872 There’s Not a Bird with Lonely Nest
2873 Flower Carol
2874 The Little Cares Which Fretted Me
2875 Seek Ye First
2876 Take Not Thought for Food or Raiment
2877 Beautiful Sunshine
2878 Just for Today (Partridge)
2879 Step by Step (Ulmer)
2880 Bless This Hour of Prayer
2881 Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare
2882 Have You Prayed It Through?
2883 O Thou That Hearest Prayer
2884 Broad Is the Road
2885 O Brother, Life’s Journey Beginning
2886 I’m Going Through
2887 Lord, Thy Children Guide and Keep
2888 Strait Is the Gate to All That Come
2889 The Wayside Cross
2890 Come! Tune Your Heart
2891 What Will You Do with Jesus? (Simpson)
2892 I Never Knew You
2893 Build on the Rock
2894 Builded on the Rock
2895 Built on the Rock
2896 My House Will Stand
2897 The Sure Foundation
2898 Building Day by Day
2899 My Hope Is Built
2900 Faith in Jesus
2901 From North and South and East and West
2902 Full Many Shall Come
2903 Gather Us In, Thou Love That Fillest All
2904 In Christ There Is No East or West
2905 When Languor and Disease Invade
2906 If Jesus Goes with Me
2907 When Through the Torn Sail
2908 I Feel the Winds of God Today
2909 Believe and Obey
2910 The Great Physician
2911 She Only Touched the Hem of His Garment
2912 Just One Touch
2913 Only Thy Garment’s Hem
2914 Believe Ye That I Am Able?
2915 Claim the Promise
2916 Jesus, My Savior, Look on Me
2917 Are You Working?
2918 Call for Workers
2919 Forth in the Dawn-Light
2920 Gather in the Sheaves
2921 Gather the Grain
2922 Ho! Reapers of Life’s Harvest
2923 Let Us Away
2924 O Still in Accents Sweet and Strong
2925 Reapers Are Needed (Gabriel)
2926 Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow
2927 Your Mission
2928 And Let Our Bodies Part
2929 Lord of the Gospel Harvest
2930 The Lord of the Harvest
2931 Our Country’s Voice Is Pleading
2932 Saints of God! the Dawn Is Brightening
2933 Send Them, O Lord
2934 He Sat to Watch o’er Customs Paid
2935 He Has Promised
2936 His Eye Is on the Sparrow
2937 He’ll Never Forget to Keep Me
2938 Lord Jesus, Let Thy Watchful Care
2939 Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep
2940 More Than These
2941 Not by the Martyr’s Death Alone
2942 From Age to Age They Gather
2943 All Ye Who Seek for Sure Relief
2944 Alleluia, Fairest Morning
2945 Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid?
2946 Beautiful Words of Jesus
2947 “Come”
2948 Come, Oh, Come to Me
2949 Come, Said Jesus’ Sacred Voice
2950 Come, Sinner, Come
2951 Come to the Master
2952 Come to the Savior
2953 Come to the Savior Now
2954 Come unto Me (Jones)
2955 Come unto Me (Norton)
2956 Come unto Me, and Rest
2957 Come unto Me, When Shadows Darkly Gather
2958 Come unto Me, Ye Weary (Dix)
2959 Come unto Me, Ye Weary (Crosby)
2960 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy
2961 Come, Ye Souls by Sin Afflicted
2962 Come, Ye Weary Sinners, Come
2963 The Harbor Bell
2964 Hark, the Gentle Voice
2965 His Yoke Is Easy
2966 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
2967 Jesus Calls Thee
2968 Jesus Understands!
2969 Just as Thou Art (Cook)
2970 Long Did I Toil
2971 O God, Whose Smile Is in the Sky
2972 O, What a Savior
2973 Only Trust the Savior’s Promise
2974 The Savior Calls
2975 The Savior for Me
2976 Still Out of Christ
2977 Weary of Earth, and Laden with My Sin
2978 When I Get to the End of the Way
2979 Where He Leads I’ll Follow
2980 Who Is This of Whom Ye Tell?
2981 Why Not Say Yes Tonight?
2982 Will You Come? (Crosby)
2983 Will You Come? (Reynolds)
2984 Will You Go?
2985 Come unto Me (Peterson)
2986 God’s Glory Is a Wondrous Thing
2987 Jesu, Meek and Lowly
2988 Jesus, Meek and Gentle
2989 Welcome Here
2990 Help Us, O Lord, Thy Yoke to Wear
2991 Lord of the Sabbath and Its Light
2992 Lord of the Sabbath, Hear Us Pray
2993 The Lord of Sabbath Let Us Praise
2994 Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain
2995 As Jonah, Issuing from His Three Days’ Tomb
2996 Behold a Sower! from Afar
2997 Scattering Precious Seed
2998 The Sower Went Forth Sowing
2999 Are You Sowing the Seed?
3000 Sow the Seed Beside All Waters
3001 Almighty God, Your Word Is Cast
3002 Only Once You Pass This Way
3003 Little Drops of Water
3004 That Cause Can Never Be Lost Nor Stayed
3005 We Plow the Fields
3006 Lord of the Harvest, Once Again
3007 Where Hast Thou Gleaned Today?
3008 Winter in His Heart of Gloom
3009 This Is the Field
3010 God in Heaven Hath a Treasure
3011 Jesus, Priceless Treasure
3012 I’ve Found the Pearl of Greatest Price
3013 Laden with Guilt, and Full of Fears
3014 O That Pearl of Great Price!
3015 When Our Lord Shall Come Again
3016 O What Amazing Words of Grace
3017 Son of the Carpenter, Receive
3018 Little Is Much When God Is in It
3019 Looking Upward Every Day
3020 I Love to Steal Awhile Away
3021 Be Not Afraid
3022 When Jesus Speaks
3023 Jesus Has Lifted Me
3024 Love Lifted Me
3025 Throw Out the Life Line
3026 Jsus, Help Me
3027 Dear Savior, Stretch Thy Loving Arms
3028 Somebody Came and Lifted Me
3029 Dear Jesus, Canst Thou Help Me?
3030 Not Worthy, Lord, to Gather Up the Crumbs
3031 Spirit of Faith, Come Down
3032 Thou Art the Christ, O Lord
3033 Wonderful Savior
3034 Builder of Ages
3035 God’s Holy Church Shall Triumph
3036 Hark, the Tramp of Coming Legions
3037 The Highest and the Holiest Place
3038 Mighty God, Come Build Your Mighty Church
3039 O Where Are Kings and Empires Now?
3040 O Young and Fearless Prophet
3041 Decision
3042 Follow Me, the Master Said
3043 Gladly We Will Go
3044 I’ll Bear It, Lord, for Thee
3045 Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
3046 Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?
3047 Nearer the Cross
3048 O Jesu, Crucified for Man
3049 Take Up Thy Cross (Everest)
3050 Thou Hast Said, Exalted Jesus
3051 Thou Say’st, “Take Up Thy Cross”
3052 The Way of the Cross Leads Home
3053 God Gives His Mercies to Be Spent
3054 What Is He Worth to Your Soul?
3055 Where Is Thy Refuge?
3056 The Last Mile of the Way
3057 In Days of Old on Sinai
3058 Stay, Master, Stay upon This Heavenly Hill
3059 Jesus Only (Conrey)
3060 Jesus Only, Let Me See
3061 O Father, in Whose Great Design
3062 Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd
3063 Father, Who Hast Gathered
3064 The Child in the Midst
3065 The Precious Story (Crosby)
3066 Dear Savior, if These Lambs Should Stray
3067 Lovingly the Shepherd
3068 The Ninety and Nine
3069 All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord
3070 Be Still, My Soul! for God Is Near!
3071 Come, Thou Soul-Transforming Spirit
3072 The Holy Ghost Is Here
3073 How Charming Is the Place
3074 In Thy Name, O Lord, Assembling
3075 Jesus, Stand Among Us
3076 Jesus, We Look to Thee
3077 Jesus, Where’er Thy People Meet
3078 Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now
3079 Lord Jesus Christ, with Us Abide
3080 Not Here, as to the Prophet’s Eye
3081 O Come All Ye Saints
3082 O God, Though Countless Worlds of Light
3083 O Seek the Lord in Prayer
3084 O That I Could, in Every Place
3085 O Where Is He That Trod the Sea?
3086 Oh, How Sweet When We Mingle
3087 See, Jesus, Thy Disciples See
3088 This Day in Jesus’ Name We Meet
3089 Unto Thy Temple, Lord, We Come
3090 We Rear Not a Temple
3091 Where Two or Three, with Sweet Accord
3092 Would You Believe?
3093 Remember Christ, Our Savior
3094 O Perfect Love
3095 Come Children, with Singing
3096 Jesus Loves the Little Children
3097 Lead Them to Thee
3098 Let Little Children Come to Me
3099 O Jesus Christ, Our Lord Most Dear
3100 Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
3101 When Mothers of Salem
3102 In Royal Robes of Splendor
3103 Go Work in the Vineyard
3104 I Want to Be a Worker
3105 Two Brothers Freely Cast Their Lot
3106 The Son of God Goes Forth to War
3107 Oh! What, If We Are Christ’s
3108 Jesus, Full of All Compassion
3109 All Glory, Laud and Honor
3110 Hosanna to the Living Lord
3111 O King of Glory! David’s Son!
3112 Outside the Holy City
3113 The Son of David Bowed to Die
3114 Hosanna We Sing
3115 Can a Little Child Like Me
3116 Children Sing
3117 Come, Children, Raise Your Voices
3118 Hark! Hark! the Song
3119 Little Children, Rise and Sing
3120 Lord, Thy Children Lowly Bending
3121 Praise Him, All Ye Little Children
3122 Sing to the Lord the Children’s Hymn
3123 Wilt Thou Hear the Voice of Praise?
3124 Go Work in My Vineyard
3125 He Set the Task for Me
3126 Missionary’s Farewell
3127 O God, Who Workest Hitherto
3128 Work for Us All
3129 In the Vineyard of Our Father
3131 All Things Are Ready
3132 Come, Come Away!
3133 Come, for All Things Are Ready!
3134 Come, for the Feast Is Spread
3135 Hear the Word
3136 Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life
3137 God of the Living, in Whose Eyes
3138 Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
3139 Heart and Mind, Possessions, Lord
3140 O How Shall I Keep My Christmas?
3141 Brothers, Joining Hand to Hand
3142 As Birds Their Infant Brood Protect
3143 Jesus, Thy Church with Longing Eyes
3144 There Is a Mighty Question
3145 ’Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come
3146 The End Is Not Yet
3147 Omnipotent Lord, My Savior and King
3148 How Happy Are the Little Flock
3149 Let the Song Go Round the Earth
3150 Lord, Her Watch Thy Church Is Keeping
3151 A Missionary Cry
3152 Missionary Hymn
3153 Watchman, Blow the Gospel Trumpet
3154 Light in the Eastern Sky
3155 Hail the Sign, the Sign of Jesus
3156 My Lord, What a Morning!
3157 Once More, O Lord, Thy Sign
3158 In the Great Triumphant Morning
3159 The King Is Coming in Glory
3160 Lift Up Your Heads, Rejoice
3161 The Message of His Coming
3162 Hold Up the Grand Old Bible
3163 If Tonight Should End the World
3164 Lord, Thy Word Abideth
3165 My Mother’s Bible (Williams)
3166 O Changeless Word
3167 The Old Book and the Old Faith
3168 Standing at the Portal
3169 The Starry Firmament on High
3170 The Happy Crowning Day
3171 Are You Ready for the Coming?
3172 Church of Christ, O Sleep No More
3173 If Christ Should Come Tonight
3174 Be Ready When the Bridegroom Comes
3175 Behold the Bridegroom Draweth Nigh
3176 Lamps Trimmed and Burning
3177 The Ten Virgins
3178 When Descending from the Sky
3179 When the Bridegroom Comes (Latta)
3180 When the Bridegroom Comes (Warren)
3181 Ye Virgin Souls, Arise
3182 Ye Waiting Souls, Arise
3183 The World Is Sad with Hopes That Die
3184 Behold, He Cometh
3185 Behold, the Bridegroom Comes
3186 Behold the Bridegroom Cometh (Root)
3187 Bride of the Lamb, Awake, Awake
3188 The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us
3189 The Lord Is Coming By and By
3190 O Bride of Christ, Rejoice!
3191 Oh Be Ready!
3192 Praise, My Soul, the Lord in Glory
3193 Trim Your Lamps!
3194 Behold the Bridegroom Cometh (Moultrie)
3195 Will Jesus Find Us Watching?
3196 Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers
3197 Sleepers, Wake! The Watch Cry Pealeth
3198 Too Late
3199 Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying
3200 Wake, O Wake! with Tidings Thrilling
3201 The Glorious Gospel Train
3203 O Son of God, We Wait for Thee
3204 The Winged Herald of the Day
3205 Hark! A Voice Divides the Sky
3206 Is He Satisfied with Me?
3207 Servant of God, Well Done! (Montgomery)
3208 Come, Labor On
3209 Servant of God, Well Done!
3210 O Help Us Lord, Each Hour of Need
3211 Up in Heaven
3212 There’s a Great Day Coming
3213 Dear Lord, Who Dwellest with Us Now
3214 Fountain of Good, to Own Thy Love
3215 God, How Can We Comprehend?
3216 Heaven Is Here, Where Hymns of Gladness
3217 Inasmuch
3218 Jesus, My Lord, How Rich Thy Grace!
3219 Jesus, Thou Divine Companion
3220 Just a Little
3221 Lord, Lead the Way the Savior Went
3222 Lord of Glory, Who Hast Bought Us
3223 O Do Some Good Deed Every Day
3224 O God of Mercy! Hearken Now
3225 O God of Mercy, God of Might
3226 O, Sing We a Carol
3227 O Jesus, Master, When Today
3228 Others (Meigs)
3229 A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
3230 Somebody Else Needs a Blessing
3231 This Is Our Endeavor
3232 We All Can Do Something for Jesus
3233 When Thy Heart, with Joy O’erflowing
3234 And Will the Judge Descend?
3235 That Awful Day Will Surely Come
3236 Woe to the Men on Earth Who Dwell
3237 O How Can They Look Up to Heaven?
3238 Eternity (Crosby)
3239 The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord
3240 Thou Whom My Soul Admires Above
3241 One Blessed Hour with Jesus
3242 Christian! Seek Not Yet Repose
3243 Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray
3244 Yield Not to Temptation
3245 Jesus, While Our Hearts Are Bleeding
3246 When Peter Boasted, Soon He Fell
3247 What Will You Do with Jesus? (Simpson)
3248 What Will You Do with Jesus? (Norton)
3249 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
3250 O Come and Mourn with Me
3251 O Darkest Woe
3252 Throned upon the Awful Tree
3253 Hark! the Voice of Love and Mercy
3254 The Unveiled Christ
3255 Now the Green Blade Rises
3256 Sealed Was the Tomb
3257 Lift Up, Lift Up Your Voices Now
3258 Wake, Sweetest Strain
3259 Day of God, Thou Blessed Day
3260 God Hath Sent His Angels
3261 The Bells of Easter
3262 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (Lyra)
3263 He Is Risen
3264 We Welcome Glad Easter
3265 Christ Is Risen!
3266 Christ Is Risen! Christ Is Risen!
3267 Christ Is Risen from the Dead
3268 Christ Is Risen! Hallelujah!
3269 Christ the Lord is Risen Again
3270 Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today (Crosby)
3271 Come, See the Place Where Jesus Lay
3272 Come, See the Place Where Jesus Lies
3273 Easter Bells
3274 Easter Carol (Lathbury)
3275 Easter Flowers Are Blooming Bright
3276 Hallelujah! Christ Is Risen (Hall)
3277 Hallelujah! Christ Is Risen (Wordsworth)
3278 Hallelujah, He Is Risen!
3279 Hark! The Springtide Breezes
3280 He Is Risen!
3281 He Rose from the Dead
3282 He Rose! O Morn of Wonder!
3283 The Holy Anthem
3284 How Calm and Beautiful the Morn
3285 I Say to All Men Far and Near
3286 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
3287 Let Us Sing for Joy
3288 The Lord of Life Is Risen
3289 Morn of Joy
3290 Morning Breaks upon the Tomb
3291 Our Lord Christ Hath Risen
3292 Sing the Joy of Easter Day
3293 Sinners, Dismiss Your Fear
3294 Sweet and Clear the Birds Are Singing
3295 This Joyful Easter-Tide
3296 Ye Humble Souls That Seek the Lord
3297 The Day of Resurrection
3298 His Cheering Message from the Grave
3299 Light’s Glittering Morn Bedecks the Sky
3300 O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing!
3301 Come unto Me (Jones)
3302 Come unto Me, When Shadows Darkly Gather
3303 Come unto Me, Ye Weary (Dix)
3304 How Sweetly Flowed the Gospel’s Sound
3305 The Wanderer
3306 With Tearful Eyes I Look Around
3307 Christ Jesus Hath the Power
3308 Eternal Monarch, King Most High
3309 Eternal Monarch, King Most High
3310 O Lord Most High, Eternal King
3311 Assembled at Thy Great Command
3312 Baptized into Thy Name Most Holy
3313 Disciples of All Nations
3314 An Endless Line of Splendor
3315 From Greenland’s Icy Mountains
3316 Go Forth at Christ’s Command
3317 Go, Preach My Gospel
3318 Go Ye into All the World
3319 Go, Ye Messengers of God
3320 It Must Be Told
3321 O Father, Bless the Children
3322 O Zion, Haste
3323 O’er Continent and Ocean
3324 Rites Cannot Change the Heart
3325 Sinners, Obey the Gospel Word
3326 Souls in Death and Darkness Lying
3327 Sound, Sound the Truth Abroad
3328 Speed Away
3329 Speed the Light
3330 Speed Thy Servants, Savior
3331 Tell It Out (Kirkland)
3332 Tell the Whole Wide World
3333 ’Twas the Commission of Our Lord
3334 We Are But a Band of Children
3335 We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations
3336 With Thine Own Pity, Savior, See
3337 Within the Church’s Sacred Fold
3338 The World Must Be Taken
3339 All Hail, Adored Trinity
3340 Always with Us
3341 As Each Happy Christmas
3342 Be Present, Holy Trinity
3343 Blest Savior, Near to Thee
3344 Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
3345 Come, Holy Ghost, Who Ever One
3346 Come, Holy Ghost, with God the Son
3347 Constantly Abiding
3348 Eternal Father, When to Thee
3349 Father, Let Thy Smiling Face
3350 Father Most Holy, Merciful and Tender
3351 Go, Heralds of Salvation, Forth
3352 God Be with You till We Meet Again
3353 God Is with Us
3354 God the Father, God the Son (Littledale)
3355 Hail, Co-Essential Three
3356 Hail Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
3357 Hail Father, Son and Spirit Great
3358 His Promise to Me
3359 Holy Trinity, Thanks and Praise to Thee
3360 I Cannot Drift Beyond Thy Love
3361 I Have Christ in My Heart
3362 I’m Happy in Jesus Today
3363 Jesus, I’ll Go Through with Thee
3364 Jesus, with Thy Church Abide
3365 Just Where Thou Art
3366 Moment by Moment
3367 Never Alone
3368 No Distant Lord Have I
3369 O Let Him Whose Sorrow
3370 O Lord, with Toil Our Days Are Filled
3371 Onward Will We Go
3372 Praise Ye the Triune God
3373 The Savior with Me
3374 Three in One, and One in Three
3375 To Thee, O Dear, Dear Savior!
3376 We Bless the Triune God of Might
3377 We Leave Thy House, but Leave Not Thee
3378 Wheresoe’er I Roam
3379 Wise Men Seeking Jesus
3380 Your Best Friend Is Always Near
3381 The Saint Who First Found Grace to Pen
3382 O Thou Who in Jordan
3383 Awhile in Spirit, Lord, to Thee
3384 Forty Days and Forty Nights
3385 The Glory of These Forty Days
3386 Come Sing, Ye Choirs Exultant
3387 Arise, Sons of the Kingdom
3388 Arise, the Kingdom Is at Hand
3389 Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord
3390 At Even, Ere the Sun Was Set
3391 Savior, Who Didst Healing Give
3392 Thine Arm, O Lord, in Days of Old
3393 My Father, for Another Night
3394 Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise
3395 Thou, Lord, Hast Power to Heal
3396 We Bear the Strain of Earthly Care
3397 Ye Sons of Earth Prepare the Plough
3398 Fierce Raged the Tempest o’er the Deep
3399 Fierce Was the Storm of Wind
3400 Lord, the Wind and Sea Obey Thee
3401 Master, the Tempest Is Raging
3402 O Troubled Sea of Galilee
3403 Christ in the Storm
3404 Fierce Was the Wild Billow
3405 Lord, Whom Winds and Waves Obey
3406 Does Thy Savior Pilot Thee?
3407 He’s the Prince of Peacemakers
3408 Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me
3409 The Pilot of Galilee
3410 The Storm Is Passing Over
3411 Who Will Our Pilot Be?
3412 Steady, Brother, Steady
3413 Sin, Like a Venomous Disease
3414 No Other Story
3415 Good Night and Good Morning
3416 We Shall Sleep, but Not Forever
3417 O Scorned and Outcast Lord
3418 Thou Who Sentest Thine Apostles
3419 Come Ye Yourselves Apart
3420 Stealing from the World Away
3421 How Wonderful It Is to Walk with God
3422 It Is I
3423 When the Dark Waves Round Us Roll
3424 He Touched Me and Made Me Whole
3425 Now, in a Song of Grateful Praise
3426 Carry Your Cross with a Smile
3427 The Cross Is Not Greater
3428 The Cross of My Redeemer
3429 For Man the Savior Shed
3430 Take Up Thy Cross (Ackley)
3431 Where He Leads Me
3432 Where the Savior Leads
3433 Who Will Suffer with the Savior?
3434 If I Gained the World
3435 Take the World, but Give Me Jesus
3436 Jesus, and Shall It Ever Be
3437 Lord Jesus, on the Holy Mount
3438 I Love the Voice Divine
3439 My Sins Have Taken Such a Hold on Me
3440 Lord, I Believe
3441 Lord, I Believe; Thy Power I Own
3443 Whatever Dims Thy Sense of Truth
3444 O Blessed Home Where Man and Wife
3445 By Vows of Love Together Bound
3446 The Voice That Breathed o’er Eden
3447 A Little Child the Savior Came
3448 If I Come to Jesus
3449 Little Children, Come Away
3450 O Lord, the Holy Innocents
3451 Our God of Love, Who Reigns Above
3452 Waken! Christian Children
3453 We Come in Childhood’s Joyfulness
3454 The Wise May Bring Their Learning
3455 Christ, Who Once Among Us
3456 Safe in the Arms of Jesus
3457 See Israel’s Gentle Shepherd Stand
3458 There’s a Friend for Little Children
3459 So Near to the Kingdom
3460 Though Kindred Ties Around Us
3461 What Though I Cannot Break My Chain
3462 We Will Follow Jesus
3463 For My Sake, and the Gospel’s
3464 Are Ye Able?
3465 Servant of All, to Toil for Man
3466 I Gave My Life for Thee
3467 I Saw One Hanging on a Tree
3468 Jesus Came Down My Ransom to Be
3469 Savior, Who Thy Life Didst Give
3470 Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By
3471 Blind Bartimeus
3472 All Those That Pass By
3473 As a Volunteer
3474 Calling Now
3475 Calling Thee
3476 Forward, Men and Brothers!
3477 Hark! He Is Calling
3479 Lo, a Loving Friend Is Waiting
3480 Oh! Come to the Merciful Savior
3481 Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling
3482 From Bethany, the Master
3483 Triumphal Entry
3484 Nothing but Leaves
3485 Thy Mansion Is the Christian’s Heart
3486 Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid
3487 Give Me the Faith Which Can Remove
3488 Only Believe
3489 Soul, What Return Has God, Thy Savior
3490 Religion Is the Chief Concern
3491 O Lord of Hosts, Who Didst Upraise
3492 The Lord Will Come! The Earth Shall Quake
3493 He Is Coming, He Is Coming
3494 I Know That Some Day
3495 Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring
3496 Just as I Am, Thine Own to Be
3497 Thou God of Glorious Majesty
3498 We Shall See the King
3499 When Each Others Face We See
3500 When Through the Whirl of Wheels
3501 God of All Power and Truth and Grace
3502 I Am Standing on the Word of God
3503 He Is Near
3504 O’er the Distant Mountains Breaking
3505 Watch and Pray
3506 Oh, What Are You Going to Do?
3507 Christ Returneth
3508 I Know Not the Hour
3509 O Why Not Tonight?
3510 ’Tis Midnight, and on Olive’s Brow
3511 Thy Table I Approach
3512 The Beautiful Garden of Prayer
3513 Gethsemane
3514 Go to Dark Gethsemane
3515 In Gethsemane Alone
3516 Into the Woods
3517 Low in Thine Agony
3518 Not Now, My Child
3519 My God! My God! And Can It Be
3520 O Jesu Christ, if Aught There Be
3521 A Purple Robe
3522 From Calvary a Cry Was Heard
3523 Lord Jesus, God and Man
3524 Angels, Roll the Rock Away
3525 Ere Yet the Dawn Has Filled the Skies
3526 Joy, Joy, Immortal Joy
3527 On Wings of Living Light
3528 Rise, All Who Seek the Crucified
3529 Over and Over Again
3530 Low in the Grave He Lay
3531 Happy Magdalene, to Whom
3532 Son of the Highest, Deign to Cast
3533 Go Forth
3534 My Dearest, Lovely, Native Land
3535 O Church of God, Arise!
3536 Onward, Onward, Men of Heaven
3537 Preach the Gospel
3538 Take the World for Jesus
3539 Tell the Blessed Story
3540 Tell the Blessed Tidings
3541 There’s Only One Way
3542 The Whole Wide World for Jesus (Hammond)
3543 Win the World for Christ
3544 To Thee, O God, in Heaven
3545 Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise
3546 Let Thine Example
3547 In Thee Is Gladness
3548 The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came
3549 Gabriel, from the Heaven Descending
3551 The God Whom Earth, and Sea, and Sky
3552 Hail, O Star That Pointest
3553 Now Yield We Thanks and Praise
3554 From East to West, from Shore to Shore
3555 Away! With Loyal Hearts and True
3556 My Savior
3557 O What Shall I Do, My Savior to Praise
3558 Rest of the Weary
3559 There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy
3560 Awake, My Soul, Awake, My Tongue
3561 Dayspring of Eternity
3562 Rise, O Salem, Rise and Shine
3563 On a Day When Men Were Counted
3564 The Friendly Beasts
3565 Once in Royal David’s City
3566 Ah, Dearest Jesus
3567 Away in a Manger
3568 The Babe in Bethlem’s Manger
3569 Child in the Manger
3570 Come Rejoicing, Praises Voicing
3571 Cradled in a Manger, Meanly
3572 Dear Little One
3573 Dear Little Stranger
3574 Dost Thou in a Manger Lie?
3575 Gentle Mary Laid Her Child
3576 Give Heed, My Heart
3577 Glad Christmas Bells
3578 Hush, My Dear
3579 In a Lowly Manger Sleeping
3580 In the Bleak Midwinter
3581 Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
3582 An Infant Lay Within a Shed
3583 Listen, Lordings, unto Me
3584 The Manger-Babe
3585 No Room in the Inn
3586 O Child of Lowly Manger Birth
3587 O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is
3588 Ring Out the Bells for Christmas
3589 Sleep! Holy Babe
3590 Sleep, Little Baby
3591 The Snow Lay on the Ground
3592 A Tale of the Olden Time
3593 There Came a Little Child to Earth
3594 There’s a Song in the Air
3595 This Endris Night
3596 To Thee My Heart I Offer
3597 ’Twas in the Winter Cold
3598 A Virgin Pure, Both Meek and Mild
3599 The Virgin Stills the Crying
3600 When Christmas Morn Is Dawning
3601 When Joseph Went with Mary
3602 The Child and the Shepherd
3603 Christians, Awake, Salute the Happy Morn
3604 Dawning Fair, Morning Wonderful
3605 The First Noel
3606 The Flocks Were Wrapped in Slumber
3607 Go, Tell It on the Mountain
3608 In the Field with Their Flocks Abiding
3609 In the Silence of the Night
3610 It Came upon the Midnight Clear
3611 Long Ago
3612 Long Years Ago o’er Bethlehem’s Hills
3613 Lowly Shepherds of Judea
3614 O Holy Night
3615 O Sing a Song of Bethlehem
3616 Over Bethl’em’s Hillside
3617 Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow
3618 See Amid the Winter’s Snow
3619 The Shepherds of Bethlehem (Hopkins)
3620 Shepherds! Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep
3621 Silent Night
3622 The Story That Never Grows Old
3623 To Thee, O God, the Shepherd Kings
3624 While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
3625 While Their Flocks the Shepherds Tended
3626 Wonderful Night!
3627 How Blest Were They on Bethlehem’s Plain
3628 Once o’er Judea’s Hills by Night
3629 A Shepherd Band Their Flocks
3630 To Weary Shepherds Sleeping
3631 As on the Night Before
3632 Away with Our Fears!
3633 From Church to Church
3634 From Heaven Above to Earth I Come
3635 From Highest Heaven, on Joyous Wing
3636 Glad Tidings
3637 Glorious Yuletide
3638 God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
3639 Hark! Hark! The Notes of Joy
3640 Here Is Joy for Every Age
3641 Joy Bells Are Ringing
3642 Joy Fills Our Inmost Hearts Today!
3643 Joy to the World
3644 Let Sighing Cease and Woe
3645 On Christmas Night All Christians Sing
3646 On Judah’s Plains as Shepherds Sat
3647 Our Message
3648 Rejoice, Rejoice, Ye Christians
3649 Royal Day That Chaseth Gloom
3650 Shepherds, Rejoice! Lift Up Your Eyes
3651 Shepherds, What Joyful Tidings
3652 Shout the Glad Tidings
3653 To Save a Poor Sinner Like Me
3654 We Christians May Rejoice Today
3655 We’ve Been Told a Joyful Thing
3656 Whispering Winds Softly Sighing
3657 Ye Christian Heralds, Go Proclaim
3658 Ye Simple Men of Hearts Sincere
3659 All My Heart This Night Rejoices
3660 All My Heart with Joy Is Springing
3661 A Babe Is Born
3662 A Babe Is Born in Bethlehem
3663 Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella
3664 Carol, Sweetly Carol
3665 A Child This Day Is Born
3666 Christians, Carol Sweetly
3667 Come Hither, Ye Children
3668 Come Hither, Ye Faithful
3669 Come, Listen to My Story
3670 Come, Shepherds, Come!
3671 I Sing the Birth Was Born Tonight
3672 The Joyful Morn Is Breaking
3673 Like Silver Lamps in a Distant Shrine
3674 A Little Child Is Born Tonight
3675 Make Thee Ready, as Best Thou Art Able
3676 On the Birthday of the Lord (Littledale)
3677 Praise God the Lord, Ye Sons of Men
3678 Rejoice, Rejoice, This Happy Morn
3679 Ring On, Ye Bells
3680 Ring, Ring the Bells, the Joyful Bells
3681 This Blessed Night
3682 This Day a Child Is Born
3683 Angel Hosts in Bright Array
3684 Angels from the Realms of Glory
3685 Angels We Have Heard on High
3686 Bright Angel Hosts Are Heard on High
3687 Calm on the Listening Ear of Night
3688 Do You Know the Song That the Angels Sang
3689 From Every Spire on Christmas Eve
3690 Glorious, Beauteous, Golden-Bright
3691 Hark from on High Those Blissful Strains!
3692 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
3693 Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices?
3694 Hark! What Sounds Are Sweetly Stealing?
3695 Hearken, All! What Holy Singing
3696 I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
3697 In the Lonely Midnight
3698 Let Angels and Archangels Sing
3699 Long Ago a Shining Throng
3700 Mortals Awake, with Angels Join
3701 Music of the Angels
3702 Music on Christmas Morning
3703 Peaceful the Wondrous Night
3704 Shades of Silent Night Dividing
3705 ’Twas in the Moon of Wintertime
3706 All Glory to God
3707 All Glory to God in the Sky
3708 All in the Silent Night
3709 Angel of Peace
3710 The Angels’ Chorus (Wakeman)
3711 The Angel’s Song
3712 The Angels’ Sweet Refrain
3713 Beautiful Bethlehem Bells
3714 Blessed Night, When First That Plain
3715 Christians, Listen, While We Sing
3716 Christmas Anthem
3717 Ding Dong Merrily on High
3718 Evergreen, Holly and Laurel
3719 Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains
3720 The First Christmas Song
3721 Glory Be to Him Who Loved Us
3722 Glory To God, Hallelujah
3723 Glory to God in the Highest
3724 The Happy Christmas Comes Once More
3725 Hark, the Sounds Melodious Stealing
3726 I Love to Hear Sweet Voices Sing
3727 In the Early Morning, Early
3728 Let Glory Be to God on High
3729 Let Heav’n and Earth Rejoice and Sing
3730 Little Children, Can You Tell
3731 Now Lift the Carol
3732 On a Christmas Morning
3733 On the Birthday of the Lord (Washburn)
3735 Stars All Bright Are Beaming
3736 Waking Out of Silence
3737 What Means This Glory Round Our Feet?
3738 The Worcester Christmas Carol
3739 Come, All Ye Shepherds
3740 Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising
3741 Let Us Now Go to Bethlehem
3742 O Come, All Ye Faithful
3743 Our Day of Joy Is Here Again
3744 Sleep, My Little Jesus
3745 Hail to the Lord Who Comes
3746 O Happy Day, When First Was Poured
3747 In His Temple Now Behold Him
3748 In Peace and Joy I Now Depart
3749 Light of the Gentile Nations
3750 Thou Light of Gentile Nations
3751 It Is Glory Just to Walk with Him
3752 Lord Jesus, in the Days of Old
3753 O Zion, Open Wide Thy Gates
3754 At the Cross, Her Station Keeping
3755 Near the Cross, Her Vigil Keeping
3756 Near the Cross Was Mary Weeping
3757 By Cool Siloam’s Shady Rill
3758 Jesus Was a Child Like Me
3759 What Wisdom, Majesty and Grace
3760 Within the Father’s House
3761 Jesus a Child His Course Begun
3762 O Master Workman of the Race
3763 Our Father’s Business
3764 In Stature Grows the Heavenly Child
3765 O Christ, Who Didst Our Tasks Fulfill
3766 O Holy Lord, Content to Fill
3767 O Jesus, Once a Nazareth Boy
3768 Glory to God, Whose Sovereign Grace
3769 One Who Is All Unfit to Count
3770 Come, Gracious Spirit, Heav’nly Dove
3771 Gracious Spirit, Dove Divine
3772 His Word Was with Power
3773 We Know Thee Who Thou Art
3774 Hear Us, O Lord
3775 The Hallowed Spot
3776 Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior
3777 Awake, Awake to Love and Work
3778 God Opens Wide His Hand
3779 I Am Not Worthy, Holy Lord
3780 Savior, and Can It Be
3781 Friend of Sinners, Lord of Glory
3782 He Wants a Poor Sinner Like Me
3783 Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners
3784 Drop, Drop, Slow Tears
3785 Oh, to Be Nearer
3786 Hail! My Ever Blessed Jesus
3787 A Sinner Forgiven
3788 What’s the News?
3789 O Daughters Blest of Galilee
3790 Almighty Father, Bless the Word
3791 Lord, if at Thy Command
3792 Someone Is Looking to You
3793 Tell It Again
3794 When the Storms of Life Surround Me
3795 Jesu! Speak to Me in Love
3796 Beloved, Sleep
3797 The Christian’s “Good Night”
3798 Silently the Shades of Evening
3799 Unveil Thy Bosom, Faithful Tomb
3800 We Cannot Think of Them as Dead
3801 Why Do We Mourn Departing Friends?
3802 There Were Twelve Disciples
3803 O Thou Eternal Christ of God
3804 Believe Not Those Who Say
3805 Master, We Thy Footsteps Follow
3806 No Cross for Me?
3807 In Token That Shou Shalt Not Fear
3808 The Chosen Three, on Mountain Height
3809 For Ever We Would Gaze on Thee
3810 An Image of That Heavenly Light
3811 Not Always on the Mount
3812 O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright
3813 O Light of Light, By Love Inclined
3814 O Wondrous Sight!
3815 O Master, It Is Good to Be
3816 ’Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here
3817 When at This Distance, Lord, We Trace
3818 Where Jesus Is, ’Tis Heaven
3819 Jesus I Will Never Leave
3820 We Will Follow Thee
3821 No Longer of Him Be It Said
3822 I Will Follow Thee (Elginburg)
3823 I Will Follow Thee (Oatman)
3824 The Earth, O Lord, Is One Wide Field
3825 Labor On
3826 Lo! the Golden Fields Are Smiling
3827 Lord of the Living Harvest
3828 Not by Thy Mighty Hand
3829 O Christ, Forget Not Them Who Stand
3830 O Where Are the Reapers?
3831 Sing to the Lord of Harvest
3832 Spread, O Spread, Thou Mighty Word
3833 There’s a Garden
3834 Up and Onward
3835 Who Will Go?
3836 O Lord of Heav’n and Earth and Sea
3837 Close Thy Heart No More
3838 All Nature Feels Attractive Power
3839 Who Is Thy Neighbor?
3840 Help Somebody Today
3841 In Bethany
3842 At the Feet of Jesus
3843 Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
3844 Beset with Snares on Every Hand
3845 O Love Divine, How Sweet Thou Art
3846 One Thing’s Needful
3847 At First I Prayed for Light
3848 Lord, Teach Us How to Pray Aright
3849 Now from the World Withdrawn
3850 Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire
3851 When Cold Our Hearts
3852 Father, in High Heaven Dwelling
3853 Father of Me, and All Mankind
3854 I Worship Thee, Sweet Will of God
3855 Jesus, Jesus, Only Jesus
3856 The Lord’s Prayer
3857 Our Father in Heaven
3858 Sound Aloud Jehovah’s Praises
3859 Thy Kingdom Come
3860 Thy Kingdom Come! O Father, Hear Our Prayer
3861 Thy Kingdom Come, O God
3862 Thy Kingdom Come, O Lord
3863 Thy Kingdom Come, on Bended Knee
3864 Day by Day the Manna Fell
3865 Gently Lord, O Gently Lead Us
3866 Jesu, Grant Me This, I Pray
3867 Veil, Lord, Mine Eyes till She Be Past
3868 O Father, Thou Who Hast Created All
3869 Tell It to Jesus
3870 Come, Thou Holy Paraclete
3871 How Blest Are They Who Hear God’s Word
3872 O Blessed Bible
3873 Terrible God, That Reign’st on High
3874 God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall
3875 If Birds That Neither Sow Nor Reap
3876 Consider the Lilies
3877 Long Ago the Lilies Faded
3878 We Thank Thee, O Our Father
3879 He Supplieth All of My Need
3880 Fear Not, Thou Faithful Christian Flock
3881 Let Every Lamp Be Burning Bright
3882 Let the Lower Lights Be Burning
3883 How Are Thy Servants Blest, O Lord!
3884 Ye Servants of the Lord
3885 While Life Prolongs Its Precious Light
3886 Be Ready to Go
3887 Repent! ’Tis the Voice of Jesus
3888 Strive Aright When God Doth Call
3889 Little Travelers Zionward
3890 Weep Not for Him Who Onward Bears
3891 Good King Wenceslas
3892 Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast
3893 The King of Heaven His Table Spreads
3894 How Sweet and Awesome Is This Place
3895 When the Comforter Came
3896 The Blessed Feast
3897 The Mistakes of My Life
3898 Room for the Penitent
3899 Room for You
3900 Stop, Poor Sinner, Stop and Think
3901 There Is Room in His Heart for You
3902 Yet There Is Room
3903 Call Them In
3904 Go and Work!
3905 The Ship of Fame
3906 Give of Your Best to the Master
3907 I Surrender All
3908 Christ Receiveth Sinful Men
3909 Jesus, Friend of Sinners
3910 Jesus Sinners Doth Receive
3911 Jesus, the Sinner’s Friend
3912 My Savior Sinners Doth Receive
3913 Sinners, Believe the Gospel Word
3914 Thy Faithfulness, Lord, Each Moment We Find
3915 ’Twas a Glad Day When Jesus Found Me
3916 Good News (Hewitt)
3917 Ring the Bells of Heaven
3918 There Is Sound of Rejoicing
3919 There Is Joy
3920 There Was Joy in Heaven
3921 Why Do the Holy Angels Sing?
3922 Afflictions, Though They Seem Severe
3923 Are You Coming Home Tonight?
3924 Coming Home
3925 Coming Home to Thee
3926 I Am Coming Home
3927 A Last Prayer
3928 Like a Wayward Child I’ve Wandered
3929 Lord, I’m Coming Home
3930 Lord, to Thee I Make Confession
3931 People of the Living God
3932 Pilgrim, Burdened with Thy Sin
3933 The Prodigal Son (Chisholm)
3934 Take the Home-Path
3935 Th’Abyss of Many a Former Sin
3936 Father, Again in Jesus’ Name We Meet
3937 Where Is My Boy Tonight?
3938 O Great God of Nations
3939 Abba, Father! We Approach Thee
3940 Calling the Prodigal
3941 Dives and Lazarus
3942 My Latest Sun Is Sinking Fast
3943 Will the Angels Come?
3944 Eternal Power, of Earth and Air!
3945 Give Me the Wings of Faith
3946 Let Us Plead for Faith Alone
3947 Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain
3948 Lord, I Want to Be a Christian
3949 O, for a Faith That Will Not Shrink
3950 Where Are the Nine?
3951 A Little Kingdom I Possess
3952 The World Within
3953 Have Compassion, Lord, on Me!
3954 Lord, I Deserve Thy Deepest Wrath
3955 Lord, Like the Publican I Stand
3956 O Son of God, in Glory Crowned
3957 Only a Sinner
3958 Savior, Prince of Israel’s Race
3959 Sinful, Sighing to Be Blest
3960 Friend of the Home
3961 I Think, When I Read That Sweet Story
3962 It Fell upon a Summer Day
3963 Oh, Come, Little Children
3964 Thy Little Ones, Dear Lord, Are We
3965 Jesus Is Passing This Way
3966 Blessed News
3967 O Jesus, Savior of the Lost
3968 Seeking the Lost (Ogden)
3969 Seeking to Save
3970 The Son of Man Goes Forth Today
3971 Sweet Story of Jesus
3972 God’s Mighty Wonders
3973 Glory Be to God on High (Williams)
3974 When, His Salvation Bringing
3975 Did Christ o’er Sinners Weep
3976 Father, Bless the Gifts We Bring Thee
3977 Coming for Me
3978 Son of Man, to Thee I Cry
3979 Through the Ages Saints Have Wondered
3980 We Knelt Before Kings
3981 Blessing and Honor and Glory and Power
3982 Eternal Rest
3983 The Hope of the Ages
3984 When Jesus Comes in Glory
3985 Awake, Thou Careless World, Awake!
3986 Praise God for His Word
3987 According to Thy Gracious Word
3988 Because Thou Hast Said
3989 Do This; Remember Me!
3990 For the Bread, Which Thou Hast Broken
3991 How Happy Are Thy Servants, Lord
3992 If Human Kindness Meets Return
3993 Jesus, Master, Hear Me Now
3994 Now the Silence
3995 Sing, My Tongue, the Savior’s Glory
3996 Sweet Feast of Love Divine
3997 The Toil of Brain, or Heart, or Hand
3998 Captains of the Saintly Band
3999 O Savior! When Thy Loving Hand
4000 I Stand Amazed in the Presence
4001 Night, with Ebon Pinion
4002 Sion’s Daughter, Weep No More
4003 Lord, Through This Holy Week of Our Salvation
4004 Jesus, Let Thy Pitying Eye
4005 O Thou from Whom All Goodness Flows
4007 At Calvary
4008 Blessed Calvary
4009 Calvary
4010 Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain
4011 I Remember Calvary
4012 Lead Me to Calvary
4013 Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light
4014 My Lord, My Love, Was Crucified
4015 On the Cross of Calvary
4016 That Man of Calvary
4017 When I See My Savior
4018 Blessed Redeemer (Christiansen)
4019 Father, Forgive, the Savior Said
4020 Forgive Them, O My Father
4021 Jesus, in Thy Dying Woes
4022 O Word of Pity, for Our Pardon Pleading
4023 On My Heart Imprint Thine Image
4024 Jesus, Thou Art the Sinner’s Friend
4025 Lord, When Thy Kingdom Comes
4026 The Dying Robber Raised His Aching Brow
4027 Father of Spirits, Whose Divine Control
4028 The Hand That Was Nailed to the Cross
4029 It Is Finished! Blessed Jesus
4030 The Saints of God! Their Conflict Past
4031 Behold the Savior of Mankind
4032 Lord, Remove the Veil Away
4033 And Now, Beloved Lord, Thy Soul Resigning
4034 Into Thy Gracious Hands I Fall
4035 Wide Open Are Thy Hands
4036 Blest Morning, Whose Young Dawning Rays
4037 Let Us Rise in Early Morning
4038 Easter, Joyous Easter
4039 Hallelujah! Jesus Lives!
4040 Ye Fainting Souls, Lift Up Your Eyes
4041 Beautiful Morning
4042 He Is Not Here, But Is Risen!
4043 Hear the Chiming Easter Bells
4044 All Ye That Seek the Lord Who Died
4045 In Thy Glorious Resurrection
4046 Come Then, Thou Prophet of the Lord
4047 Abide with Me
4048 Abide with Me, ’Tis Eventide
4049 Abide with Us, Our Savior
4050 Abide with Us, the Day Is Waning
4051 As Now the Sun’s Declining Rays
4052 The Day, O Lord, Is Spent
4053 The Day Is Gently Sinking to a Close
4054 Since Without Thee We Do No Good
4055 Tarry with Me (Scott)
4056 Tarry with Me (Smith)
4057 Be Known to Us in Breaking Bread
4058 I Was There When It Happened
4059 Walk Thou with Me
4060 Walking and Talking with Jesus
4061 Easter Song (Lathbury)
4062 How Shall We Answer Terror’s Cry?
4063 The Morning Kindles All the Sky
4064 O Joyous Easter Morning
4065 The Lord Is Ris’n Indeed
4066 Peace to My Soul
4067 That Eastertide with Joy Was Bright
4068 Baptize Us Anew
4069 Faith Is a Living Power from Heaven
4070 Holy Spirit, Hear Us (Mohr)
4071 Father Almighty, Bless Us with Thy Blessing
4072 Sweet Savior, Bless Us Ere We Go
4073 God the Father, God the Word
4074 God’s Eternal Word Is Spoken
4075 The Heavenly Word Proceeding Forth
4076 High Word of God
4077 Jesus, the All-Restoring Word
4078 O Savior, Whom This Holy Morn
4079 O Thou Essential Word
4080 O Word Immortal of Eternal God
4081 Thanks to God Whose Word Was Spoken
4082 Thou Art the Everlasting Word
4083 Word Supreme, Before Creation
4084 Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word
4085 All That’s Good, and Great, and True
4086 God of Creation, All-Powerful
4087 Jesus Is God!
4088 O Give Thanks to Him Who Made
4089 See the Gold upon the Hills
4090 There’s Not a Tint that Paints the Rose
4091 Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts
4092 He Gives the Power
4093 O God, Thou Art the Father
4094 Awake, Awake the Sacred Song
4095 Come, Thou Redeemer of the Earth
4096 The Life Which God’s Incarnate Word
4097 O Come, Redeemer of Mankind
4098 O Word of God Incarnate
4099 Savior of the Heathen, Known
4100 The Son Forsook the Father’s Home
4101 When Came in Flesh the Incarnate Word
4102 Lord, Thou Hast Promised Grace for Grace
4103 Herald, in the Wilderness
4104 On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry
4105 There’s a Voice in the Wilderness Crying
4106 Behold! Behold the Lamb of God
4107 Behold Him Now on Yonder Tree
4108 Behold the Glories of the Lamb
4109 Behold the Lamb of God
4110 Holy Lamb, Who Thee Confess
4111 Jesus, Lamb of God, for Me
4112 Just as I Am, Without One Plea
4113 Lamb of God! Our Souls Adore Thee
4114 O Jesus, Lamb of God, Thou Art
4115 O Lamb of God Most Holy (Olsson)
4116 O Lamb of God Most Holy (Russell)
4117 O Lord Jesus, Lamb of God
4118 Look to the Lamb of God
4119 Like the Murmur of the Dove’s Song
4120 Jesus, Son of God Most High
4121 Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild
4122 Jesus! Dear Name, How Sweet It Sounds!
4123 Behold, the Master Passeth By
4124 I Love to Walk with Jesus
4125 The Light of God Is Falling
4126 I’ve Found Him
4127 O Jesus, King Most Wonderful
4128 Press On, Press On, Ye Workers
4129 Lord, Who at Cana’s Wedding Feast
4130 Since Jesus Freely Did Appear
4131 A Wedding Took Place
4132 How Welcome Was the Call
4133 Glory to Thee, O Lord (Beadon)
4134 The Strife is O’er, the Battle Done
4135 I Believe the Bible
4136 A Man Named Nicodemus
4137 Awaked by Sinai’s Awful Sound
4138 Blessed Jesus, Here We Stand
4139 Ye Must Be Born Again
4140 We May Not Climb the Heavenly Steeps
4141 As When the Hebrew Prophet Raised
4142 Almighty God, Whose Only Son
4143 And Didst Thou Love the Race
4144 Father, God, We Glorify
4145 For God So Loved the World
4146 God Gave His Son for Me
4147 God Loved the World
4148 God Loved the World So That He Gave
4149 God So Loved the World
4150 God’s Love Is as High as the Heavens
4151 Good Christian Men, Rejoice
4152 The Gospel Bells
4153 Here Is Love
4154 I Know His Love Is Mine
4155 I’ll Live On
4156 It Was for Me
4157 Jesu, the Father’s Only Son
4158 Jesus the Son of God
4159 O Holy Father, Who in Tender Love
4160 O Wonder Amazing
4161 Of the Father’s Love Begotten
4162 Oh, It Is Wonderful (Gabriel)
4163 The Only Son from Heaven
4164 Song of Salvation
4165 Thou Fairest Child Divine
4166 ’Tis Christmas Day
4167 Why Do You Wait?
4168 Verily, I Say unto You
4169 Blest Jesus, Source of Grace Divine
4170 What, Never Thirst Again?
4171 O Thou to Whom, in Ancient Time
4172 Thou Son of God, Whose Flaming Eyes
4173 Behold Us, Lord, a Little Space
4174 God the Spirit, We Adore Thee
4175 Holy Spirit, Truth Divine
4176 Lord of Spirits, I Surrender
4177 Harvest Bells
4178 Harvest Time
4179 Reapers Are Needed (DeArmond)
4180 The Songs of the Reaper
4181 Bethesda Is Open
4182 Here at Bethesda’s Pool
4183 Beside the Gospel Pool
4184 Soul of Jesus, Make Me Whole
4185 Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?
4186 My Blessed Savior, Is Thy Love
4187 A Sinner Made Whole
4188 I Could Not Do Without Thee
4189 Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken
4190 Here at Thy Table, Lord
4191 This by His Love
4192 Break Thou the Bread of Life
4193 O Bread of Life from Heaven
4194 O Bread to Pilgrims Given
4195 O Food to Pilgrims Given
4196 He Will Hold Me Fast
4197 Beauteous Are the Flowers of Earth
4198 Come Home, My Child
4199 Come unto Me (Hewitt)
4201 I Come to Thee, O Blessed Lord
4202 Jesus Will Let You In
4203 Listen to the Blessed Invitation
4204 O Precious Word
4205 Terrible Thought! Shall I Alone
4206 Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee
4207 Never Grow Old
4208 Everlasting Life
4209 Bread of Heaven, on Thee We Feed
4210 Father, Who Dost Thy Children Feed
4211 How the Lord from Heaven Came
4212 Jesus, to Thy Table Led
4213 Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Living Bread
4214 O Food of Men Wayfaring
4215 O Living Bread from Heaven
4216 Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior, Thee
4217 Thy Presence, Gracious God, Afford
4218 In the Quiet Consecration
4219 O Lord! And Is Thy Table Spread?
4220 O Food That Weary Pilgrims Love
4221 Jesu, Gentlest Savior
4222 Feasting with My Lord
4223 Zion, to Thy Savior Singing
4224 The Lord Ascendeth Up on High
4225 Every Bridge Is Burned Behind Me
4226 I Need Thee, Precious Jesus
4227 When Wounded Sore the Stricken Heart
4228 The Stranger of Galilee
4229 Fountain of Never Ceasing Grace
4230 Ye Thirsty for God
4231 Like a Mighty Sea
4232 Neither Do I Condemn Thee
4233 Eternal Beam of Light Divine
4234 Follow the Gleam
4235 Let Us Walk in the Light
4236 The Light of Bethlehem
4237 Light of the World! Faint Were Our Weary Feet
4238 Light of the World! Forever, Ever Shining
4239 The Light of the World Is Jesus
4240 Light of the World, We Hail Thee
4241 Light of the World! Whose Kind and Gentle Care
4242 Light of the World’s Dark Story
4243 Lo! Golden Light Rekindles Day
4244 Morning Light
4245 O Gladsome Light
4246 O Light of Life
4247 O Light, Whose Beams Illumine All
4248 O Thou Who at Thy Creature’s Bar
4249 Dusky Hands
4250 Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth
4251 In Lands Across the Sea
4252 I’ve Pitched My Tent in Beulah
4253 O Jesus, Youth of Nazareth
4254 O Thou, Before Whose Presence
4255 Our Country
4256 Raise His Praise
4257 What We Stand For
4258 Glorious Freedom
4259 Ere the Blue Heav’ns Were Stretched Abroad
4260 Life of Ages, Richly Poured
4261 O Thou, the Eternal Son of God
4262 Christ a Blind Man Saw One Day
4263 Abide Not in the Realm of Dreams
4264 All Faded Is the Glowing Light
4265 Go, Labor On: Spend, and Be Spent
4266 A Handful of Leaves
4267 Must I Go, and Empty Handed?
4268 One More Day’s Work for Jesus
4269 Sunday School Volunteer Song
4270 We’ll Work
4271 We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes
4272 Work, for the Night Is Coming
4273 Amazing Grace
4274 Lord, I Was Blind
4275 Praise God for What He’s Done for Me
4276 I Worship Thee, Most Gracious God
4277 Great Shepherd of Thy Chosen Flock
4278 The Shepherds Had an Angel
4279 “Follow Me!” A Call So Tender
4280 God Leads Us Along
4281 Lead Us, Heavenly Father (Herford)
4282 Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
4283 Seeking for Me
4284 The Shepherd of Love
4285 A Shepherd Band Their Flocks
4286 Jesus Opened Up the Way
4287 Father, Whose Will Is Life and Good
4288 More Abundantly (Gabriel)
4289 More Abundantly (Harris)
4290 I Met the Good Shepherd
4291 Sleep, Baby, Sleep
4292 The True Shepherd
4293 Bring Them In
4294 Our Savior’s Voice Is Soft and Sweet
4295 Remember All the People
4296 The Shepherd’s Fold on High
4297 I Hear Thy Welcome Voice
4298 Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice
4299 Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep
4300 My Sheep Know My Voice
4301 God the Father, Be Our Stay
4302 Send Forth, O God, Thy Light and Truth
4303 O One with God the Father
4304 If Death My Friend and Me Divide
4305 Within the Churchyard, Side by Side
4306 All Hail, Thou Resurrection!
4307 God the Father’s Only Son
4308 The Master Hath Come
4309 We Have a Message
4310 Jesus Wept! Those Tears Are Over
4311 Roll the Stone Away
4312 One Named Lazarus
4313 Come Again
4314 We Gather Together
4315 Lord, When in Simon’s House of Yore
4316 Master, No Offering Costly and Sweet
4317 Once He Came in Blessing
4318 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
4319 There Was a Time When Children Sang
4321 Nothing Between (Chapman)
4322 We Would See Jesus (Park)
4323 We Would See Jesus (Warner)
4324 Morn’s Roseate Hues Have Decked the Sky
4325 Christ Will Gather in His Own
4326 He Who Would Valiant Be
4327 How Shall I Follow Him I Serve?
4328 How Blessed, from the Bonds of Sin
4329 It Pays to Serve Jesus
4330 Leaving All to Follow Jesus
4331 There Will I Follow Thee
4332 Thine for Service
4333 Above the Trembling Elements
4334 Draw Thou My Soul, O Christ
4335 Drawn to the Cross
4336 Lift Him Up (Oatman)
4337 Lift Him Up (Warren)
4338 O My Savior, Lifted
4339 As Light, O Christ
4340 Never Shone a Light So Fair!
4341 Once I Thought I Walked with Jesus
4342 I Believe Jesus Saves
4343 I’ll Stand by until the Morning
4344 Jesus Saves
4346 God Moves in a Mysterious Way
4347 We’ll Understand It Better By and By
4348 O Lord and Master of Us All
4349 O Love! O Life!
4350 What Would Jesus Do? (Ogdon)
4351 Angry Words
4352 Dear Ties of Mutual Succor Bind
4353 A Little Bit of Love
4354 O He Whom Jesus Loved
4355 When There’s Love at Home
4356 Our God Is Love
4357 Come, Every Soul by Sin Oppressed
4358 Trusting Jesus (Stites)
4359 Far, Far Away
4360 The Golden Gates Are Lifted Up
4361 Home at Last (Crozier)
4362 The Home Over There
4363 The Homeland! O the Homeland!
4364 How Oft We Are There
4365 I Shall Be No Stranger There
4366 I’m Going Home
4367 In the Sweet By and By
4368 O Christ, Who Hast Prepared a Place
4369 One Sweetly Solemn Thought
4370 Over the Beautiful River
4371 Our Father’s Home Eternal
4372 Rise, My Soul, and Stretch Thy Wings
4373 There’ll Be Room Enough
4374 Till the Boat Comes By
4375 Upward Where the Stars Are Burning
4376 When We All Get to Heaven
4377 God Will Take Care of You (Martin)
4378 Lord Jesus, Come!
4379 The Beautiful Way
4380 Christ’s Life Our Code
4381 Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life
4382 Come to Jesus
4383 I Am the Way (Glenn)
4384 Life and Light
4385 The Lord Our Savior Is the Way
4386 My Lord, My Truth, My Way
4387 O Christ, the Way, the Truth, the Life
4388 There Is One Way
4389 Thou Art the Way
4390 Waiting at the Door
4391 You Ought to Know Him
4392 Our Savior Will Descend Again
4393 The Winter’s Sleep Was Long and Deep
4394 Go to the Deeps of God’s Promise
4395 ’Twill All Be Right at Last
4396 Blessed Quietness
4397 Blest Comforter Divine
4398 Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest
4399 Come Holy Ghost, Eternal God
4400 Come, O Come, Thou Quickening Spirit
4401 Come, O Creator Spirit Blest
4402 Come, Thou Holy Spirit, Come
4403 Come to Our Poor Nature’s Night
4404 The Comforter Has Come
4405 Holy Ghost, Dispel Our Sadness
4406 Holy Spirit, Come and Shine
4407 O Comforter, Gentle and Tender
4408 Waiting on the Lord
4409 Dwell in Me, O Blessed Spirit
4411 What Shall I Do, My God to Love?
4412 I Do Love Jesus with All My Heart
4413 Come, Thou Everlasting Spirit
4414 Enthroned on High, Almighty Lord!
4415 Holy Ghost, My Comforter
4416 O King Enthroned on High
4417 Calm Me, My God
4418 Lord, Grant Your Peace
4419 Now Cheer Our Hearts
4420 The Peace of God
4421 Perfect Peace (Crosby)
4422 We Bless Thee for Thy Peace, O God
4423 Wonderful, Boundless Peace
4424 The Old Year Now Hath Passed Away
4425 I Am the Vine
4426 O Will of God Beneath Our Life
4427 Abide, O Dearest Jesus
4428 He Whispers His Love to Me
4429 His Love Can Never Fail
4430 In Heavenly Love Abiding
4431 Christ a Redeemer and Friend
4432 I Vow to Thee, My Country
4433 Jesus Is My Best of Friends
4434 Lord of Our Highest Love!
4435 O Valiant Hearts
4436 Oh, Wonderful Love!
4437 The Very Friend I Need
4438 We Thank Thee, Jesus, Dearest Friend
4439 What a Friend We Have in Jesus
4440 What Wondrous Love Is This?
4441 The Best Friend to Have Is Jesus
4442 My Wonderful Friend
4443 Since Jesus Is My Friend
4444 Friendship with Jesus
4445 He Wants Not Friends That Hath Thy Love
4446 He’s a Friend of Mine
4447 I Have a Friend
4448 I Have a Friend, So Patient, Kind, Forbearing
4449 I Have a Friend Who Loveth Me
4450 Jesus Is the Friend You Need
4451 Jesus, My Friend
4452 Jesu, My Savior, Brother, Friend
4453 No Longer Lonely
4454 O Thou Great Friend
4455 The Precious Friend
4456 Singing, Light and Free
4457 There’s a Friend That Abides
4458 There’s No Friend to Me Like Jesus
4459 To Thee, O Savior Friend
4460 What a Friend Thou Art To Me!
4461 Wonderful, Unfailing Friend
4462 My Lord, I Did Not Choose You
4463 ’Tis Not That I Did Choose Thee
4464 Chosen Seed and Zion’s Children
4465 Holy Spirit, God of Love
4466 Thou Great Mysterious God Unknown
4467 Our Blest Redeemer, ere He Breathed
4468 We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost
4469 A Little While
4470 To Thee, O Comforter Divine
4471 Sail On!
4472 Thou Knowest, Lord (Borthwick)
4473 Forever with the Lord
4474 Thou True and Only God
4475 We Believe in One True God
4476 Holy Father, Great Creator
4477 Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word
4478 Lord, Who the Night You Were Betrayed
4479 Son of God, Eternal Savior
4480 O Holy Bible
4481 What Time the Evening Shadows Fall
4482 Christian Hearts, in Love United
4483 No Form of Human Framing
4484 O God of Love, to Thee We Bow
4485 Thou God of All, Whose Spirit Moves
4486 Whom Oceans Part, O Lord, Unite
4487 In One True God We All Believe
4488 Eternal Ruler of the Ceaseless Round
4489 Father of All, from Land and Sea
4490 Thou, Who at Thy First Eucharist Didst Pray
4491 How Vain the Cruel Herod’s Fear
4492 When Christ’s Appearing Was Made Known
4493 Why, Herod, Unrelenting Foe
4494 Why, Impious Herod, Shouldst Thou Fear
4495 The Holly and Ivy
4496 O Sinner, Lift the Eye of Faith
4497 Ye That Pass By, Behold the Man
4498 Let Me Dwell on Golgotha
4499 Stretched on the Cross, the Savior Dies
4500 There Is a Green Hill Far Away
4501 Were You There?
4502 My Lord, My Master, at Thy Feet Adoring
4503 His Are the Thousand Sparkling Rills
4504 O Perfect God, Thy Love
4505 All Is O’er, the Pain, the Sorrow
4506 All the Sacrifice is Ended
4507 From the Cross
4508 It Is Finished (Gillett)
4509 It Is Finished! (Proctor)
4510 ’Tis Finished! So the Savior Cried
4511 ’Tis Finished! The Messiah Dies
4512 At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing
4513 Mary to Her Savior’s Tomb
4514 In the Garden
4515 Morning Red
4516 When Sinners See Their Lost Condition
4517 Christ Is Gone Up
4518 Dear Lord, Ascended Savior
4519 I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go
4520 Lord, Send Us Forth
4521 The Breath of the Spirit
4522 Breathe upon Us
4523 O Breath of God, Breathe on Us Now
4524 Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands
4525 How Oft, O Lord, Thy Face Hath Shone
4526 O Thou, Who Didst with Love Untold
4527 Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord!
4528 Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord!
4529 He Is Mine
4530 If Christ Is Mine
4531 Jesus Is Mine
4532 Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
4533 O Christ, Our King, Creator, Lord
4534 Blessed Are They That Believe
4535 We Have Not Seen, We Cannot See
4536 Come and Dine
4537 My God, I Love Thee
4538 O God, I Love Thee
4539 O Jesus, Jesus
4540 She Loved Her Savior
4541 Beautiful Witness
4542 Forsaken Once, and Thrice Denied
4543 The Old Time Way
4544 I Love Jesus
4545 I Love My Jesus Quite Alone
4546 Come and Dine
4547 Forty Days Thy Seer of Old
4548 Go!
4549 I’ll Be a Voice
4550 Ye Shall Be My Witnesses
4551 He Is Gone, a Cloud of Light
4552 Again He’ll Come
4553 He’s Coming Back Again
4554 He Is Coming Again
4555 A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing
4556 Know Ye the Lord Hath Borne Away
4557 Jesus, My All, to Heaven Is Gone
4558 O Christ, Our Joy, Gone Up on High
4559 Our Savior Will Come
4560 The Savior Who Loves Me
4561 Sing We Triumphant Hymns of Praise
4562 This Same Jesus
4563 Thou Art Gone Up on High
4564 Bishop of the Souls of Men
4565 Praise to the Heavenly Wisdom
4566 They Were in an Upper Chamber
4567 Above the Starry Spheres
4568 Come Down, O Love Divine
4569 Come, O Spirit
4570 I’m Glad I’m One of Them
4571 Lord God, the Holy Ghost
4572 O Heavenly Fount of Light and Love
4573 Old Time Power
4574 Pentecostal Power
4575 The Power of the Holy Ghost
4576 Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayer
4577 When God of Old Came Down from Heav’n
4578 Come, Lord, and Let Thy Power
4579 It Is for Us All Today
4580 Lord, in Thy Presence Dread and Sweet
4581 O Spirit of the Living God (Tweedy)
4582 Rejoice! The Year upon Its Way
4583 For All Thy Saints, a Noble Throng
4584 Oh, Enter, Lord, Thy Temple
4585 We Wait for a Great and Glorious Day
4586 I Love to Think That Jesus Saw
4587 We Worship Thee, O Crucified
4588 Eternal Spirit, We Confess
4589 Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me
4590 Let the Holy Ghost Come in
4591 This Child We Dedicate to Thee
4592 To Jordan Came Our Lord, the Christ
4593 Our Children, Lord, in Faith and Prayer
4594 Let Us Break Bread Together
4595 The Hour of Prayer
4596 Sweet Hour of Holy, Thoughtful Prayer
4597 All Hail to the Prince of Life
4598 On This Night, Most Holy
4599 See the Destined Day Arise
4600 Jesus, from Whom All Blessings Flow
4601 Conquering Kings Their Titles Take
4602 Only One Name
4603 ’Tis for Conquering Kings to Gain
4604 To the Name of Our Salvation
4605 To the Name That Is Salvation
4606 O Christ, Our God
4607 Speak for Jesus
4609 The Son of Consolation
4610 O Saving Victim, Open Wide
4611 Yesterday, with Exultation
4612 Saint of God, Elect and Precious
4613 Behold Us, Lord, Before Thee Met
4614 Is Thy Heart Right with God?
4615 We Sing the Glorious Conquest
4616 The Shepherd Now Was Smitten
4617 What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?
4618 The Touch of His Hand on Mine
4619 Christ for the World We Sing
4620 I Would Be True
4621 And Can It Be That I Should Gain?
4622 Book of Grace and Book of Glory
4623 Behold the Lovely Springtime
4624 A Song of Spring Once More We Sing
4625 Christian Brother, o’er the Main
4626 Come Over and Help Us
4627 A Cry, as of Pain
4628 A Cry from Macedonia
4629 God of the Nations, Hear Our Call
4630 Hark! What Mean Those Lamentations
4631 He Expecteth
4632 Hear the Wail
4633 The Missionary Marseillaise
4634 Over the Rolling Sea
4635 Over There
4636 Through Midnight Gloom from Macedon
4637 Thy Brother Calls to Thee
4638 What Must I Do?
4639 What Shall I Do to Be Saved?
4640 Fully Persuaded
4641 Hallelujah! Jesus Saves Me
4642 O Happy Home
4643 For the Whole Wide World
4644 I Know No Life Divided
4645 Living for Jesus (Chisholm)
4646 O God, in Whom We Live and Move
4647 Ye Humble Souls, Approach Your God
4648 Never Be Afraid
4649 First of Martyrs, Thou Whose Name
4650 I Hear a Voice That Comes from Far
4651 Because I Knew Not When My Life Was Good
4652 Almost
4653 Almost Persuaded
4654 Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire
4655 Break Forth into Praise
4656 Lord, Thou in All Things Like Wast Made
4657 Spirit of Holiness, Descend
4658 God, in the Gospel of His Son
4659 Eternal God, Whose Power Upholds
4660 Take a Stand for Jesus
4661 If, on a Quiet Sea
4662 O Savior, Where Shall Guilty Man
4663 Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness
4664 In Thee Alone, O Christ, My Lord
4665 No Strength of Nature Can Suffice
4666 Faith in the Word of God
4667 Lord, How Secure and Blest Are They
4668 Cover with His Life
4669 By Grace I Will
4670 He Is Arisen! Glorious Word!
4671 It Must Be Settled Tonight
4672 Jesus, the Calm That Fills My Breast
4673 Father in Heaven, in Thy Love Abounding
4674 O Glorious Hope of Perfect Love
4675 Thou Grace Divine, Encircling All
4676 Being of Beings
4677 Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove
4678 Jesus Loves Even Me
4679 O Love of God Most Full
4680 Let Songs of Praises Fill the Sky
4681 Gospel Echoes
4682 He Just Put Himself in My Place
4683 How Bitter-Sweet the Mystery
4684 I Have a Savior
4685 I Love to Think of Jesus
4686 O Love Divine, What Hast Thou Done
4687 Savior, Thy Dying Love
4688 Take Me as I Am
4689 Thy Works, Not Mine, O Christ
4690 What Did He Do?
4691 When Time Seems Short and Death Is Near
4692 Save Me at the Cross
4693 Saved!
4694 Saved Through Jesus’ Blood
4695 Jesu! The Very Thought is Sweet!
4696 Thou Power and Peace
4697 O Gift of Gifts!
4698 Grace Greater than Our Sin
4699 His Grace Aboundeth More
4700 Buried with Christ
4701 Great God and Saviour
4702 Do No Sinful Action
4703 Fully Surrendered
4704 Ye Ransomed Sinners, Hear
4705 Let Me Be Thine Forever
4706 The Woman’s Hymn
4707 I Would, but Cannot Sing
4708 I Do Not Come Because My Soul
4709 One Day I Traveled a Toilsome Road
4710 O Spirit of Life
4711 Thy Home Is with the Humble, Lord
4712 When This Passing World Is Done
4713 Why Should the Children of a King
4714 Adopted
4715 God Our Father, We Adore Thee
4716 It’s Real
4717 O Thou Whose Spirit Witness Bears
4718 A Child of the King
4719 Children of the Heavenly King
4720 In Our Work and in Our Play
4721 O That Will Be Glory
4722 Almighty Father, Who Dost Give
4723 Christ Is Coming!
4724 Come, Lord, and Tarry Not
4725 Father, When Shall All the Weary Earth
4726 Savior! Hasten Thine Appearing
4727 O Thou, Who Hast at Thy Command
4728 Begone Unbelief
4729 Can the World See Jesus in You?
4730 Holy Lamb, Who Thee Receive
4731 Jesus, My Savior, Let Me Be
4732 Lord, I Am Fondly, Earnestly Longing
4733 Lord, Let Thy Spirit
4734 O Love, Who Formedst Me to Wear
4735 Print Thine Image, Pure and Holy
4736 The Fight Is On
4737 He Who Suns and Worlds Upholdeth
4738 If God Himself Be for Me
4739 Let Christian Faith and Hope Dispel
4740 Once Pledged by the Cross
4741 What Shall We Say?
4742 With Solemn Faith We Offer Up
4743 My Soul Complete in Jesus Stands
4744 Who Shall the Lord’s Elect Condemn?
4745 Arise, My Soul, Arise
4746 Father, See Thy Children
4747 I Am Not Skilled to Understand
4748 John in Vision Saw the Day
4749 O Show Me Not My Savior Dying
4750 I Walk with Love Along the Way
4751 The Love of God
4752 My Lord, How Full of Sweet Content
4753 Shout and Sing
4754 Wide, Wide as the Ocean
4755 Cross of Christ! Lead Onward
4756 More Than Conquerors
4757 Nothing Between (Tindley)
4758 O Love of God, How Strong and True
4759 Far Out on the Desolate Billow
4760 Lord, Guard and Guide the Men Who Fly
4761 Love of the Father
4762 Neither Height, Nor Depth, Nor Breadth
4763 The Savior Died, but Rose Again
4764 To Realms Beyond the Sounding Sea
4765 The Ancient Law Departs
4766 Free from the Law
4767 If Thou Shalt Confess
4768 O Be Saved
4769 Still Throned in Heav’n
4770 Thou, the Christ Forever One
4771 He Took My Sins Away
4772 Forward Through the Ages
4773 Unchanging God, Hear from Eternal Heav’n
4774 Lord, My Weak Thought in Vain Would Climb
4775 Thou, the Great, Eternal God
4776 Glory Be to God the Father
4777 Lift Up Thyself, My Soul
4778 All for Jesus
4779 Is Your All on the Altar?
4780 Take My Life and Let It Be
4781 Transformed
4782 My Master Was a Worker
4783 Come On, My Partners in Distress
4784 Christ, by Heavenly Hosts Adored
4785 We Are Nearing
4786 Get Ready to Welcome the King!
4787 The Night Is Far Spent
4788 Living for Jesus (Weigele)
4789 Out in the Sunshine
4790 We Are the Lord’s
4791 The Old Account Was Settled
4792 Do Something for Jesus (Arnold)
4793 It May Not Be Our Lot
4794 Wonderful Book
4795 In Homes Where Pride and Splendor
4796 We Limit Not the Truth of God
4797 Trusting and Hoping
4798 In the Service of My King!
4799 In the Service of the King
4800 Jesus Only Is Our Message
4801 Wonderful Grace of Jesus
4802 I’m Waiting for Thee, Lord
4803 Sinners, Will You Scorn the Message
4804 Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know
4805 Blest Be the Dear Uniting Love
4806 Jesus Only (Kirkland)
4807 Let the World Their Virtue Boast
4808 How Great the Wisdom
4809 Bright Glory to Come
4810 Eye Hath Not Seen
4811 For Those We Love Within the Veil
4812 Have You on the Lord Believed?
4813 How Sweet to Reflect on Those Joys
4814 In Heaven All Is Gladness
4815 My Future
4816 Not Half Has Ever Been Told
4817 O Eden, Dear Eden
4818 Over Yonder
4819 Some Sweet Day
4820 Thy Word, O God, Declareth
4821 We Speak of the Realms of the Blest
4822 What Must It Be to Be There!
4823 Deeper, Deeper
4824 Take Thou Our Minds, Dear Lord
4825 God the Lord Does Ask
4826 Oh, to Be Nothing
4827 The Church of God Is Stablished
4828 The Church’s One Foundation
4829 Founded on Thee
4830 We Build Our School on Thee
4831 Come to Me, O Blessed Spirit
4832 They Tell Me the Story of Jesus Is Old
4833 I Am His, and He Is Mine
4834 Jesus, Full of Love Divine
4835 Bow Down Thine Ear, Almighty Lord
4836 We Bid Thee Welcome in the Name
4837 O Son of Man, Thou Madest Known
4838 The Lamb’s High Banquet Called to Share
4839 The Lamb’s High Banquet We Await
4840 See, Father, Thy Beloved Son
4841 Wherefore, O Father
4842 O the Bitter Shame and Sorrow
4843 I Belong to Jesus
4844 Let Him to Whom We Now Belong
4845 Himself
4846 JESUS
4847 Win Them One by One
4848 Conflicting Feelings
4849 Jesus Invites His Saints
4850 Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured
4851 Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray
4852 Author of Life Divine
4853 O Throned, O Crowned with All Renown
4854 Singing, Speaking, Praying
4855 Of the Glorious Body Telling
4856 ’Twas on That Dark, That Doleful Night
4857 ’Twas on That Night When Doomed to Know
4858 Beneath the Forms of Outward Rite
4859 Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness
4860 Draw Nigh and Take the Body of the Lord
4861 Till He Come
4862 A Parting Hymn We Sing
4863 Invited, Lord, by Boundless Grace
4864 Hail, Body True
4865 I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table
4866 Behold the Messengers of Christ
4867 From Thee All Skill and Science Flow
4868 Let Party Names No More
4870 Though I Speak
4871 Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
4872 God, Whose Love Is Always Stronger
4873 The Church Has Waited Long
4874 The End of the Road
4875 Face to Face with Christ, My Savior
4876 Going Home Rejoicing
4877 I Know I’ll See Jesus Some Day
4878 In Heav’n Above
4879 Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
4880 Jesus, These Eyes Have Never Seen
4881 Just One Glimpse
4882 Lo, the Day, the Day of Life!
4883 O God, I Cried, No Dark Disguise
4884 Our Soldier Heroes Sleeping
4885 Rapture Indeed!
4886 Saving Grace
4887 Some Day He’ll Make It Plain
4888 Some Sweet Day My Lord Will Come
4889 Thy Ways, O Lord, with Wise Design
4890 We Shall See the King Some Day
4891 What Will It Be When We See Him?
4892 When Shall Thy Lovely Face Be Seen?
4893 When the Mists Have Rolled Away
4894 When We Reach the Glory Land
4895 Jesus, Thou Soul of All Our Joys
4896 To Him Who for Our Sins Was Slain
4897 Again the Lord’s Own Day Is Here
4899 So Rest—My Rest!
4900 Yes, the Redeemer Rose
4901 All That I Was
4902 Pardoning Grace
4903 Asleep in Jesus
4904 Awake, Glad Soul
4905 Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Leeson)
4906 Hearts to Heaven and Voices Raise
4907 Sing with All the Saints in Glory
4908 Thou Hallowed Chosen Morn of Praise
4909 Adam, Our Father and Our Head
4910 All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall
4911 And Are We Yet Alive?
4912 Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord
4913 The Morning Purples All the Sky
4914 Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense
4915 Upon the Sixth Day of the Week
4916 The Great Archangel’s Trump
4917 In the Twinkling of an Eye
4918 Soon Will Our Savior from Heaven Appear
4919 We Are Going Down the Valley
4920 Day of Judgment! Day of Wonders!
4921 Brighter Are the Sunbeams
4922 He Is Risen (Newell)
4923 Let Us Rejoice, the Fight Is Won
4924 Lift Up Your Hearts, Ye People
4925 Victorious
4926 Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands
4927 The Conqueror
4928 Death Hath No Terrors
4929 The Friend of Sinners Dies
4930 Hallelujah unto Jesus
4931 Hosannah to the Prince of Light
4932 In the Bonds of Death He Lay
4933 Jesus, Thine All Victorious Love
4934 Like the Golden Sun Ascending
4935 The Lord Is Risen Indeed!
4936 No Dying There
4937 O Paschal Feast, What Joy Is Thine
4938 O Short Was His Slumber
4939 Sin Has a Thousand Treacherous Arts
4940 The Joyful Song
4941 On to Victory
4942 To Victory
4943 Victory All the Time
4944 Victory Is Nigh
4945 We March to Victory
4946 Welcome, Thou Victor in the Strife
4947 Am I a Soldier of the Cross?
4948 Rise at the Cry of Battle
4949 When the Battle’s Over
4950 Happy Greetings Bringing
4951 An Awe-Full Mystery Is Here
4952 Father of Mercies! God of Love!
4953 Father of Mercies, in Thy Word
4954 Jesus, Lover of My Soul
4955 As Above the Darkest Storm Cloud
4957 I Am Praying for You
4958 Now Thank We All Our God
4959 Still Sweeter Every Day
4960 O Spirit of the Living God (Montgomery)
4961 Whether the Word Be Preached or Read
4962 From Glory to Glory Advancing
4963 From Glory unto Glory
4964 Glory, Glory, All Is Glory
4965 Just Over in the Glory Land
4966 My Soul Is Filled with Glory
4967 Since Through God’s Mercy
4968 Let the Blessed Sunlight In
4969 Let the Light Stream In
4970 How Rich Thy Bounty, King of Kings!
4971 O Holy Savior, Friend Unseen
4972 There Is a House Not Made with Hands
4973 By Faith in Christ I Walk with God
4974 My Faith Looks Up to Thee
4975 Strong Son of God, Immortal Love
4976 ’Tis by the Faith of Joys to Come
4977 We Saw Thee Not
4978 We Walk By Faith (Alford)
4979 We Walk by Faith (Crosby)
4980 We’re Going Home Tomorrow
4981 In the Lord’s Atoning Grief
4982 Servant of God, Remember
4983 Father, Son and Holy Ghost
4984 Ambassadors of God
4985 Channels Only
4986 Make Me a Channel of Blessing
4987 Ye Messengers of Christ
4988 O Mystery of Love Divine
4989 And Can I Yet Delay?
4990 Hasten, Sinner, to Be Wise
4991 Lo! Now Is Our Accepted Day
4992 Lo! Now the Time Accepted Peals
4993 Sometime (Hewitt)
4994 Why Not Now?
4995 Through Good Report and Evil, Lord
4996 Through Good Report and Evil, Lord
4997 Oh, Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly
4998 What Thanks and Praise to Thee We Owe
4999 Lord, Thou Lov’st the Cheerful Giver
5000 Father, Our Hearts We Lift
5001 Hosanna in the Highest
5002 O Jesu, Blessed Lord, to Thee
5003 Oh, How Great Is Thy Compassion
5004 Thanks for the Bible
5005 Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle
5006 Move Forward
5007 The Regions Beyond
5008 Sin, When Viewed by Scripture Light
5009 All I Need
5010 Always Enough
5011 Grace, Enough for Me
5012 His Grace Is Enough for Me
5013 His Grace Is Sufficient for Me (Gabriel)
5014 His Grace Is Sufficient for Me (Morris)
5015 In Age and Feebleness Extreme
5016 Not What I Am, O Lord
5017 Satisfied with Thee, Lord Jesus
5018 The Soul Cheering Promise
5019 He Did Not Die in Vain
5020 He Lives
5021 He Lives Again (Burns)
5022 I’m Going There (Miles)
5023 Jesus Lives
5024 Just a Closer Walk with Thee
5025 Now Let the Vault of Heaven Resound
5026 Father of Peace, and God of Love
5027 May the Grace of Christ Our Savior
5028 O Holy Spirit, Lord of Grace
5029 To God Be the Glory
5030 If Thy Beloved Son, O God
5031 Christ Liveth in Me
5032 I Am Coming to the Cross
5033 Is It for Me?
5034 Not I, but Christ
5035 O Blessed Lord, What Hast Thou Done!
5036 O Jesus Christ, Grow Thou in Me
5037 Was It for Me?
5038 Within My Heart, O Lord, Fulfill
5039 By Christ Redeemed, in Christ Restored
5040 Extended on a Cursed Tree
5041 My Redeemer
5043 Christ from Whom All Blessings Flow
5044 O God, Within Whose Sight
5045 Now Are the Days Fulfilled
5046 He’s Everything to Me
5047 He Set Me Free
5048 I Am Resolved
5049 Too Many, Lord, Abuse Thy Grace
5050 My God, Permit Me Not to Be
5051 Lord of the Hearts of Men
5052 O for a Heart of Calm Repose
5053 O Thou Who Hast Thy Servants Taught
5054 Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart
5055 Leaving Smiles
5056 O Praise Our God Today
5057 O Thou Who Dost to Man Accord
5058 Do All the Good You Can
5059 Above the Hills of Time
5060 Blest Jesus, When Thy Cross I View
5061 Cross of Jesus
5062 Hallelujah for the Cross!
5063 I Saw the Cross of Jesus
5064 In the Cross of Christ I Glory
5065 The Old Rugged Cross
5066 The Sign of the Cross
5067 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
5068 I Love You, Christ My Crucified
5069 How Vast the Benefits Divine
5070 Accepted in the Beloved
5071 My Soul, Repeat His Praise
5072 How Happy Every Child of Grace
5073 Redemption (Sayford)
5074 You Must Be Redeemed
5075 Seal Us, O Holy Spirit
5076 Spirit Blest, Who Art Adored
5077 Sweet Assurance
5078 Christ, Above All Glory Seated
5079 Jesus, Name of Wondrous Love
5080 The Lord Is Rich and Merciful
5081 The River of Thy Grace
5082 By Grace Are Ye Saved
5083 By Grace I’m Saved
5084 Glory Ever Be to Jesus
5085 A Message Sweet Is Borne to Me
5086 Not What My Hands Have Done
5087 Nothing of My Own to Claim
5088 No Hope in Jesus
5089 Christ Is Our Cornerstone
5090 O Come and Dwell in Me
5091 O Holy Spirit, Enter In
5092 Unsearchable Riches
5093 O Lord, Our God, in Adoration
5094 Hail! Sweetest, Dearest Tie That Binds
5095 How Sweet the Hour
5096 Let Saints on Earth in Concert Sing
5097 Come, Gracious Lord, Descend and Dwell
5098 Spirit, Strength of all the Weak
5099 Come, Dearest Lord
5100 Into My Heart
5102 O Love, How Deep
5103 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
5104 O Thou Whose Gracious Presence Blest
5105 Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me
5106 Grander Than Ocean’s Story
5107 He Is All in All to Me
5108 His Love Is All I Need
5109 His Love Passeth Knowledge
5110 In the Heart of Jesus
5111 It Passeth Knowledge
5112 Love Surpassing Human Love
5113 My Song Is Love Unknown
5114 O the Depth of Love Divine
5115 The Precious Love of Jesus
5116 Sweeter as the Days Go By
5117 Tender Love of Jesus
5118 How Glorious Is the Life Above
5119 Far Down the Ages Now
5120 Glory Be to the Father
5121 Day of Redemption
5122 One Sole Baptismal Sign
5123 Grace, ’Tis a Charming Sound
5124 Into the Dim Earth’s Lowest Parts Descending
5125 Jesu, for the Beacon-Light
5126 In Jesus
5127 The Holy Spirit
5128 I Want a Principle Within
5129 O Lord, While We Confess the Worth
5130 Stay, Thou Insulted Spirit, Stay
5131 Be Now Imitators of Your Lord
5132 Heavenly Father, Send Thy Blessing
5133 Love Consecrates the Humblest Act
5134 Crystal Songs
5135 Fill Me Now
5136 I Need to Be Filled
5137 Singing of Jesus
5138 Singing Today
5139 Songs of Praise the Angels Sang
5140 A Glorious Church
5141 O Christian Home
5142 Be Strong in God
5143 Behold! The Christian Warrior Stand
5144 Truehearted, Wholehearted, Faithful and Loyal
5145 All the World for Jesus (Breck)
5146 Arm These Thy Soldiers, Mighty Lord
5147 Awake! for the Trumpet Is Sounding!
5148 Christian, Dost Thou See Them?
5149 O Christians, Leagued Together
5150 O When Shall I See Jesus?
5151 Soldiers of the Cross, Arise! (Waterbury)
5152 To Arms! To Arms! Ye Soldiers!
5153 Stand, Soldier of the Cross
5154 Stand Up, My Soul
5155 Angels Your March Oppose
5156 The Conflict of the Ages
5157 Forward!
5158 God Is Keeping His Soldiers Fighting
5159 Hark, How the Watchmen Cry
5160 O Hear Them Marching, Marching
5161 We Are Living, We Are Dwelling
5162 Ye Soldiers of the King of Kings
5163 Onward, Christian!
5164 Sinner, Art Thou Still Secure?
5165 Soldiers of Christ, Arise
5166 We’ll Battle to the End
5167 My Faith, It Is an Oaken Staff
5168 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
5169 Gird on the Royal Armor
5170 Hear the Call
5171 Inspirer of the Ancient Seers
5172 O Blessed Word
5173 Precious Bible! What a Treasure
5174 Soldiers of the Cross, Arise! (How)
5175 Stand Like the Brave
5176 When Thy Soldiers Take Their Swords
5177 More Love to Thee, O Christ
5178 Christmas Brings Joy to Every Heart
5179 A Debtor to Mercy Alone
5180 Lord God of Hosts, Whose Purpose, Never Swerving
5181 Dear Master, in Thy Way
5182 It Is Not Death to Die
5183 Let Thoughtless Thousands Choose
5184 Living for Jesus (Crosby)
5185 No, No, It Is Not Dying
5186 O Jesus, When I Think of Thee
5187 Weep Not for a Brother Deceased
5188 When Musing Sorrow Weeps the Past
5189 While on the Verge of Life I Stand
5190 The Call to Arms Is Sounding
5191 We Are Soldiers of Christ
5192 Jesus, United by Thy Grace
5193 Be Thou Supreme
5194 From Highest Heaven
5195 Let Your Mindset Be the Same
5196 May the Mind of Christ, My Savior
5197 Now Praise We Christ, the Holy One
5198 O Mind of God
5199 Ye Who the Name of Jesus Bear
5200 The Advent of Our God
5201 Jesu Hail! O God Most Holy
5202 Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
5203 When Jesus Left His Father’s Throne
5204 All Wise, All Good, Almighty Lord
5205 Behold the Great Creator Makes
5206 Down from His Glory
5207 Down from the Worlds of Radiant Light
5208 He Became Incarnate
5209 The Holy Son of God Most High
5210 I Cannot Tell
5211 I Know Not How That Bethlehem’s Babe
5212 Immortal Babe, Who This Dear Day
5213 Incarnation Hymn
5214 Let Earth and Heaven Combine
5215 O Christmas Night!
5216 O Mercy Divine, O Couldst Thou Incline
5217 Savior, When Night Involves the Skies
5218 Behold a Little Child
5219 Christ, Who Left His Home in Glory
5220 A Throne for Calvary
5221 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
5222 Dearest of All the Names Above
5223 Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
5224 Jesus! the Name High over All
5225 Join All the Glorious Names
5226 O God, We Praise Thee, and Confess
5227 Of All in Earth or Heaven
5228 Precious Name
5229 Speak to Me Only of Jesus
5230 There Is No Name So Sweet on Earth
5231 There’s No Other Name like Jesus
5232 Again the Morn of Gladness
5233 At the Name of Jesus
5234 Glory to God the Father
5235 O Thou Who Makest Souls to Shine
5236 Shining for Jesus
5237 Wonderful Words of Life
5238 Blessed Savior, Thee I Love
5239 Deeper and Deeper
5240 He Is So Precious to Me
5241 Lord Jesu, When We Stand Afar
5242 Many Thoughts Stir My Heart
5243 O Jesus, We Adore Thee
5244 We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died
5245 No Righteousness of Mine
5246 I Have Settled the Question
5247 With Gladsome Feet We Press
5248 Jerusalem on High
5249 Stand Fast for Christ Thy Savior
5250 Rejoice, Rejoice, Believer
5251 Rejoice, the Lord Is King
5252 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart
5253 Spend One Hour with Jesus
5254 Hidden Peace
5255 Come, Come, Ye Saints
5256 I Choose Jesus
5257 Just When I Need Him Most
5258 For Thy Dear Saints
5259 His Blood Availed for Me
5260 O God, Unseen Yet Ever Near
5261 Let All That Breathe, Jehovah Praise
5262 The Church of God Is One
5263 From the Table Now Retiring
5264 At the Cross There’s Room
5265 Blessed Cross of Jesus
5266 By the Cross of Jesus Standing
5267 The Cross of Jesus
5268 Sinners, Rejoice: Your Peace Is Made
5270 How Beautiful the Mystery
5271 O Savior, May We Never Rest
5272 Step by Step (Simpson)
5273 Celebrate Immanuel’s Name
5274 Complete in Thee
5275 Nailed to the Cross
5276 Awake, My Heart, with Gladness
5277 O Happy Soul That Lives on High
5278 I Send the Joys of Earth Away
5279 I Would Be Like Jesus
5280 I Live but in Thee
5281 Christ, the Life of All the Living
5282 Jesus Is All the World to Me
5283 Jesus, My All
5284 The Name Which I Whisper
5285 Sons of Labor, Dear to Jesus
5286 Thrice-Holy Name!
5287 The Hope of the Coming of the Lord
5288 Holiness unto the Lord
5289 Christ, Enthroned in Highest Heaven
5290 Sleep Thy Last Sleep
5291 The Awakening
5292 Great God, What Do I See and Hear?
5293 He’s Coming Soon
5294 Jesus, Faithful to His Word
5295 Jesus Is Coming
5296 Keep on Watching
5297 Lo! He Cometh! (Cennick)
5298 On the Resurrection Morning
5299 The Resurrection
5300 Rise from Your Graves, Ye Dead
5301 Soon Shall the Trump of God
5302 Star of Our Hope
5303 Thou Shalt, O Lord, Descend
5304 Welcome Sight! The Lord Descending!
5305 Caught Up
5306 Come, Let Us Rise with Christ
5307 The Day of All Days
5308 Meet Mother in the Skies
5309 That Glorious Day Is Coming
5310 When Jesus Returns for His Own
5311 Hearken to the Solemn Voice
5312 Father, Who the Light This Day
5313 Press On, Press On, Ye Sons of Light
5314 Hark! ’Tis the Watchman’s Cry
5315 They Whose Course on Earth Is O’er
5316 Did You Think to Pray?
5317 Keep on Praying
5318 Praying Always
5319 Prayer Is Appointed to Convey
5320 Sweet Hour of Prayer
5321 ’Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer
5322 Won’t You Pray?
5323 Ten Thousand Thanks to Jesus
5324 Thanks to God
5325 O Very God of Very God
5326 Sanctifying Power
5327 Wholly Thine (Belden)
5328 I Need the Prayers
5329 O Jesus, Lord of Heavenly Grace
5330 Eternal Son, Eternal Love
5331 Once Again, Dear Lord, We Pray
5332 What a Gathering
5333 Awake, Thou Spirit, Who Didst Fire
5334 Give Peace in These Our Days
5335 God of the Nations, Near and Far
5336 With the Sweet Word of Peace
5337 God, the Hope of Those Who Pray
5338 Jesus, My Only Hope
5339 O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart’s Desire
5340 O Jesus, My Hope
5341 To Thee, My God and Savior
5342 Chief of Sinners
5343 O Christ, Redeemer of Our Race
5344 Dear Father, Whom We Cannot See
5345 Far Off, O God, and Yet Most Near
5346 God Eternal, Mighty King
5347 Hark, the Voice Eternal
5348 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
5349 Lord, We Are Blind
5350 O Christ, the Heavens’ Eternal King
5351 Ah! Whither Should I Go?
5352 Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed?
5353 Tell Me the Story of Jesus
5354 There’s a Sweet and Blessed Story
5355 O Thou Whose All Redeeming Might
5356 A Great and Mighty Wonder
5357 Church of the Living God
5358 One Holy Church of God Appears
5359 Beyond the Glittering, Starry Skies
5360 Eternal One, Thou Living God
5361 The Lord Is Our Trust
5362 So Let Our Lips and Lives Express
5363 Thou Didst Teach the Thronging People
5364 Now the Laborer’s Task Is O’er
5365 Keep Thyself Pure
5366 Fight the Good Fight with All Thy Might
5367 I’ve Found the Secret of Success
5368 God, the Blessed and Only Ruler
5369 O King of Kings, Before Whose Throne
5370 Lord, with Glowing Heart I’d Praise Thee
5371 Thou God of Power and God of Love
5372 Calling for You
5373 Heralds of Jesus
5374 I Am Trusting Thee
5375 I Know My Faith Is Founded
5376 I Know Whom I Have Believed
5377 ’Tis Summer in My Heart
5378 Army of Endeavor
5379 Keep in the Line
5380 Rally, Soldiers, One and All
5381 Soldiers of King Jesus
5382 Grant to This Child the Inward Grace
5383 Head of Thy Church Triumphant
5384 We Shall Reign
5385 To the Work
5386 Workman of God
5387 King of Saints, to Whom the Number
5388 Lord, as We Thy Name Profess
5389 Lovers of Pleasure More than God
5390 A Bible Christian
5391 The Holy Word of God
5392 And Must I Be to Judgment Brought
5393 The Day Is Surely Drawing Near
5395 Mistful Are Our Waiting Eyes
5396 Thou Judge of Quick and Dead
5397 Shine Thou upon Us, Lord
5398 Thou, Who Didst Call Thy Saints of Old
5399 The Work Must Go On
5400 Breast the Wave, Christian
5401 Come, Let Us Anew Our Journey Pursue
5402 Falter Not
5403 I the Good Fight Have Fought
5404 Oft in Sorrow, Oft in Woe
5405 Promoted to Glory
5406 Why Should Our Tears in Sorrow Flow
5407 I Love His Appearing
5408 When Thou, My Righteous Judge, Shall Come
5409 Come, Thou Savior of Our Race
5410 Come, Sing the Gospel’s Joyful Sound
5411 Of Him Who Did Salvation Bring
5412 I Saw One Weary
5413 We Have This Hope
5414 Lord, We Confess Our Numerous Faults
5415 The Father’s Sole Begotten Son
5416 Growing Dearer Each Day
5417 In Lovingkindness Jesus Came
5418 Depth of Mercy
5419 Lord, in This Thy Mercy’s Day
5420 My Only Plea
5421 ’Tis Done! That New and Heavenly Birth
5422 God, Who in Various Methods Told
5423 Jesu, Our Hope, Our Hearts’ Desire
5424 O Brightness of th’Immortal Father’s Face
5425 Angels Adore Him
5426 I Love to Hear the Story
5427 O Holy Lord, Our God
5428 Thou Remainest
5429 Lord God, We All to Thee Give Praise
5430 They Come, God’s Messengers of Love
5431 O Jesus, Crowned with All Renown
5432 The Head That Once Was Crowned
5433 O Son of God, Our Captain of Salvation
5434 Over the Top for Jesus
5435 Christians, Sing the Incarnation
5436 Praise the Savior, Now and Ever
5437 Now Let Us Join with Hearts and Tongues
5438 Jesus, Son of Mary, Fount of Life Alone
5439 My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
5440 Far from God, Away from Jesus
5441 Jesus Is Tenderly Calling You Home
5442 And Now the Wants Are Told
5443 Beautiful Vale of Rest
5444 Blessed Homeland
5445 Come, Let Us Join with One Accord
5446 Friend After Friend Departs
5447 Gathering Home
5448 Homeward Bound (Warren)
5449 How Sweet the Hour of Closing Day
5450 If There Be That Skills to Reckon
5451 I’m But a Stranger Here
5452 Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting
5453 Lord, I Believe a Rest Remains
5454 Lord, on Thy Returning Day
5455 Maker of Earth, to Thee Alone
5456 My Ain Countrie
5457 My Heart Is Yearning Ever
5458 Now the Busy Week Is Done
5459 O Sleepless Nights, O Cheerless Days
5460 Rest at Home
5461 Rest for the Weary
5462 Rest if You Will
5463 A Rest Remaineth for the Weary
5464 Softly Fades the Twilight Ray
5465 There Is a Blessed Home
5466 There Is a Calm for Those Who Weep
5467 There Is a Paradise of Rest
5468 There Is an Hour of Peaceful Rest
5469 Thine Earthly Sabbaths, Lord, We Love
5470 To Realms of Glory
5471 When Winds Are Raging
5472 O Where Shall Rest Be Found?
5473 Resting By and By
5474 O That I Could Repent
5475 The Word of God
5476 The Atoning Work Is Done
5477 Great High Priest, We See Thee Stooping
5478 With Joy We Meditate the Grace
5479 There Is No Sorrow, Lord, Too Light
5480 The Wonders of Redeeming Love
5481 Behold the Throne of Grace
5482 Behold We Come, Dear Lord, to Thee
5483 Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace
5484 I Need Thee Every Hour
5485 They Who Seek the Throne of Grace
5486 Our Blessed Savior Seven Times Spoke
5487 O God, Thy Righteousness We Own
5488 The Triumphs of the Saints
5489 The Hope Set Before You
5490 I Now Have Found for Hope of Heaven
5491 I’ve Anchored in Jesus
5492 My Anchor Holds
5493 Now I Have Found the Firm Foundation
5494 Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein
5495 We Have an Anchor
5496 Whispering Hope
5497 Able to Save
5498 Saved to the Uttermost
5499 Jesus, Holy, Undefiled
5500 O Savior, Who for Man Hast Trod
5501 Saved by the Blood (Henderson)
5502 Jesus, in Thee Our Eyes Behold
5503 Jesus, Whose Blood So Freely Streamed
5504 Nothing but the Blood
5505 One Day
5506 Upon the Cross Extended
5507 When Jesus Comes
5508 Not All the Blood of Beasts
5509 O Thou Whose Offering on the Tree
5510 Once, Only Once
5511 The True Messiah Now Appears
5512 Come, All Harmonious Tongues
5513 When o’er My Sins I Sorrow
5514 Blessed Assurance
5515 I Am Thine, O Lord
5516 Since We Have Confidence
5517 I Was Made a Christian
5518 God’s Promise
5519 Standing on the Promises
5520 Lord, We See the Day Approaching
5521 And Is It So? A Little While
5522 Faith of Our Fathers
5523 Faith of Our Mothers
5524 Old Time Religion
5525 Marching with the Heroes
5526 Come Believing!
5527 Faith Means We’re Sure
5528 Built by Jehovah’s Hand
5529 O Thou Not Made with Hands
5530 The Pearly White City
5531 Along the Path of Life
5532 Come, Heaven-Bound Pilgrims
5533 Far Off I See the Goal
5534 Happy Little Pilgrims
5535 I’m a Pilgrim (Maxwell)
5536 I’m a Pilgrim (Shindler)
5537 In Our Day of Thanksgiving
5538 Now Rest, Ye Pilgrim Host
5539 Rise, O My Soul, Pursue the Path
5540 O How Blest to Be a Pilgrim
5541 Traveling Home
5542 We Are Pilgrims of a Day
5543 My Own Dear Land
5544 My Soul, There Is a Country
5545 The Church of God a Kingdom Is
5546 Faith of Our Brothers
5547 Looking This Way
5548 O Father, by Whose Servants
5549 Author of Faith, Eternal Word
5550 Christ, in Highest Heaven Enthroned
5551 Far from My Thoughts
5552 God Is Gone Up on High
5553 Lamb of God, We Fall Before Thee
5554 O Christ, the Lord of Heaven, to Thee
5555 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus
5556 Afflictions Do Not Come Alone
5557 More Holiness Give Me
5558 Victim Divine, Thy Grace We Claim
5559 How Firm a Foundation
5560 Jesus, Blessed Jesus
5561 No, Not One!
5562 Dearest Jesu, We Are Here
5563 Hallelujah! Praise His Name
5564 Help Us, O Lord!
5565 In All My Troubles, Sharp and Long
5566 In Thee, O Spirit True and Tender
5567 Jesus, My All in All
5568 Jesus, O Precious Name
5569 The Power of God
5570 Saints in Glory, We Together
5571 The Very Same Jesus
5572 Yesterday, Today, Forever
5573 Brief Life Is Here Our Portion
5574 Praise to God Who Reigns Above
5575 Lord Jesus, We Give Thanks to Thee
5576 Blood of His Covenant
5577 Faith in the Blood
5578 Now May He Who from the Dead
5579 Dear Lord and Master Mine
5580 Count It Joy
5581 Never Give Up
5582 What Would Jesus Do? (Smith)
5583 The Lights of Home
5584 Dear Father-Mother
5585 Mysterious Presence, Source of All
5586 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
5587 Praise the Giver of All
5588 Thine Are All the Gifts, O God
5589 Everyone Should Be Quick to Listen
5590 Heir of the Kingdom
5591 Part in Peace: Is Day Before Us?
5592 Christian, Rise and Act Thy Creed
5593 Dismiss Me Not Thy Service, Lord
5594 He Giveth More Grace
5595 Father, Most High, Be with Us
5596 Advent Tells Us, Christ Is Near
5597 Dearest Jesus, Draw Thou Near Me
5598 Nearer, Still Nearer
5599 God Holds the Future in His Hands
5600 I Know Not What the Future Hath
5601 Tomorrow, Lord, Is Thine
5602 The Morning Draweth Nigh
5603 Waiting for Thy Coming
5604 A Blessing in Prayer
5605 My Mother’s Prayer
5606 My Mother’s Prayer
5607 Seeking the Lost (Buchanan)
5608 The Bells of Hope
5609 Father of Jesus Christ, My Lord
5610 Home at Last (Cushing)
5611 Kept for Jesus
5612 Joy Unspeakable
5613 O Savior, Precious Savior
5614 All Hail to Thee, O Blessed Morn!
5615 Hasten the Time Appointed
5616 The Blood of Christ, Thy Spotless Lamb
5617 Covered by the Blood
5618 Enslaved by Sin and Bound in Chains
5619 Nor Silver Nor Gold
5620 Glory Be to Jesus
5621 Washed in the Blood of My Redeemer
5622 As Shadows Cast by Cloud and Sun
5623 See, Another Year Is Gone
5624 Oh, Wonderful Word!
5625 I Find Thee So Precious
5626 Never Forget
5627 O Happy Band of Pilgrims
5628 O Blessed Son of God
5629 Dear Jesus, in Whose Life I See
5630 Footprints of Jesus
5631 Jesus, I Live to Thee
5632 More Like Jesus Would I Be
5633 O Mean May Seem This House of Clay
5634 O Thou Whose Feet Have Climbed Life’s Hill
5635 Stepping in the Light
5636 When Jesus Dwelt in Mortal Clay
5637 Ye Fair Green Hills of Galilee
5638 I Remember When My Burdens Rolled Away
5639 Precious Hiding Place
5640 Enthroned Is Jesus Now
5641 O Thou Who Through This Holy Week
5642 Do Not Be Surprised
5643 Happy the Souls to Jesus Joined
5644 In Thy Holy Keeping
5645 By the Way of Redeeming Love
5646 Dost Thou Truly Seek Renown?
5647 Is It the Crowning Day?
5648 O the Crown
5649 Sometime!
5650 Will There Be Any Stars?
5651 Clothe Yourself with Humility
5652 All Alone
5653 Dear Shepherd of Thy People, Hear
5654 Does Jesus Care?
5655 For All Thy Care We Bless Thee
5656 Go Tell Your Story to Jesus
5657 God, Who Made the Earth
5658 He Cares for Me
5659 He Careth for Me
5660 How Gentle God’s Commands
5661 How Strong and Sweet My Father’s Care
5662 I Left It All with Jesus
5663 I Must Tell Jesus
5664 Jesus, Refuge of the Weary
5665 Leaving It All with Jesus
5666 The Lord Will Provide
5667 No One Loves You So
5668 O Lord! How Happy Should We Be
5669 Somebody Cares
5670 I Walk in Danger All the Way
5671 My Soul, Be on Thy Guard
5672 Members of Christ Are We
5673 Soldiers Who to Christ Belong
5674 No King but Christ
5675 Singing for Jesus, Our Savior and King
5676 At Length There Dawns the Glorious Day
5677 A Brighter Dawn Is Breaking
5678 The Dawn Is Sprinkling in the East
5679 Eternal Glory of the Sky
5680 The Gloomy Night Will Soon Be Past
5681 Sovereign of Worlds! Display Thy Power
5682 We Hail the Rising Day Star
5683 We Have a Sure Prophetic Word
5684 How Hurtful Was the Choice of Lot
5685 Jesus, Grant That Balm and Healing
5686 Help, Lord, for Men of Virtue Fail
5687 Not So in Haste, My Heart
5688 He Was Not Willing
5689 Impatient Heart, Be Still
5690 That Day of Wrath
5691 Stand the Omnipotent Decree
5692 Meet Me in the Homeland
5693 All Glory to Jesus
5694 Glory to Jesus
5695 O Jesus, Lord and Savior
5696 How Can We Sinners Know
5697 Father of Light, We Sing in Thy Praise
5698 Father of Lights
5699 Heavenly Sunlight
5700 Holy Spirit, Lord of Light
5701 Light of Light, Enlighten Me
5702 O God of Light
5703 O Light That Knew No Dawn
5704 O Unity of Threefold Light
5705 The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power
5706 Cleansed in Our Savior’s Precious Blood
5707 Deeper Yet
5708 The Half Has Never Been Told
5709 He Saves Me Through and Through
5710 He Who Once in Righteous Vengeance
5711 His Blood Has Made Me Whole
5712 It Cleanseth Me
5713 It Is the Blood that Washes White
5714 O That My Load of Sin Were Gone!
5715 Saved by the Blood (Crosby)
5716 Under the Blood (Guirey)
5717 Under the Blood (Hewitt)
5718 Walk in the Light
5719 Walking in the Good Old Way
5720 Yes, I Know!
5721 Father, Whose Love We Have Wronged by Transgression
5722 He Whose Confession God of Old Accepted
5723 No, Not Despairingly
5724 O God, to Know That Thou Art Just
5725 Come, Let Us Lift Our Joyful Eyes
5726 A Dread Hath Come on Me
5727 The Everlasting Song
5728 Jesus, My Advocate Above
5729 O Thou, the Contrite Sinner’s Friend
5730 When at Thy Footstool, Lord, I Bend
5731 Who Keepeth Not God’s Word
5732 The Morning Light Is Breaking
5733 O Christ, Our True and Only Light
5734 What Is the World to Me?
5735 Going On
5736 Hallelujah, ’Tis Done!
5737 What God Hath Promised
5738 When Rising from the Bed of Death
5739 Behold the Amazing Gift of Love
5740 Behold, What Love!
5741 Behold What Wondrous Grace
5742 Behold, What Wondrous Love and Grace
5743 Blessed Are the Sons of God
5744 Children of the Heavenly Father
5745 Come, Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love
5746 Father, Loving Father
5747 I Belong to the King
5748 It’s Just Like His Great Love
5749 O Father, We Would Thank Thee
5750 Our Father’s Love
5751 Wonderful Message
5752 Wonderful Story of Love
5753 Advent Glory
5754 And Is It So?
5755 Beloved, Now Are We
5756 O I Want to See Him
5757 We Shall Be Like Him
5758 Be True and List
5759 O Perfect Life of Love
5760 He Prayeth Best Who Lovest Best
5761 Abide in Me, O Lord
5762 A Home in My Heart for Jesus
5763 Live Out Thy Life Within Me
5764 Pentecost in My Soul
5765 Christians, Sing Out with Exultation
5766 Amid the Splendors of Thy State
5767 God Is Love!
5768 Holy Jesus! God of Love!
5769 Love Is the Theme
5770 Dear Christian People All, Rejoice
5771 Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice
5772 Come, Ye That Know and Fear the Lord
5773 God is Goodness, God Is Love
5774 God Is Love
5775 God Is Love, by Him Upholden
5776 God Is Love; His Mercy Brightens
5777 Love Came Down at Christmas
5778 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
5779 O Love Divine and Golden
5780 O Thou Who Gavest Power to Love
5781 See, Sinners, in the Gospel Glass
5782 Thou, Lord, Art Love, and Everywhere
5783 Through Love to Light
5784 O Love That Casts Out Fear
5785 The Valley of Blessing
5786 Gone from My Heart
5787 How Can I Help but Love Him?
5788 I Love Him Because He First Loved Me
5789 I Love Thee
5790 I Sought the Lord
5791 I Will Love Jesus
5792 I Will Sing of Jesus’ Love
5793 My Jesus, I Love Thee
5794 Never Will I Cease to Love Him
5795 O How I Love Jesus
5796 Savior, Teach Me Day by Day
5797 When the Lord of Love Was Here
5798 Firmly I Believe and Truly
5799 The Eternal Gifts of Christ the King
5800 Faith Brings the Victory
5801 Faith Is the Victory
5802 I’ll Overcome Some Day
5803 This Is the Victory
5804 Victory
5805 Victory in My Soul
5806 I Worship Thee, O Holy Ghost
5807 Jesus, My Strength, My Hope
5808 O Lord, Our Strength in Weakness
5809 We All Believe in One True God
5810 To Love Someone More Dearly
5811 Who Will Open Mercy’s Door?
5812 Just a Little Help from You
5813 Rescue the Perishing
5814 Won’t Somebody Tell Them?
5815 To God the Only Wise
5816 Come, Divine Interpreter
5817 Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder
5818 Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor
5819 Now to the Lord, Who Makes Us Know
5820 Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending
5821 Alpha, Omega
5822 Bring, O Morn, Thy Music
5823 An Exile for the Faith
5824 Always and Ever
5825 Like the Sound of Many Waters
5826 Alive Again
5827 God Holds the Key
5828 Hail to the Prince of Life and Peace
5829 Jesus Lives!
5831 Mighty Army of the Young
5832 We Sing His Love, Who Once Was Slain
5833 Welcome, Happy Morning!
5834 Help Us to Labor On
5835 The Unclouded Day
5836 Drifting Away from God (Simpkins)
5837 Come and Hear the Words of Jesus
5838 O Paradise!
5839 The Eden Above
5840 Be Firm and Be Faithful
5841 Fear Not, O Little Flock
5842 From the Cross to the Crown
5843 I Will Trade the Old Cross for a Crown
5844 Laurels, Fresh Laurels
5845 Let Our Choir New Anthems Raise
5846 O Brother, Be Faithful
5847 Thou Who Thyself Didst Sanctify
5848 Wear a Crown
5849 When the Saints Are Marching In
5850 Ye Servants of Our Glorious King
5851 A New Name in Glory
5852 O for a Heart to Praise My God
5853 Hold Fast
5854 Hold Fast Till I Come
5855 Hold the Fort
5856 O for a Closer Walk with God
5857 Farewell I Gladly Bid Thee
5858 Today Thy Mercy Calls Me
5859 Hour by Hour
5860 In the Hour of Trial
5861 He Cometh!
5862 He Cometh, Father, as He Came of Old
5863 Let Someone Else
5864 Onward, Upward
5865 King of the City Splendid
5866 O What Their Joy and Their Glory Must Be
5867 Behold, a Stranger at the Door
5868 Behold Me Standing at the Door
5869 Come in, O Blessed One
5870 Come In, O Come!
5871 Come, Let Us Who in Christ Believe
5872 Father, Thou Art Calling
5873 God Calling Yet
5874 Have You Any Room for Jesus?
5875 If Any Man Hear
5876 Knocking, Knocking, Who Is There?
5877 Let Him Come In (Ray)
5878 Let Him In
5879 Let Jesus Come into Your Heart
5880 The Master’s Call
5881 O Jesus, Thou Art Standing
5882 Only a Step
5883 Room for Jesus
5884 Seeking, Calling, Knocking
5885 Shall I Be Saved Tonight?
5886 Since Jesus Came into My Heart
5887 The Slighted Stranger
5888 Somebody’s Knocking at Your Door
5889 Who at My Door Is Standing?
5890 Ruler of the Hosts of Light
5891 Soldiers, Who Are Christ’s Below
5892 They That Overcome
5893 Lord of All Being
5894 That Beautiful Land
5895 Beautiful Eden Bells
5896 By the Sea of Crystal
5897 O Beautiful Sea
5898 Holy, Holy, Holy Is the Lord
5900 Never Further Than Thy Cross
5901 Savior and Regenerator
5902 Holy Savior, We Adore Thee
5903 O God, Creation’s Secret Force
5904 The Lion of Judah
5905 Golden Harps Are Sounding
5906 The New Song (Pierson)
5907 All Mortal Vanities, Begone
5908 Lord, I Am Thine, Entirely Thine
5909 The New Song (Best)
5910 Redeemed, and with the Price of Blood
5911 There’s a Chorus Ever Ringing
5912 Worthy the Lamb
5913 Chorus of Fire
5914 Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs
5915 The Everlasting Hymn
5916 Hark, Ten Thousand Harps and Voices
5917 Hark! Ten Thousand Voices
5918 Hark! The Notes of Angels Singing
5919 Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing
5920 How Shall I Sing that Majesty
5921 I Heard a Sound of Voices
5922 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
5923 O That I Had a Thousand Voices
5924 O Ye Immortal Throng
5925 Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand
5926 A Thousand Oracles Divine
5927 What Heavenly Music
5928 Ye Holy Angels Bright
5929 Come, Let Us Sing the Song of Songs
5930 Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Anthem
5931 From Highest Heav’n the Eternal Son
5932 Glory to God on High
5933 He Is Coming
5934 Sing We the Song
5935 What Are These in Bright Array?
5936 What Equal Honors Shall We Bring
5937 Worthy Is the Lamb!
5938 The Countless Multitudes on High
5939 O for a Sweet, Inspiring Ray